- Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications.
- What makes it stand out from the crowd is its beautiful and highly expressive specification language.
- Thanks to its JUnit runner, Spock is compatible with most IDEs, build tools, and continuous integration servers.
- Intro : 使用Spock框架进行单元测试 : http://blog.2baxb.me/archives/1398
- Home Page : http://spockframework.org/
- GitHub : https://github.com/spockframework/spock
- Docs Index : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/index.html
- Single Page Docs ( all in one ) : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/all_in_one.html
- Primer ( quickstart ) : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/spock_primer.html
- Data Driven Testing : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/data_driven_testing.html
- Interaction Based Testing : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/interaction_based_testing.html
- Extensions : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/extensions.html
- Testing with spock : http://groovy-lang.org/testing.html#_testing_with_spock
Mockito ( deprecated! )
- Brief Intro
- Tasty mocking framework for unit tests in Java
- Reasons for Deprecation
- Spock is powerful enough.
- It is too complicated to use Mockito when your code is complicated.
- References
- Home Page : https://site.mockito.org/
- How-to : https://site.mockito.org/#how
- Related Tool
- TestMe - Plugin of IntelliJ IDEA : https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9471-testme
- Syntax : http://groovy-lang.org/syntax.html
- Operator : http://groovy-lang.org/operators.html
- Control Structure : http://groovy-lang.org/structure.html
- Closures : http://groovy-lang.org/closures.html
- Primer : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/spock_primer.html
- Data Driven Testing : http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/data_driven_testing.html
Unit Test
- setup / prepare
- stimulus / run
- response / judge
- cleanup / tear down
- usually unnecessary in Java
- unless open files or connect to network
Blocks to Phases
is an alias of given
def 'SampleController.addJob()'() {
def id = '123:456'
def type = 'test_type'
def job = new Job(id, type)
def resp = controller.addJob(auth, id, type)
1 * sampleService.addJob(id, type) >> jobObj
resp == [result: result]
jobObj | result
job | true
null | false
when & then & expect
def 'unit test'() {
when: // stimulus
def resp = controller.doSomething()
then: // response
resp == [result: exceptedResult]
exceptedResult << [true, false]
when & then
blocks above is equal to expect
as follow.
def 'unit test'() {
controller.doSomething() == [result: exceptedResult]
exceptedResult << [true, false]
- Usually use with Data Tables or Data Pipes.
- Simplify duplicated code.
Spock Framework Enhancements
- IntelliJ IDEA ( IDE ) 插件
- https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7114-spock-framework-enhancements
public class SampleController {
private SampleService sampleService;
@RequestMapping(value = "/job/add.json", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Map<String, Object> addJob(Auth auth,
@RequestParam(name = "id") String id,
@RequestParam(name = "type") String type
) {
Job job = sampleService.addJob(id, type);
return ImmutableMap.of(WebConstant.RESPONSE_RESULT, job != null);
@RequestMapping(value = "/job/do.json", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Map<String, Object> doJob(Auth auth,
@RequestParam(name = "id") String id,
@RequestParam(name = "type") String type
) {
Job job = Job.build(id, type);
boolean result = sampleService.processJob(job);
return ImmutableMap.of(WebConstant.RESPONSE_RESULT, result);
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class SampleControllerTest extends Specification {
static id = '123:456'
static type = 'test_type'
static job = new Job(id, type)
// static 变量才能在 Data Tables(见后文)中直接使用
// 被 mock 的对象
def auth = Mock(Auth)
def sampleService = Mock(SampleService)
// 将依赖注入到要测试的 Controller 中,这里注入的是 jobService(构造器注入)
def controller = new SampleController(sampleService: sampleService)
// @Unroll 参考 http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/all_in_one.html#_reporting_of_failures
def 'SampleController.addJob()'() {
def resp = controller.addJob(auth, id, type)
1 * sampleService.addJob(id, type) >> jobObj
