Test ID | TC-REG-001 |
Description | Verify that a user can successfully register with valid information. |
Precondition | User is on the registration page. |
Steps | 1. The user enters valid information (name, email, password). 2. The user submits the registration form. |
Expected Result | The user should be successfully registered. The user should be redirected to the login/home/profile/redirectedTo page. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const registrationPage = require('../pages/registrationPage');
describe('User Registration', function() {
it('should register user successfully', function() {
registrationPage.fillRegistrationForm('John Doe', '[email protected]', 'password123');
expect(registrationPage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Registration successful');
Test ID | TC-LOG-001 |
Description | Verify that a user can successfully log in with valid credentials. |
Precondition | User is on the login page. |
Steps | 1. The user enters valid credentials (email, password). 2. The user submits the login form. |
Expected Result | The user should be successfully logged in. The user should be redirected to the dashboard. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const loginPage = require('../pages/loginPage');
describe('User Login', function() {
it('should login user successfully', function() {
loginPage.enterCredentials('[email protected]', 'password123');
expect(loginPage.getWelcomeMessage()).to.include('Welcome, John Doe');
Test ID | TC-RB-001 |
Description | Verify that the user can successfully book a ride. |
Precondition | User is logged in and on the ride booking page. |
Steps | 1. The user enters valid pickup and drop-off locations. 2. The user selects a payment method. 3. The user submits the booking. |
Expected Result | The ride should be successfully booked. The user should receive a confirmation message. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const ridePage = require('../pages/ridePage');
describe('Ride Booking', function() {
it('should book a ride successfully', function() {
ridePage.enterLocations('123 Main St', '456 Elm St');
ridePage.selectPaymentMethod('Credit Card');
expect(ridePage.getConfirmationMessage()).to.equal('Ride booked successfully');
Test ID | TC-DR-001 |
Description | Verify that the driver accepts a ride request successfully. |
Precondition | Driver is logged in. There is a ride request available. |
Steps | 1. The driver accepts the ride request. |
Expected Result | The ride status should be updated to "Accepted". The user should receive a notification. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const driverPage = require('../pages/driverPage');
const userNotification = require('../pages/userNotification');
describe('Driver Acceptance of Ride', function() {
it('should update ride status and notify user', function() {
expect(userNotification.getNotification()).to.equal('Your ride has been accepted');
Test ID | TC-PP-001 |
Description | Verify that the user can successfully complete payment for a ride. |
Precondition | User has a ride booked. |
Steps | 1. The user selects a payment method and enters payment details. 2. The user submits the payment. |
Expected Result | The payment should be processed successfully. The user should receive a payment confirmation. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const paymentPage = require('../pages/paymentPage');
describe('Payment Processing', function() {
it('should process payment successfully', function() {
paymentPage.enterPaymentDetails('1234 5678 9012 3456', '12/25', '123');
expect(paymentPage.getPaymentConfirmation()).to.equal('Payment successful');
expect(browser.getUrl()).to.include('/payment-confirmation') ;
Test ID | TC-RSU-001 |
Description | Verify that the user can view the current status of their ride. |
Precondition | User has a ride booked. |
Steps | 1. The user navigates to the ride status page. 2. The user checks the current status of the ride. |
Expected Result | The user should see the current status of their ride (e.g., "Ride is on the way"). |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const rideStatusPage = require('../pages/rideStatusPage');
describe('Ride Status Update', function() {
it('should show the correct ride status', function() {
expect(rideStatusPage.getStatus()).to.equal('Ride is on the way');
Test ID | TC-UPM-001 |
Description | Verify that the user can successfully update their profile. |
Precondition | User is logged in. |
Steps | 1. The user navigates to the profile page. 2. The user updates their profile information (name, email). 3. The user saves the changes. |
Expected Result | The profile should be updated successfully. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const profilePage = require('../pages/profilePage');
describe('User Profile Management', function() {
it('should update user profile successfully', function() {
profilePage.updateProfile('John Updated', '[email protected]');
expect(profilePage.getSuccessMessage()).to.equal('Profile updated successfully');
Test ID | TC-RC-001 |
Description | Verify that the driver completes the ride and the user is billed. |
Precondition | The driver has completed the ride. |
Steps | 1. The driver ends the ride. |
Expected Result | The user should be billed for the ride. The user should receive a payment receipt. |
Status | Pending/Pass/Fail |
const chai = require('chai');
const expect = chai.expect;
const driverPage = require('../pages/driverPage');
const paymentPage = require('../pages/paymentPage');
describe('Ride Completion', function() {
it('should complete the ride and bill the user', function() {
expect(paymentPage.getReceipt()).to.include('Payment successfully processed');