2.0.1 (2025-01-04)
- deps: update dependency tslib to v2.8.1 (779444b)
2.0.0 (2024-06-13)
- update starter template (e57dba3)
- moved fibonacci.ts to lib/ subdirectory (test coverage is calculated for the lib/ subdirectory)
- updated CI to Ubuntu 22 LTS and Node.js 20 LTS
- Updated all dependencies
- Update tsconfig.json to use @tsconfig/strictest and @tsconfig/node-lts
- Renamed src/index.ts to src/main.ts
- Use Top Level Await in main.ts
- Correctly configure semantic release for next, alpha and beta releases
- Replace yarn with pnpm 9
- replaced eslint and prettier with biome Use the pnpm check and pnpm check —write commands and install the Biome VSCode extension
- Minimum Node.js version set to 20
- Replace jest with vitest vitest is mostly compatible with jest API. You need to import test functions from vitest manually. There is a new pnpm test:ui command to visualize tests and their result.
- Removed dotenv dependency Node.js now supports .env files natively using the —env-file=.env flag.
- Moved from CJS to ESM
- renovate is now run against main instead of dev
Signed-off-by: Pascal Sthamer [email protected]
1.0.1 (2021-04-22)
- update package.json version with every release (a6ed2f4)
- update lockfile (c578607)