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354 lines (290 loc) · 11.2 KB

System Context Diagram Code


title System Context Diagram - Mynthra 2.0

Person(shopper, "Shopper", "Browses products, places orders, tracks deliveries")
Person(vendor, "Vendor", "Manages product catalog, processes orders")
Person(admin, "Admin", "Manages platform, oversees activities")
System(mynthraPlatform, "Mynthra 2.0 Platform", "E-commerce platform for browsing, purchasing, and delivery management")

System_Ext(paymentGateway, "Payment Gateway", "Handles secure payment transactions")
System_Ext(logisticsAPI, "Logistics API", "Handles shipment and delivery tracking, including shipper management")
System_Ext(smsEmailAPI, "SMS/Email Service", "Sends notifications to users")
System_Ext(inventorySystem, "Inventory Management System", "Manages product stock levels")
System_Ext(analyticsService, "Analytics Service", "Tracks user activity and performance")

Rel(shopper, mynthraPlatform, "Uses", "HTTPS")
Rel(vendor, mynthraPlatform, "Manages catalog and orders", "HTTPS")
Rel(admin, mynthraPlatform, "Manages platform", "HTTPS")

Rel(mynthraPlatform, paymentGateway, "Processes payments", "API")
Rel(mynthraPlatform, logisticsAPI, "Tracks delivery", "API")
Rel(mynthraPlatform, smsEmailAPI, "Sends notifications", "API")
Rel(mynthraPlatform, inventorySystem, "Manages product stock", "API")
Rel(mynthraPlatform, analyticsService, "Tracks usage", "API")

Container Diagram Code


title Container Diagram - Mynthra 2.0

Person(shopper, "Shopper", "Browses and purchases products")
Person(vendor, "Vendor", "Manages product listings and orders")
Person(admin, "Admin", "Manages the platform")

System_Boundary(mynthra, "Mynthra 2.0") {
    Container(web, "Web Application", "React", "Browser-based interface")
    Container(mobile, "Mobile App", "React Native", "Mobile interface")
    Container(api, "API Gateway", "Node.js", "API routing layer")
    Container(product, "Product Service", "Node.js", "Product catalog and management")
    Container(user, "User Service", "Node.js", "User management")
    Container(cart, "Cart Service", "Node.js", "Shopping cart management")
    Container(order, "Order Service", "Node.js", "Order management")
    Container(payment, "Payment Service", "Node.js", "Payment processing")
    Container(notification, "Notification Service", "Node.js", "Push notifications")
    Container(rating, "Rating and Review Service", "Node.js", "Product and vendor reviews")
    Container(shipping, "Shipping Service", "Node.js", "Order delivery and tracking")
    ContainerDb(productdb, "Product DB", "MongoDB", "Product data")
    ContainerDb(userdb, "User DB", "PostgreSQL", "User data")
    ContainerDb(orderdb, "Order DB", "PostgreSQL", "Order data")
    ContainerDb(cartdb, "Cart DB", "MongoDB", "Cart data")
    ContainerDb(cache, "Cache", "Redis", "Data caching")
    ContainerDb(queue, "Message Queue", "RabbitMQ", "Event processing")

System_Ext(payment_gateway, "Payment Gateway", "Payment processing")
System_Ext(logistics_api, "Logistics API", "Shipping services and order tracking")
System_Ext(sms_email, "SMS/Email Notifications", "Order confirmations and updates")
System_Ext(inventory_management, "Inventory Management System", "Manages product stock and inventory levels")
System_Ext(analytics_service, "Analytics Service", "Provides analytics on products, orders, and sales trends")

Rel(shopper, web, "Uses", "HTTPS")
Rel(shopper, mobile, "Uses", "HTTPS")
Rel(vendor, web, "Uses", "HTTPS")
Rel(admin, web, "Uses", "HTTPS")

Rel(web, api, "Uses", "HTTPS")
Rel(mobile, api, "Uses", "HTTPS")

