Contains both arduino sketches (may need to check library dependencies) and compiled binaries that can be uploaded directly using the ESP flash download tool (Windows only), or the python script esptool.
We recommend using the Arduino UNO to test the boards, since some ESP32 boards doesn't have proper protection for the I2C bus.
Alternatively, you can compile these examples in the Arduino IDE with the following libraries:
- Adafruit LSM9DS1
- Adafruit Sensor
Also, make sure you have the esp32 build system installed with the Arduino IDE!
- LSM9DS1 test using Adafruit library. Spits out IMU data through serial port after initialization
- Tests the Capsense board by itself. It should work with just the ESP32 board + multiple IDMIL's Capsense boards. Once the sketch is running, you should be able to rub your fingers on the pin pads where the copper strips will be connected to, and see the finger touch detected through packed bytes sent via the serial port.
- Perform the IDMIL's capsense test, but also allows configuring the board. Use this sketch to set the I2C address to connect multiple capsense boards.