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Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Hashcode v1.0

Version Status Date

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. System Overview
  3. Functional Requirements
  4. Use Cases
  5. Non-Functional Requirements
  6. System Constraints
  7. Appendix

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

Hashcode aims to revolutionize competitive programming by providing a robust, scalable, and user-friendly environment for programmers to enhance their algorithmic problem-solving skills. This document outlines the comprehensive requirements for building this platform.

1.2 Project Scope

The platform will serve as a complete ecosystem for:

  • Conducting real-time programming contests
  • Automated code evaluation
  • Performance tracking and ranking
  • Community interaction and learning
  • Contest management and administration

1.3 System Context

graph TB
    A[Users/Contestants] --> B[Platform Interface]
    B --> C[Contest System]
    B --> D[Judge System]
    B --> E[User Management]
    C --> F[Database]
    D --> F
    E --> F

2. System Overview

2.1 Core Components

graph LR
    A[Web Interface] --> B[Application Server]
    B --> C[Contest Engine]
    B --> D[Judge System]
    B --> E[Database]
    B --> F[Authentication]

2.2 Key Features

  1. Contest Management System

    • Real-time contest hosting
    • Multiple contest formats
    • Automated scheduling
    • Result compilation
    • Editorial management
  2. User Management System

    • Profile management
    • Rating system
    • Progress tracking
    • Achievement system
    • Social features
  3. Problem Management

    • Problem bank
    • Test case management
    • Difficulty classification
    • Topic categorization
    • Solution verification

3. Functional Requirements

3.1 User Authentication & Authorization

    User->>Frontend: Login Request
    Frontend->>Auth Service: Validate Credentials
    Auth Service->>Database: Verify User
    Database->>Auth Service: User Data
    Auth Service->>Frontend: Auth Token
    Frontend->>User: Access Granted

Detailed Requirements:

  1. Registration Process

    • Email verification required
    • Username must be unique
    • Password requirements:
      • Minimum 8 characters
      • At least 1 uppercase letter
      • At least 1 number
      • At least 1 special character
    • OAuth support for Google and GitHub
  2. Authentication Features

    • JWT-based authentication
    • Session management
    • Password reset functionality
    • 2FA support (optional)
    • Remember me functionality

3.2 Contest System

Contest States

    [*] --> Pending
    Pending --> Running: Start Time
    Running --> Ended: End Time
    Ended --> Closed: Results Published

Contest Requirements:

  1. Contest Creation

    • Title and description
    • Start and end time
    • Problem set selection
    • Scoring rules
    • Visibility settings (public/private)
  2. During Contest

    • Real-time scoreboard
    • Announcement system
    • Problem statement access
    • Code submission
    • Clarification requests
  3. Post Contest

    • Final rankings
    • Editorial access
    • Solution viewing
    • Rating updates
    • Certificate generation

3.3 Code Evaluation System

graph TD
    A[Submit Code] --> B{Language Check}
    B --> |Valid| C[Compile]
    B --> |Invalid| F[Error]
    C --> D[Run Tests]
    D --> E[Generate Result]

Evaluation Process:

  1. Submission Handling

    • Support for multiple languages
    • Code size limitations
    • Syntax verification
    • Plagiarism check
  2. Testing Process

    • Compile time limit: 10 seconds
    • Runtime limit: 2 seconds per test case
    • Memory limit: 256MB
    • Output size limit: 64MB

4. Use Cases

Use Case 1: Competitive Programmers

Use Case ID UC-01
Name User Registration
Actors User, System
Description A user registers an account by providing an email, username, and password.
Preconditions User has access to the registration page.
Postconditions User account is created and verification email is sent.
Main Flow 1. User navigates to registration page.
2. User fills in email, username, and password.
3. System validates inputs.
4. System creates user account.
5. System sends verification email.
Alternative Flows A1: Email already in use.
A2: Invalid input data.

Use Case 2: Administrators

Use Case ID UC-02
Name Contest Creation
Actors Administrator, System
Description An administrator creates a new contest by setting up its details and adding problems.
Preconditions Administrator is logged in and has access to the contest creation interface.
Postconditions New contest is created and available for users to join.
Main Flow 1. Administrator navigates to contest creation page.
2. Administrator enters contest details.
3. Administrator selects problems for the contest.
4. System validates and saves the contest details.
5. Contest is published and visible to users.
Alternative Flows A1: Invalid contest details.
A2: Problems not found.

Use Case 3: Developers

Use Case ID UC-03
Name Code Deployment
Actors Developer, System
Description A developer deploys new code updates to the platform.
Preconditions Developer has access to the code repository and deployment tools.
Postconditions New code is deployed and platform is updated.
Main Flow 1. Developer commits code changes to repository.
2. Developer initiates deployment process.
3. System builds and tests the new code.
4. System deploys the new code to production.
5. Platform is updated with new features or fixes.
Alternative Flows A1: Build fails.
A2: Tests fail.

Use Case 4: Sponsors and Organizations

Use Case ID UC-04
Name Sponsor Contest
Actors Sponsor, System
Description A sponsor sets up a sponsored contest with custom branding and settings.
Preconditions Sponsor is registered and logged in.
Postconditions Sponsored contest is created and promoted on the platform.
Main Flow 1. Sponsor navigates to contest sponsorship page.
2. Sponsor enters contest details and custom branding.
3. Sponsor sets contest rules and prizes.
4. System validates and saves the contest details.
5. Sponsored contest is published and promoted.
Alternative Flows A1: Invalid contest details.
A2: Branding assets not uploaded.

