This document outlines the user journey and associated error flows for the Hashcode competitive programming platform. It includes processes for user authentication, contest participation, code submission, and reward distribution, ensuring clarity in user interactions and system behaviors.
The authentication process ensures secure access for users.
- User Action:
- The user attempts to log in using their credentials.
- System Validation:
- The Authentication Service verifies the credentials.
Successful Authentication:
- Generates a session token and redirects the user to the dashboard.
- Example: A user logs in successfully and accesses their account.
Authentication Failure:
- Displays an error message with a maximum of 3 login attempts allowed.
- Example: Incorrect password entered three times; user account locked.
Users can browse and join contests based on eligibility and payment.
- User Action:
- Browses the list of available contests.
- Eligibility Check:
- Contest Management validates the user's rating and other criteria.
- Payment Integration:
- Eligible users are prompted to pay the entry fee.
Successful Participation:
- Payment is confirmed, and contest details are sent to the user.
- Example: User pays the fee and receives the contest start time and rules.
Payment Failure:
- Displays a payment error due to insufficient funds or technical issues.
- Example: User's card transaction fails; they must retry.
Eligibility Error:
- Shows an error if the user's skill level does not match the contest.
- Example: A beginner tries to join an advanced-level contest.
The core feature of the platform is evaluating user-submitted solutions.
- User Action:
- Submits a solution for a contest problem.
- System Validation:
- The Code Evaluation Engine checks for compilation errors.
- Sandbox Execution:
- Executes the code in a secure, isolated environment.
- Plagiarism Detection:
- Ensures submission originality.
Successful Execution:
- The solution passes and is recorded as a valid submission.
- Example: User's solution produces correct results for all test cases.
Compilation Error:
- Displays syntax or structural issues in the user's code.
- Example: A missing semicolon in C++ prevents compilation.
Runtime Error:
- Indicates performance or logic issues during execution.
- Example: Infinite loop causing timeout.
Plagiarism Detected:
- Disqualifies the submission due to integrity violations.
- Example: Identical code found between multiple submissions.
Rewards are calculated and distributed based on performance.
- Performance Evaluation:
- Reward Distribution evaluates contest results.
- Prize Calculation:
- Determines the prize pool and distributes rewards.
Successful Reward Distribution:
- Credits the user's wallet and sends a notification.
- Example: User wins first place and receives prize money.
Disputed Results:
- Requires manual review of the submission.
- Example: Suspicion of unfair play prompts investigation.
Below is the PlantUML code representing the flow:
@startuml HashcodeUserFlow
!theme blueprint
skinparam linetype ortho
skinparam backgroundColor #F5F5F5
skinparam roundcorner 10
skinparam maxmessagesize 80
title Hashcode Platform - User Journey and Error Flows
actor User #AliceBlue
participant "Authentication Service" as Auth #LightBlue
participant "User Dashboard" as Dashboard #LightGreen
participant "Contest Management" as Contest #LightYellow
participant "Code Evaluation Engine" as CodeEngine #LightPink
participant "Payment Gateway" as Payment #LightSalmon
participant "Reward Distribution" as Rewards #LightCyan
header **Hashcode Platform Flow Diagram**
== User Authentication ==
User -> Auth: Attempt Login
activate Auth
alt Successful Authentication
Auth --> User: Generate Session Token
Auth -> Dashboard: Redirect to User Dashboard
note right: Login Success, Session Token Active
else Authentication Failure
Auth -> User: Show Error Message
note right: Max 3 login attempts
deactivate Auth
== Contest Participation ==
User -> Contest: Browse Available Contests
activate Contest
alt Contest Eligibility Check
Contest -> User: Validate User Rating
alt User Meets Criteria
Contest -> Payment: Initiate Contest Entry
activate Payment
alt Payment Successful
Payment -> Contest: Confirm Entry
Contest -> User: Send Contest Details
else Payment Failed
Payment -> User: Show Payment Error
note right: Insufficient funds or transaction issue
deactivate Payment
else Rating Mismatch
Contest -> User: Show Eligibility Error
note right: Skill level not matching contest
deactivate Contest
== Code Submission ==
User -> CodeEngine: Submit Solution
activate CodeEngine
alt Code Validation
CodeEngine -> CodeEngine: Compile Check
alt Compilation Successful
CodeEngine -> CodeEngine: Run Sandbox Execution
alt Execution Passed
CodeEngine -> CodeEngine: Plagiarism Check
alt Original Solution
CodeEngine -> Contest: Record Submission
Contest -> Rewards: Track Performance
else Plagiarism Detected
CodeEngine -> User: Disqualify Submission
note right: Integrity violation
else Execution Failed
CodeEngine -> User: Show Runtime Error
note right: Performance or logic issues
else Compilation Error
CodeEngine -> User: Show Compilation Errors
note right: Syntax or structural problems
deactivate CodeEngine
== Reward Distribution ==
Rewards -> Contest: Evaluate Performance
activate Rewards
alt Reward Calculation
Rewards -> Rewards: Calculate Prize Pool
alt Valid Submission
Rewards -> Payment: Credit Wallet
Payment -> User: Notify Earnings
else Disputed Results
Rewards -> Contest: Review Submission
note right: Manual intervention required
deactivate Rewards
footer Generated on %date("yyyy-MM-dd")
This document provides a detailed view of the user journey and error flows for the Hashcode platform. It ensures a comprehensive understanding of platform functionalities and edge cases, facilitating better development and user experience.