Rel(api, product, "Uses", "gRPC")
Rel(api, user, "Uses", "gRPC")
Rel(api, cart, "Uses", "gRPC")
Rel(api, order, "Uses", "gRPC")
Rel(api, payment, "Uses", "gRPC")
Rel(api, rating, "Uses", "gRPC")
Rel(api, shipping, "Uses", "gRPC")

Rel(product, productdb, "Reads/Writes", "MongoDB Wire")
Rel(user, userdb, "Reads/Writes", "PostgreSQL")
Rel(cart, cartdb, "Reads/Writes", "MongoDB Wire")
Rel(order, orderdb, "Reads/Writes", "PostgreSQL")
Rel(notification, queue, "Subscribes", "AMQP")
Rel(rating, productdb, "Reads/Writes", "MongoDB Wire")

Rel(payment, payment_gateway, "Processes", "API")
Rel(shipping, logistics_api, "Tracks and updates delivery status", "API")
Rel(notification, sms_email, "Sends notifications", "API")

Rel(product, queue, "Publishes", "AMQP")
Rel(order, queue, "Publishes", "AMQP")

Rel(product, inventory_management, "Checks inventory", "gRPC")
Rel(order, analytics_service, "Sends order data for analysis", "gRPC")

#component diagram

skinparam componentStyle rectangle

title Component Diagram for Myntra 2.0

' Users and roles
actor Shopper
actor Vendor
actor Admin

' Components
package "Frontend" {
    [Shopper UI] <<Component>> 
    [Vendor Dashboard] <<Component>> 
    [Admin Panel] <<Component>> 

package "Backend" {
    [Authentication Service] <<Component>>
    [Product Catalog Service] <<Component>>
    [Shopping Cart Service] <<Component>>
    [Order Management Service] <<Component>>
    [Payment Processing Service] <<Component>>
    [Order Tracking Service] <<Component>>
    [Notification Service] <<Component>>
    [Ratings and Reviews Service] <<Component>>

package "External Systems" {
    [Payment Gateway] <<External>>
    [Logistics API] <<External>>
    [Email/SMS API] <<External>>

' Relationships
Shopper --> [Shopper UI]
Vendor --> [Vendor Dashboard]
Admin --> [Admin Panel]

[Shopper UI] --> [Authentication Service]
[Shopper UI] --> [Product Catalog Service]
[Shopper UI] --> [Shopping Cart Service]
[Shopper UI] --> [Order Management Service]
[Shopper UI] --> [Order Tracking Service]
[Shopper UI] --> [Ratings and Reviews Service]

[Vendor Dashboard] --> [Authentication Service]
[Vendor Dashboard] --> [Product Catalog Service]
[Vendor Dashboard] --> [Order Management Service]
[Vendor Dashboard] --> [Ratings and Reviews Service]

[Admin Panel] --> [Authentication Service]
[Admin Panel] --> [Product Catalog Service]
[Admin Panel] --> [Order Management Service]
[Admin Panel] --> [Notification Service]

[Order Management Service] --> [Payment Processing Service]
[Order Management Service] --> [Notification Service]
[Order Management Service] --> [Order Tracking Service]

[Payment Processing Service] --> [Payment Gateway]

[Order Tracking Service] --> [Logistics API]

[Notification Service] --> [Email/SMS API]



title Shopper Component - Myntra 2.0

package "Myntra App" {
    component "Shopper Component" as Shopper {
        interface "Register Account" as Register
        interface "Login" as Login
        interface "Browse Products" as BrowseProducts
        interface "Manage Cart" as ManageCart
        interface "Place Order" as PlaceOrder
        interface "Track Orders" as TrackOrders
        interface "Rate and Review" as RateReview
        Shopper --> Register
        Shopper --> Login
        Shopper --> BrowseProducts
        Shopper --> ManageCart
        Shopper --> PlaceOrder
        Shopper --> TrackOrders
        Shopper --> RateReview

package "External Systems" {
    component "Payment Gateway" as PaymentGateway
    component "Logistics System" as LogisticsSystem
    component "Notification Service" as NotificationService
    component "Authentication Service" as AuthService
    component "Database" as Database
    component "Recommendation Engine" as RecommendationEngine

