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Sanity Testing

Before submiting your contributions we invite you to run some tests to check it will integrate correctly. We are using TravisCI to automate some sanity tests and Ansible Galaxy has its own set of tests. Going through the following will ease the submission process.

Setup a docker container to run TravisCI locally

To install Docker Engine on Ubuntu refers to: docker docs - Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu page.

New container

You can look for images on the TravisCI Docker hub page.
Or look in the TravisCI build log, open the show more button for WORKER INFORMATION and find the INSTANCE line:

instance: travis-job-0f6264ed-5682-4548-864e-1786307cc2ba travis-ci-ubuntu-1804-1582576938-a9b1ae58 (via amqp)

We will use an image from ubuntu-1804. Pull the image, start

sudo docker pull $INSTANCE
sudo docker run --name $CONTAINER_NAME -dit $INSTANCE /sbin/init
sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME bash -l

Existing container

CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker ps -q -l); sudo docker start $CONTAINER_ID
CONTAINER_NAME=$(sudo docker ps -l | awk '!/travis/ {print $NF}'); sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME bash -l


Here are some useful command to help cleanup the docker objects Containers:

CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker ps -a -q)
sudo docker stop $CONTAINER_ID
sudo docker rm $CONTAINER_ID


sudo docker images -a
sudo docker rmi $IMAGE_ID

Run your Travis file as a script

Run the following instrustions replacing REPO=IBM/ansible-power-aix by your own repository: REPO=AUTHOR/PROJECT to build the travis script:

su - travis
cd ~/builds
export REPO=IBM/ansible-power-aix
git clone
cd travis-build/
mkdir ~/.travis
ln -s $PWD ~/.travis/travis-build
bundle update --bundler
bundle install --gemfile ~/.travis/travis-build/Gemfile
bundler binstubs travis
cd ~/builds
# get the travis file from Git
git clone --depth=50 --branch=dev-collection git://$REPO.git IBM/ansible-power-aix
cd $REPO
# Remove the token and deploy lines before compiling the file
sed -i -e '/^env/,+3d' -e '/^deploy/,$d' .travis.yml
~/.travis/travis-build/bin/travis compile >
# set the branch in the file
sed -i 's,--branch\\=\\\x27\\\x27,--branch\\=dev-collection,g'

Note that the Travis build is run against files from /home/travis/build/$REPO NOT from /home/travis/builds/$REPO.
Before running the travis build again, you should do some cleanup:

rm -rf ~/ansible
rm -rf ~/build/IBM

Run specific test

You can modify locally the module file to check changes or get a modified file from your system using:

docker cp ~/ansible-power-aix/plugins/modules/ travis-debug:/home/travis/builds/IBM/ansible-power-aix/plugins/modules/

Then in the container, fix ownership and rights:

sudo chown travis:travis ~/builds/IBM/ansible-power-aix/plugins/modules/
chmod 664 ~/builds/IBM/ansible-power-aix/plugins/modules/

You cannot run the script because it will checkout the code directly from the repository in /home/travis/build.
Instead you can run:

cd ~/ansible
. venv/bin/activate
. hacking/env-setup
cp ~/builds/IBM/ansible-power-aix/plugins/modules/*.py ~/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/
ansible-test sanity emgr --python=3.7

You can run a specific sanity test with:

ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules emgr --python=3.7
ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules --python=3.7

Run the Travis steps manually

Instead of using the travis file to run automatically the script, you can run instructions step by step. The following instructions are based on the current version of .travis.yml and devops/bin files and might need adjustments.

Setup the virtual environement manually

Run as Travis:

su - travis
mkdir /home/travis/build && cd /home/travis/build

Get your github code

git clone git:// IBM/ansible-power-aix
cd IBM/ansible-power-aix

You can use the following to get to a specific commit:

git checkout -qf $COMMIT_HASH

Install and setup the virtual environement

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get install python3-venv

# following pip installations are required for ansible-test
pip install wheel Jinja2

git clone git://
cd ansible
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
. hacking/env-setup
pip install -r docs/docsite/requirements.txt

For an existing virtual environement:

. venv/bin/activate && . hacking/env-setup

Run the tests

Install some requirements:

pip install pylint yamllint pyyaml
pip3 install pyyaml voluptuous pycodestyle ansible-doc-extractor
[[ -e $(find ~/ansible/test/ -name sanity.txt) ]] && pip install --user -r $(find ~/ansible/test/ -name sanity.txt)

Put your modules at the right place:

cp ~/build/IBM/ansible-power-aix/plugins/modules/*.py ~/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/

Run your tests:

ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules
ansible-test sanity --test validate-modules flrtvc --python=3.7
ansible-test sanity flrtvc --python=3.7

Documentation generation

Extract the document from modules:

pip3 install ansible-doc-extractor
cd ~/build/IBM/ansible-power-aix
ansible-doc-extractor --template templates/module.rst.j2 $DOC_SRC_DIR/modules $MODULE_DIR/*.py

Render the documentation with Sphinx:

pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
sphinx-build -b html $DOC_SRC_DIR $DOC_BLD_DIR