// `1 *` 表示 sampleService.addJob() 只被调用一次
// 参考 http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/all_in_one.html#_cardinality
// `>> jobObj` 表示 sampleService.addJob() 被调用时,返回 jobObj
// 参考 http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/all_in_one.html#_stubbing
resp == [result: exceptedResult]
// 判断结果是否符合要求
jobObj | exceptedResult
job | true
null | false
// Data Tables 参考 http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/all_in_one.html#data-tables
def 'SampleController.doJob()'() {
def resp = controller.doJob(auth, id, type)
1 * sampleService.processJob(job) >> result
resp == [result: result]
result << [true, false]
// `<< […]` 参考 http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/interaction_based_testing.html
- Omit part of code
public class SampleServiceImpl implements SampleService {
private static final String REDIS_JOB_TYPE_PREFIX = "JOB_TYPE_";
private JobQueue jobQueue;
private JedisClient jedisClient;
private AnotherService anotherService;
private Configer configer;
private Executer executer;
public Job addJob(String id, String type) {
Job job = Job.build(id, type);
boolean result = jobQueue.enqueueJob(job);
return result ? job : null;
public boolean processJob(Job job) {
String typeName = job.getJobType();
String typeJsonStr = jedisClient.get(REDIS_JOB_TYPE_PREFIX + typeName);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(typeJsonStr)) {
throw new SomeException(SomeError.ERROR_DATA_FORMAT, "type cannot be found");
JobType type = null;
try {
type = JsonUtil.parseObject(typeJsonStr, JobType.class);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SomeException(SomeError.ERROR_INTERNAL, e);
Params params = anotherService.getParams(Arrays.asList(id));
Map<String, Object> config = getConfig(params);
String jobResult = executer.execute(params, config);
return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jobResult);
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class SampleServiceImplTest extends Specification {
static id = '110:666'
static type = 'type'
static job = new Job(id, type)
def params = new Params(
id: "666",
type: 0,
extension: "{}"
def jobQueue = Mock(JobQueue)
def jedisClient = Mock(JedisClient)
def anotherService = Mock(AnotherService)
def configer = Mock(Configer)
def executer = Mock(Executer)
def SampleService = new SampleServiceImpl(
jobQueue: jobQueue,
jedisClient: jedisClient,
anotherService: anotherService,
configer: configer,
executer: executer)
def 'SampleService.addJob()'() {
def resp = SampleService.addJob(id, type)
1 * jobQueue.enqueueJob(_) >> result
// `(_)` 参考 http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/all_in_one.html#_argument_constraints
resp == exceptedResp
result || exceptedResp
true || job
false || null
def 'SampleService.processJob() succeed'() {
def typeJson = new JsonBuilder([
type: 'nothing',
commands: ['ls', 'touch foo.bar.txt']
extension: [is_icehe: '1'],
def jobJson = new JsonBuilder([data: [id: "not empty"]])
1 * jedisClient.get(_) >> typeJson
1 * anotherService.getParams(_) >> params
1 * configer.getConfig(_) >> [foo: 'bar']
1 * executer.execute(_, _, _) >> jobJson
SampleService.processJob(job) == true
def 'SampleService.processJob() throw exception'() {
1 * jedisClient.get(_) >> typeJsonStr
anotherService.getParams(_) >> params
configer.getConfig(_) >> [foo: 'bar']
// `thrown()` 参考 Exception Conditions 小节
// http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1/spock_primer.html
// 如果要判断抛出异常的详细信息,可以如下
// e = thrown(SomeException.class)
// e.cause == "expcetedCause"
typeJsonStr << ['', 'not json']
- See modules : https://github.com/spockframework/spock#modules
- Ad-Hoc Intermediate Releases : https://github.com/spockframework/spock#ad-hoc-intermediate-releases
- Building : https://github.com/spockframework/spock#building
- pom.xml ( for reference only )
<!-- use a specific Groovy version rather than the one specified by spock-core -->
<!-- Enables mocking of classes (in addition to interfaces) -->
<!-- Enables mocking of classes without default constructor (together with CGLIB) -->
IntelliJ IDEA
- https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/getting-started-with-groovy.html
- ( icehe : 要是 project 的
Add Framework Support
没有 Groovy 选项, 可以在各个 module 分别试试 )
- ( icehe : 要是 project 的