Releases: I-am-Erk/CDDA-Tilesets
Ultica updates, 2021-06-07
Wooden quarterpanels front, left, right and rear
Vanilla content
lift mech, combat mech, recon mech, and their riding overlay
speaker cabinet and dnd game, fedora, chess set, sd card filing cabinet candle, candle_lit
Magiclysm content:
wizard_beginner,wizard_utility, translocator gate, spell scroll, small mana crystal
disposable wand, spell wand, Blood Power Generator CBM, Crystallized Mana Nose Replacement
purification cauldron, orichalcum cauldron, Magic rings coppr, silver, gold and platinum
Seeker Bolts, Subtle Spell, Silent Spell, Mana Luminance, Mana Siphon, Mana Drain, Mana Vortex
bio_sneeze_beam, Demon hooves, demon horns, demon skin, demon tail, demon claw, demon possession
dragon breath, dragon feet, dragon scales, dragon tail, dragon tail scaled, dragon tail stub, dragon talon, scaled hands, toe claws, dragon magic, dragon spells, dragon maw, dragon muzzle
Wildshape bear, wildshape deer, wildshape fish
same as above
Ultica updates, 2021-05-21
ceramic_bowl, radio_car, radio_car_box, radio_car_on, radio_car_wheel, radiocontrol, rc_car_box
autoclave, wax walls, handflare, heatpack, heatpack_used
overlay_worn_fanny, redo rubber boots and rubber gloves overlays, remove stray pixels in female skin tone overlays,
eye_brown, eye_green, eye_gray, eye_hazel, eye_amber, SKIN_PINK, Add shadow to all characters and monsters, except fishes, bark skin, fix and tweeak of mutations and bionic overlays
spurge flower, mustard, poppy, sunflower, black eyed susan, bluebell, burdock, chamomile, chicory, dahlia, datura, tulip, lily
Foodperson mask, foodperson cape, hard chestguard
privacy curtains
same as above
back seat, tweaked head light, water cannon, full windshields, full reinforced windshields, full doors, full doors opaque, full hddoor, full hddoor opaque, frames, wood frames, hdframes, xlframes, stowboards, hdtowboards, wood ram, steel ram, hardsteel ram, alloy ram, military ram, workbench, kitchen unit, dishwasher, washing machine, autoclave, mountable autoclave, mounted autoclave, welding rig, forging rig, seed drill, advanced seed drill, storage battery, large storage battery, medium storage battery,
battery rack, civile helicopter rotor, military helicopter rotor, osprey rotor
blackhawk rotor, turret mount, machine gun turret, multibarrel turret, energy turret,
railgun turret, liquid spray turret, missile turret, security camera, external tank, small external tnak, 55 gal drum, 30 gal drum, vehicle scoop, reaper and advanced reaper
Ultica updates, 2021-04-26
Wardrobe, dishwasher, sandbox, toaster, raccoon, chest, foot locker, shredder, doors with peephole closed, boarded, damaged etc, giant worm
oxygen cylinder, oxygen tank, tiny welding tank, welding tank, trowel
tweak gibbs sprite, resin wall, resin floor, resin cage, alien tendril, pod organ, pod, slimy pod, gasper, zapper,anemone, alien table, hot air sauna, scar, fetid goop, resin hole, tweak hari sprites, Cleanup bullet animation sprite, t_concrete_wall_flesh, t_thconc_floor_flesh, meat, meat_tainted, mon_zombie_living_wall, mon_zombie_scissorlimbs, mon_zombie_gasbag_crawler, mon_zombie_gasbag_impaler, mon_zombie_gasbag_immobile, mon_zombie_crushed_giant
same as above
Ultica updates, 2021-03-28
ANickel: cig, cig_lit, copper ring, gold ring, lsd, silver ring, thermal mask, thermal sock, tie clip, whistle, ermgency jacket and blanket
Fris0uman: inboard door open, paper walls filler from MSX
Fris0uman: pig,piglet, zombie pig, boar, boar piglet, sheep, Flip all monsters that were looking the wrong way, wood ram, wood spikes, cleaned up wood handle, fix wood frame json, inboard door open, horse, zombie horse, horse riding overlay
Chibi Ultica
Same as above
Ultica updates, 2021-02-22
acepleiades: birdshot fix, charcoal smoker, Sheet, 2-by-arm guards, 2-by-shin guards, laptop (w/ wielded), pot helmet (w/ worn)
Fris0uman: cow, calf, zombie cow, chocolate cow, chocolate calf
Chibi Ultica
Same as Ultica plus cows from MSX
