constraints - needs to be able to answer any given request in < 30 seconds.
workflow: choose N pictures to upload. Could have clientside (javascript?) do the image resize and calculations, and then only transmit small data to server. OR,
Java gets the full size images. Calculates the average color statistics etc., as well as a few size thumbnails (32x32, 64x64, 128x128)... OR could store it as a single MIPMap (and then index into the image as necessary. Not sure of all the pluses/minuses to that approach). Iteration 0: just store a single size (64x64) and choose a square section from the middle of image)
public static Rectangle getCroppedArea(Rectangle original, int width, int height) {
int centerX = original.getWidth() / 2;
int centerY = original.getHeight() / 2;
the thumbnail(s) + some metadata is written to a BigTable or some other type of database. Also includes the user id token so that only the images you upload are accessible. i.e. if I upload images, no one else can get to them.
primary key Unique ID (autoincrement long)
Thumbnail (blob)
link to full size image / key
average color (int)
when (date)
user token (long)
then when it's time to actually create a photomosaic, user would upload a new image or choose from gallery of previously uploaded images (implying that the previous step would need to store more than just a thumbnail, but a link to the full size image)
ok now we have 30 seconds to produce a png/jpeg that we can return to the browser. No threading allowed.
step 1: break down the input image. Calculate the average colors for different squares throughout entire image. step 2: get all the thumbnails that user has said the images can be made from (some sort of query) and load them into memory Step 3: for each square, find best match out of all possible thumbnails (subject to whatever constraints we impose, e.g. we can only repeat a given thumbnail image M times) Step 4: Fill in raw image array with the thumbnail, scaled to fit Step 5: save image to the database step 6: write the result to browser