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IG build for Publication

John Moehrke edited this page Nov 1, 2021 · 48 revisions

This process that works today, might not work tomorrow. History proves this breaks often.

The formal process that HL7 uses will evolve, and that evolution will likely break things

Here is pseudo-code (shell code) for what seems to work

For the very first time you are publishing an IG

Given you have a target IG named "test-ig", in the XXX IHE domain, and it is at version "0.1.0"

  1. make local clone of the target github repo (e.g. test-ig)

    • if you already have a clone, make sure it is up-to-date (git pull)
  2. make local clones of the IHE fhir-ig-history-template

  git clone
  • if you already have a clone, make sure it is up-to-date (git pull)
  1. make fork of ig-registry and clone that branch locally
  git clone
  • if you already have a clone, make sure it is up-to-date (git pull)
  1. update the publisher in your target IG clone. using _updatePublisher and answering "y"
  1. build your target IG as normal (make sure the version and releaseLabel are correct - sushi-config.yaml)
  1. build your IG for publication
  _genonce -publish
  1. prepare a folder as if it was your web site
  1. First time, this is just a folder that is empty mkdir www
  2. else, grab everything for your IG as current publications github repo -->
  1. copy-recursively ../fhir-ig-history-template/* www/

  2. prepare your package-list.json and put into the website directory (keep revision controlled in root of your github)

  1. create publish.ini; (keep revision controlled in root of your github)

  • copy publish.ini www
  1. copy your build output to the website directory, overwriting
  • copy-recursively output/* www/
  1. make a directory for this version and copy the output there too
  • mkdir www/0.1.0
  • copy-recursively output/* www/0.1.0/
  1. do some more publisher magic
  java -jar input-cache/publisher.jar -publish-update -folder www -registry ../ig-registry/fhir-ig-list.json
  • confirm the build found your IG
  • "Y" to continue
  • make sure it succeeded. (note there is a known IOException in the dist-hist)
  1. copy the whole www website into the proper place in the publications repo for the --> the Publications repo

  2. add your version specific sub-folder to the robots.txt at the root of This prevents searches (e.g., google) from recommending anything other than formal publication folder. -->

  3. add to the fhir/package-feed.xml the \<item\> from your www/package-feed.xml (the IG build creates this package-feed.xml). This enables simplifier IG registry to detect your new IG content.

  4. follow the publications process for quality checks and publication. (Any quality check failures, likely require changes to the IG build)

  • This must be done in concert with Mary.
  1. update appropriate domain index.html to reference properly the new release

  2. Commit all updates back to publications repo as necessary.

  3. When no further changes happen, then Mary will filezilla the content over to web site

  4. tag the publications repo

  5. commit IG project changes to the IG project github repo

  6. tag the IG project repo with this version details --

  7. update the IG project to the next minor version and back to ci-build, and commit that to github. This prepares the ci-build as different than the release.

  8. commit the changes to ig-registry to your fork and create pull-request to HL7 authorities


This was transcribed from discussion on zulip chat

Alternate script