Arguments are required to run the program. Basically, the arguments consist of the instances and required parameters of the algorithm.
Method InstanceFolder InstanceName ResultFolder NumOfFacililty(p) Radius(r) CE-parameters(N ρ nLS α Cmax) RandomSeed
A configuration example:
CE Instances SJC708.txt Results 6 800 2000 0.05 20 0.8 50 0
- Method: Cross-entropy method (CE)
- InstanceFolder: folder name of the corresponding single instance
- InstanceName: SJC708.txt is the name of the chosen benchmark instance where SJC represents the data set, and 708 is the number of customers.
- ResultFolder : folder name of the results (Results)
$p$ : number of chosen facility -
$r$ : service radius, 800 -
$N$ : CE parameter, 2000 -
$\rho$ : CE parameter, 0.05 -
$nLS$ : CE parameter, 20 -
$\alpha$ : CE parameter, 0.8 -
$Cmax$ : CE parameter, 50 -
$Seed$ : the seed of randomness, 0
We note that the 'InstanceFolder' should be the address of the corresponding instance. Compilation with the example configuration has been successfully tested on a machine running Windows operating system.