Fris0uman: rework bleed icon, mon_zow, mon_zombie_horse, mon_cow_choc, generic pink magazine sprite, entry_suit, chark_suit, motorbike_armor, All seasonal variant for grass, long grass, tall grass, moss, dirt, trees, bushes, underbrush etc..., chainfence, chaingate, wire fence, barbed fence, spltirail fence, splitrail fence gate, picket fence, fencegate, privacy fence, privacy fencegate, metal railing, wodden railing, mailbox, birdbath, rotary clothes dryer line, coat rack, wooden stairs, standing mirror, Mannequin ( and the hallucination version), Fix offset of big monsters
KorgGent: explosion_lightning_bolt, explosion_lightning_blast, explosion_cone_cold, explosion_auroral_wave_cold, explosion_frozen_winds, explosion_auroral_wave, summon effect
Ultica updates, 2021-02-15
acepleiades: bookcase fix, Effect icons overhaul, Update attack animation, Leather seat, Bandana, Solder, Scarf, freshwater eel, huge dragonfly naiad, frisbee, signal receiver, food processor, mattress, wielded mattress, ammo sprites, scooter parts
M. Real: fungal blossom
Fris0uman: Fix some item that were poorly upscaled, re-use various Ultica item sprites from acepleiades and Mrasbestos, t_privacy_fence, In progress craft, In progress disassembly, In progress construction
Chibi Ultica
Same as Ultica
Ultica updates, 2021-02-07
acepleiades: adhesive_bandages, jack, jack_makeshift, jack_small, machete, makeshift_bayonet, makeshift_hammer, makeshift_knife, makeshift_machete, makeshift_stethoscope, pot_makeshift, pot_makeshift_copper, spike, stethoscope, overlay_wielded_makeshift_machete, overlay_wielded_clay_pot, overlay_wielded_makeshift_hammer, overlay_wielded_pot_makeshift, overlay_wielded_pot_makeshift_copper, overlay_wielded_akeshift_knife, overlay_wielded_steak_knife, charcoal, paper, wire_barbed
MrAsbestos: basketball, beach_volleyball, bowling_ball, football, golf_ball, holo_sight, indoor_volleyball, suppressor, mon_spore, overlay_wielded_basketball, overlay_wielded_beach_volleyball, overlay_wielded_puck, overlay_wielded_bowling_ball, overlay_wielded_football, overlay_wielded_golf_ball, overlay_wielded_indoor_volleyball, mre_beef_box, corpse_mon_zombie_brainless, corpse_mon_zombie_soldier,
int-ua: Add broken overlay to make broken vehicle parts, make traffic and street lights more noticeable
aoae23: tongs
This is the first build of MShockXotto+ to be released here, changelog is for the past week of changes only
Fris0uman: port mortorbik sprites made by acepleiades, small wheel, off-road bike wheel, tractor wheel, seed drill, t_metal_railing, t_concrete_railing, t_glass_railing, t_fence_metal, t_screened_porch_wall, t_screen_door_c, t_screen_door_o, t_dock autotile, t_dock_deep autotile, t_pontoon autotile, t_gas_tank_smashed, t_diesel_tank, t_diesel_tank_smashed, t_bulk_tank, crouch icon, run icon, zombie revival indicator, generic corpse, mon_demon_spiderling, mon_demon_spider, mon_demon_spider_queen, Add back seats and all their rotations, Necco waffers, Marshmallow kids
This is the first build of BrownLikeBears to be released here, changelog is for the past week of changes only
Fris0uman: Fix judo black belt using a fish sprite, Add backseats and their leather and broken variants, overlay_crouch, overlay_effect_badpoison, overlay_effect_bleed, overlay_effect_blisters, overlay_effect_cold, overlay_effect_deaf, overlay_effect_downed, overlay_effect_frostbite, overlay_effect_fungus, overlay_effect_grabbed, overlay_effect_hot, overlay_effect_onfire, overlay_effect_poison, overlay_effect_stunned, overlay_run
Ultica updates, 2021-01-30
Acepleiades: fix backseats looks like, kreck, gracken, riot control platform, milspec searchlight, bookcase rotations, motorcycle, cherry tree, peanut shrub
Ultica updates, 2021-01-20
Acepleiades: t_lava, pidgeon, crow update, turkey, screen mesh wall tweak, messenger bag and sling pack
MrAsbestos Zombie burner, Cooked fiddleheads
barsoosayque: grass rework
UltiCa Updates, 2021-01-17
acepleiades: messenger bag, sling pack, keletal shocker, amoebic mold, hulking horror, ashen brawler, SWAT zombie, katana, halberd, peasant flail, update older weapon sprites to new standards
bombasticSlacks: rifle case, leather rifle case, double rifle case, leather double rifle case, military rucksack
int-ua: omnidirectional ramps, add seasonal background for splitrail