You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 26
The first step to using the ISAcreator API is to either include the ISAcreator jar in your class path or to import ISAcreator as a dependency.
You should also include the ISA tools repository, which can be done through insertion of this fragment of XML.
###Creating ISA-Tab programmatically from ISAcreator
This code has been taken from one of our tests which you can see here.
public void createISATabProgrammatically() {
String baseDir = System.getProperty("basedir");
if ( baseDir == null )
baseDir = new File( "." ).getCanonicalPath();
}catch(IOException e){
ISAcreator isaCreator = new ISAcreator(Mode.NORMAL_MODE, null, baseDir + ISAcreator.CONFIG_DIR);
Investigation investigation = new Investigation("gis-investigation", "GIS investigation test");
investigation.addContact(new InvestigationContact("maguire", "eamonn", "J", "[email protected]", "", "", "", "Oxford University", ""));
investigation.addPublication(new InvestigationPublication("64654", "doi", "E. Maguire", "", ""));
investigation.addPublication(new InvestigationPublication("634654", "doi", "P Rocca-Serra", "Stupid paper", ""));
Study study = new Study("gis-1");
Assay studySample = new Assay("s_samples.txt", ConfigurationManager.selectTROForUserSelection(MappingObject.STUDY_SAMPLE));
new String[]{"Source Name", "Characteristics[organism]", "Protocol REF", "Sample Name"}),
new String[]{"source1", "homo sapiens", "sampling", "sample1"});
Assay testAssay = new Assay("assay_1.txt", "transcription profiling", "DNA microarray", "");
ISAFileOutput fileOutput = new OutputISAFiles();
fileOutput.saveISAFiles(true, investigation);
###Searching for publications from ISAcreator
Publication searching is provided by CiteXplore from the EBI. To call the publication searcher from ISAcreator, the following code will get you there.
public List<CiteExploreResult> searchForPublicationByTitle(SearchOption searchOption, String query) {
CiteExploreClient publicationSearcher = new CiteExploreClient();
try {
return publicationSearcher.searchForPublication(searchOption, query);
} catch (QueryException_Exception qex) {
System.out.printf("Caught QueryException_Exception: %s\n", qex.getFaultInfo().getMessage());
} catch (NoPublicationFoundException e) {
System.out.println("No publication found");
return new ArrayList<CiteExploreResult>();
Get all ontologies from BioPortal
public List<Ontology> getAllOntologies() {
BioPortalClient client = new BioPortalClient();
return client.getAllOntologies(true);
###Using the NCBO Annotator from ISAcreator
The following fragment of code will take a Set of Strings and find the ontology equivalents in BioPortal. The returned Map is a map from the free text term to it's equivalents.
public Map<String, Map<String, AnnotatorResult>> searchForMatches(Set<String> freeText) {
AnnotatorSearchClient sc = new AnnotatorSearchClient();
Map<String, Map<String, AnnotatorResult>> result = sc.searchForTerms(freeText, "", true);
int termsWithMatches = 0;
for (String key : result.keySet()) {
if(result.get(key).size() > 0) {
System.out.println(termsWithMatches+ "/" + freeText.size() + " terms have matches.");
return result;
Created by the ISA-tools team.