Register --> AuthService : OTP Verification
Login --> AuthService : Credential Validation
BrowseProducts --> RecommendationEngine : Personalized Suggestions
ManageCart --> Database : Update Cart Details
PlaceOrder --> PaymentGateway : Payment Processing
TrackOrders --> LogisticsSystem : Shipment Status
RateReview --> Database : Store Feedback



package "Myntra 2.0" {
    component "Admin Component" as Admin {
        interface "User Management" as UserManagement
        interface "Vendor Management" as VendorManagement
        interface "Order Monitoring" as OrderMonitoring
        interface "System Configuration" as SystemConfig
        interface "Transaction Monitoring" as TransactionMonitoring
        Admin --> UserManagement
        Admin --> VendorManagement
        Admin --> OrderMonitoring
        Admin --> SystemConfig
        Admin --> TransactionMonitoring

package "External Systems" {
    component "Payment Gateway" as PaymentGateway
    component "Notification Service" as NotificationService
    component "Audit Logging System" as AuditSystem
    component "Database" as Database

UserManagement --> Database : CRUD Operations
VendorManagement --> AuditSystem : Vendor Actions
OrderMonitoring --> NotificationService : Order Status Alerts
TransactionMonitoring --> PaymentGateway : Payment Status


title Vendor Component - Myntra 2.0
package "Myntra 2.0" {
    component "Vendor Component" as Vendor {
        interface "Manage Product Listings" as ManageProducts
        interface "Process Orders" as ProcessOrders
        interface "Update Inventory" as UpdateInventory
        interface "View Sales Analytics" as ViewAnalytics
        Vendor --> ManageProducts
        Vendor --> ProcessOrders
        Vendor --> UpdateInventory
        Vendor --> ViewAnalytics

package "External Systems" {
    component "Payment Gateway" as PaymentGateway
    component "Logistics System" as LogisticsSystem
    component "Notification Service" as NotificationService
    component "Analytics Engine" as AnalyticsEngine

ProcessOrders --> LogisticsSystem : Shipment and Delivery Updates
UpdateInventory --> NotificationService : Stock Level Alerts
ViewAnalytics --> AnalyticsEngine : Sales Reports

#deployement diagram

!define RECTANGLE class
!define NODE node
!define COMPONENT component

' Define nodes and components for deployment
NODE WebServer {
    COMPONENT WebApplication {
        [Frontend: React/Next.js]
        [Backend: Node.js/Express]

NODE DatabaseServer {
    COMPONENT Database {

NODE PaymentService {
    COMPONENT PaymentGateway {
        [Razorpay/Stripe API]

NODE NotificationService {
    COMPONENT NotificationSystem {
        [SMS/Email API]

NODE LogisticsService {
    COMPONENT LogisticsAPI {
        [Logistics API]

NODE MobileApp {
    COMPONENT MobileClient {
        [Android/iOS App]

' Define relationships between nodes and components
WebApplication --> API : Calls API for data
API --> Database : Interacts with Database
API --> PaymentGateway : Processes payments
API --> NotificationSystem : Sends notifications
API --> LogisticsAPI : Retrieves logistics info

MobileClient --> WebApplication : Accesses Web Application for UI
MobileClient --> API : Interacts for data and actions

' Show external connections
DatabaseServer -[hidden]-> WebServer : Data flow
PaymentService -[hidden]-> WebServer : Payment processing
NotificationService -[hidden]-> WebServer : Notification handling
LogisticsService -[hidden]-> WebServer : Shipment tracking
