All the benchmark instances we generated for the paper experiments are also available at this GitHub repository.
All data involved in this work come from 8 benchmark data, including
- G&R (Galvão and ReVelle 1996, Galvão et al. 2000)
- Beasley (Beasley 1990)
- ZDS (Zarandi et al. 2011)
- PCB (Reinelt 1994),
- SJC (Lorena and Pereira 2002), a real-world benchmark data
- Máximo (Máximo et al. 2017)
- BDS (Cordeau et al. 2019), a massive benchmark data
- BDS1000, another BDS data extended in this research.
Each instance file contains information on nodes and is named with the data set and number of nodes, e.g., SJC708.txt. The first line of the instance file includes the basic information about the instances. The number of chosen facilities and service radius are not specified in the instance file but are defined as a part of the parameter arguments.