left to right direction
skinparam packageStyle rectangle
actor Shopper as S
actor Vendor as V
actor Admin as A
package "Mynthra 2.0" {
usecase "Browse Products" as UC1
usecase "Search Products" as UC2
usecase "View Product Details" as UC3
usecase "Add to Cart" as UC4
usecase "Checkout" as UC5
usecase "Make Payment" as UC6
usecase "Track Order" as UC7
usecase "Provide Ratings & Reviews" as UC8
usecase "Register or Login" as UC9
usecase "Manage Account" as UC10
usecase "Manage Product Listings" as UC11
usecase "Manage Orders" as UC12
usecase "Vendor Account Management" as UC16
usecase "Manage Users" as UC13
usecase "Manage Vendor" as UC14
usecase "Manage Orders (Admin)" as UC15
usecase "Notifications" as UC19
S --> UC9 : "Create or log in to account"
S --> UC1 : "Browse categories"
S --> UC2 : "Search for specific products"
UC1 --> UC3 : "Select a product"
UC2 --> UC3 : "View details of search results"
S --> UC4 : "Add selected products to cart"
S --> UC5 : "Review and confirm order"
UC5 --> UC6 : "Complete payment"
S --> UC7 : "Track order status"
S --> UC8 : "Rate and review product after delivery"
S --> UC10 : "Update profile, address, payment info"
V --> UC9 : "Register or log in as a vendor"
V --> UC11 : "Add, edit, or remove product listings"
V --> UC12 : "View and manage orders for products"
V --> UC16 : "Manage vendor account settings"
A --> UC13 : "Manage platform users"
A --> UC14 : "Oversee and manage vendors"
A --> UC15 : "Monitor and manage all orders"
A --> UC19 : "Send notifications to users"