leap-accelerate is a calibration tool implementing Low-frequency Excision of the Atmosphere in Parallel (LEAP) for low-frequency radio antenna arrays. Leap utilizes GPGPU acceleration for parallel computation across baselines, channels and polarizations and is freely available on GitLab under GPLv2+ License.
leap-accelerate includes:
- leap-accelerate: a shared library for gpu accelerated direction centering and phase calibration.
- leap-accelerate-cli: a native CLI to leap-accelerate with file output.
- leap-accelerate-python: python3 bindings library and CLI to leap-accelerate using pybind11.
See the online documentation for more information.
import leap
import tempfile
import json
import numpy as np
calibrator = leap.LeapCalibrator("cpu")
output = list()
directions=np.array([[0.1,0.2],[0.3, 0.4],[0.5,0.6]]),
leap_cli batch plot ../testdata/mwa/1197638568-split4-dropped.ms/ -d "[[7.09767229e-01, -1.98773609e-04]]" -m 120m
It is recommended to setup a poetry environment for building (but not required, see end user environment instructions):
poetry env use <python-version>
poetry shell
# use same casacore binary as native leap-accelerate
pip install python-casacore --no-binary python-casacore
developer install to poetry environment:
# stable system build and install
CUDA_ENABLED=1 poetry install
# or build and install with specific compiler
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-12 CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=/opt/cuda/bin/nvcc CUDA_ENABLED=1 poetry install
or test the production installation using poetry:
# stable system build
CUDA_ENABLED=1 poetry build -vv
# or build with specific compiler
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-12 CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=/opt/cuda/bin/nvcc CUDA_ENABLED=1 poetry build -vv
# install pre-built binary
pip install dist/leap-0.13.0-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_38_x86_64.whl
poetry install --only test
# use same libcasa_ms.so library as native leap-accelerate
# otherwise will experience errors such as
# free(): invalid pointer
pip install python-casacore --no-binary python-casacore
# build without poetry
python -m build -vv
# install pre-built binary
pip install dist/leap-0.13.0-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_38_x86_64.whl