Use Case 5: Educational Institutions

Use Case ID UC-05
Name Bulk Student Registration
Actors Educator, System
Description An educator registers multiple students for a private contest.
Preconditions Educator is registered and logged in.
Postconditions Students are registered and added to the private contest.
Main Flow 1. Educator navigates to bulk registration page.
2. Educator uploads student details file.
3. System validates and registers students.
4. System adds students to the private contest.
5. Confirmation is sent to educator.
Alternative Flows A1: Invalid student details file.
A2: Students already registered.

Use Case 6: Mentors and Coaches

Use Case ID UC-06
Name Track Student Progress
Actors Mentor, System
Description A mentor tracks the progress of their students over time.
Preconditions Mentor is registered and logged in. Students are registered and assigned to the mentor.
Postconditions Mentor views detailed progress reports for students.
Main Flow 1. Mentor navigates to student progress page.
2. Mentor selects student or group of students.
3. System displays detailed progress reports.
4. Mentor reviews and provides feedback.
Alternative Flows A1: No student data available.
A2: Invalid student selection.

Use Case 7: System Administrators

Use Case ID UC-07
Name Monitor System Health
Actors System Administrator, System
Description A system administrator monitors the health and performance of the platform.
Preconditions System administrator has access to monitoring tools.
Postconditions System health and performance metrics are displayed.
Main Flow 1. System administrator navigates to monitoring dashboard.
2. System administrator views real-time metrics.
3. System administrator sets up alerts for potential issues.
4. System displays alerts and logs.
5. System administrator takes corrective actions if needed.
Alternative Flows A1: Monitoring tools unavailable.
A2: Invalid metrics display.

Use Case 8: Event Organizers

Use Case ID UC-08
Name Host Large-Scale Event
Actors Event Organizer, System
Description An event organizer hosts a large-scale competitive programming event.
Preconditions Event organizer is registered and logged in.
Postconditions Large-scale event is set up and managed on the platform.
Main Flow 1. Event organizer navigates to event setup page.
2. Event organizer enters event details and custom settings.
3. System validates and saves event details.
4. System scales resources for large event.
5. Event is hosted and monitored for performance.
Alternative Flows A1: Invalid event details.
A2: Resource scaling issues.

Use Case 9: Open Source Contributors

Use Case ID UC-09
Name Contribute to Codebase
Actors Contributor, System
Description An open source contributor submits code changes to the platform.
Preconditions Contributor has access to the code repository.
Postconditions Code changes are reviewed and merged into the main codebase.
Main Flow 1. Contributor forks the repository and makes code changes.
2. Contributor submits pull request.
3. System runs automated tests on pull request.
4. Maintainers review and approve pull request.
5. Code changes are merged into the main codebase.
Alternative Flows A1: Tests fail.
A2: Pull request rejected.

Use Case 10: General Public

Use Case ID UC-10
Name Access Learning Resources
Actors Casual User, System
Description A casual user accesses tutorials and learning resources on the platform.
Preconditions User has access to the platform.
Postconditions User views and utilizes learning resources.
Main Flow 1. User navigates to learning resources page.
2. User selects a tutorial or guide.
3. System displays the selected resource.
4. User follows the tutorial or guide.
Alternative Flows A1: Resource not found.
A2: Invalid resource selection.

5. Non-Functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

Metric Normal Load Peak Load
Page Load Time < 2 seconds < 4 seconds
API Response Time < 500ms < 1 second
Concurrent Users 5,000 10,000
Database Queries 1000/second 2000/second

5.2 Security Requirements

  1. Data Protection

    • HTTPS encryption
    • SQL injection prevention
    • XSS protection
    • CSRF protection
    • Rate limiting
  2. System Security

    • Regular security audits
    • Automated vulnerability scanning
    • Secure password storage (bcrypt)
    • Session management
    • Access control lists

5.3 Reliability Requirements

  1. Availability

    • 99.9% uptime guarantee
    • Automated backups
    • Disaster recovery plan
    • Failover mechanisms
  2. Error Handling

    • Graceful degradation
    • User-friendly error messages
    • Error logging and monitoring
    • Automated error reporting

5.4 Usability Requirements

  1. User Interface

    • Intuitive and user-friendly design
    • Consistent navigation and layout
    • Accessibility features (e.g., screen reader support)
  2. Documentation

    • Comprehensive user manuals
    • In-platform help and tooltips
    • Tutorial videos and guides

5.5 Scalability Requirements

  1. System Scalability

    • Support for increasing number of users and data
    • Horizontal and vertical scaling capabilities
  2. Performance Under Load

    • Load testing to ensure performance during peak times
    • Efficient resource management

6. System Constraints

6.1 Technical Constraints

  1. Infrastructure

    • Cloud-based deployment (AWS/GCP)
    • Container orchestration (Kubernetes)
    • CI/CD pipeline requirements
    • Monitoring systems
  2. Development

    • Backend: Node.js/Express
    • Frontend: React.js
    • Database: PostgreSQL
    • Cache: Redis
    • Message Queue: RabbitMQ

6.2 Business Constraints

  1. Timeline

    • MVP: 4 months
    • Beta testing: 2 months
    • Full release: 6 months
  2. Resource Constraints

    • Development team: 6 members
    • Infrastructure budget: $X/month
    • Third-party service limitations

7. Appendix

7.1 Terminology

Term Definition
Contest Time-bound programming competition
Submission Solution submitted by a user
Verdict Result of code evaluation
Rating User's performance metric
Editorial Official solution explanation

7.2 References

  1. IEEE 830-1998 SRS Guidelines
  2. SWEBOK v4.0 Requirements Analysis
  3. ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2018
  4. Codeforces Platform
  5. ICPC Competition Rules

Documented by Team InnovateCS
IIIT Lucknow - Software Engineering Project 2024