programmed dialogue with interactive programs
man expect
- expect 教程中文版
set timeout 180
# creates a new process running program args
spawn ssh [username]@[host_or_ip]
# waits until one of the patterns matches the output of a spawned process
expect {
"password:" {
# sends string to the current process
send "[password]\r"
# allows expect itself to continue executing rather than returning as it normally would
} "Enter:" {
# [interact according to output from remote server]
send "1\r"
} "server ip or domain name ( 'q' to exit ):" {
# [interact according to output from remote server]
send "[ip]\r"
# gives control of the current process to the user, so that keystrokes are sent to the current process, and the stdout and stderr of the current process are returned
# Testing
#set CTRLZ \032
#interact $CTRLZ {
#send "exit\r"
#expect "server ip or domain name ( 'q' to exit ):" {
#send "q\r"
#} "Enter:" {
#send "q\r"