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CSE 701 - Project 02 code instruction


  • This code is designed to compute the following arithmetic operations related to sparse matrix.

    • SpMV : Sparse Matrix * Dense Vector

    • SpMV_T : Transposed-Sparse Matrix * Dense Vector

    • SpMM : Sparse Matrix * Dense Matrix

    • SpMM_T : Transposed-Sparse Matrix * Dense Matrix

    • SpM_SpV : Sparse Matrix * Sparse Vector

    • SpM_SpV_T : Transposed-Sparse Matrix * Sparse Vector

    • SpM_SpM : Sparse Matrix * Sparse Matrix

    • SpM_SpM_T : Transposed-Sparse Matrix * Sparse Matrix

  • Project 02 contains three sections

    • Main - main directory

      • The section contains a code to generate a program which perform above arithmetic operations
  • Performance testing section - performance_Test directory

    • The section contains performance comparison of arithmetic operation based on input format.

    • Function confirmation section - func_confirm directory

      • The section contains unit tests of implemented functions.

      • The section contains following tests.

        • Matrix format conversion process

        • Arithmetic operations with COO/CSC/CSR

        • Arithmetic operations with simplified COO/CSC/CSR

        • DATA read/write process

        • Random sparse matrix, dense vector, and sparse vector generating process

  • This code can be used with following inputs

    • .mtx : Standard COO sparse matrix format.

      - The project supports real/integer type sparse matrix only, it does not supports complex value.
      - The project supports - row column value - formatted data only, it does not support symmetrically formatted data nor coordinate value separated format.
      - The performance test sections supports square shape matrix only due to **memory issue**. With non-square matrix, the performance test requires twice memory space to generate test cases compares to square matrix caes. 
      - For more information [link]( 
  • Also, to get .mtx file, please visit SuiteSparse Matrix Collection

    • .dmat : None standard dense matrix format designed for the project. For more information check About the non-standard input format section.

      • .dvec : None standard dense vector format designed for the project. For more information check About the non-standard input format section.

      • .svec : None standard sparse vector format designed for the project. For more information check About the non-standard input format section.

  • Limitation of the code

    • The code supports arithmetic operations with dense matrix; however, because of memory limit, any operation that generates dense matrix is not recommanded.

    • Performance test does not support non-square matrix due to memory limitation.

    • To see the actual performance achievement, it is required to download a large-size sparse matrix from SuiteSparse Matrix Collection and compare the difference.

Overloaded operators in Project 02 Code

  • == and != operation operator between COO/CSC/CSC
  • multiplication operation operator between
    • COO * COO
    • COO * CSC
    • COO * CSR
    • CSC * COO
    • CSC * CSC
    • CSC * CSR
    • CSR * COO
    • CSR * CSC
    • CSR * CSR
  • << ofstream operation operator for
    • COO
    • CSC
    • CSR
    • D_MATRIX
    • D_VECTOR
    • S_VECTOR
  • Operators which are not supportted in the project
    • Any operator that causes addtion or substraction
    • The operation can result expansion of matrix to cause memory limit issue.

To use Project 02 code as part of another code

  • Simply include facade_COO.hpp/facade_CSC.hpp/facade_CSR.hpp based on required sparse matrix format.
  • facade_CXX.hpp includes
    • initialization from COO/CSC/CSR/ vectors of matrix data
    • converstion to the other format
    • transpose of matrix
    • overloaded operators
    • sparse matrix operations
  • The facade version can be slower than the non-simplified version, but for third-party usage, it is recommended.

About sparse matrix

  • Sparse matrix is used in many scientific computation applications. Especially, multiplication of a matrix with a vector.

  • As the computation gets complex and large, a method to compress the data size and minimize unnecessary memory accessing processes is required.

  • One method to achieve data compression and minimization of unnecessary memory accessing is using a sparse matrix.

  • Dense matrix contains every element including zero in the matrix which requires sizeof(double) * (column * row) bytes in memory space, and zero value elements are generally not required for the multiplication process.

  • Sparse matrix only containing non-zero elements with index information, and with a standard format COO, it uses (sizeof(double) + sizeof(int32_t) + sizeof(int32_t)) * number of non-zero bytes in memory space.

  • Also, the iteration process can be reduced from column * row to number of non-zero.

About directories

  • The project contains following directories.
    • include : Contains header files for the project
    • src : Contains header files for the project
    • obj: Directory to separate object files from compilation process
    • func_confirm: Directory contains .cpp file for function test
    • performance_test : Directory contains code file for performantce test

To compile the code

For main - In workspace or CSE701_Project_02 directory, type

make main_lin // for Linux
make main_win // for Windows

This will generate proj_r.out or proj_r.exe file at workspace or CSE701_Project_02 directory.

For function validation - In CSE701_Project_02/func_confirm directory, type

make run_test // for Linux

This will automatically create validation process file, run the test and delete the validation file if the validation process done successfully.

For performance test - In CSE701_Project_02/performance_test directory, type

make perforance // for Linux

This will generate performance.out

To use proj_r.out

In workspace or CSE701_Project_01 directory, after generating proj_r.out, type

./proj_r.out operation input_one input_two


  • following inputs can be used
./proj_r.out SpMV sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec
./proj_r.out SpMV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec

./proj_r.out SpM_SpV sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec
./proj_r.out SpM_SpV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec

./proj_r.out SpM_SpM sample_mtx.mtx sample_mtx.mtx
./proj_r.out SpM_SpM_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_mtx.mtx
  • example
INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpMV sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec
INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpM_SpV sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec
Return - 87.00 6.00 54.00 16.00 36.00 54.00 70.00 70.00 173.00 0.00

INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpMV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_dvec.dvec
INPUT - ./proj_r.out SpM_SpV_T sample_mtx.mtx sample_svec.svec
Return - 1.00 18.00 0.00 20.00 55.00 54.00 126.00 96.00 63.00 90.00
  • About the operations

    • Currently, computation operation is done by using CSR - Compressed Sparse Row format for performance issues..
  • Computation operations for COO - Coordinates format and CSC - Compressed Sparse Column format are implemented, but not used in the computation process.

  • The operation of unused computation functions is confirmed by the separated functional testing process.

To use performance.out

In CSE701_Project_02/performance_test, after generating performance.out,

Under CSE701_Project_02/performance_test/sample_data, place wanted square and integer/real valued spare matrix from SuiteSparse Matrix Collection and then tpye following



  • following is example output
Proceed - name of matrix used.mtx
Uint - microsecond

Matrix Name  : name of matrix used.mtx
Num Row      : 365344
Num Column   : 365344
Num Nz       : 884120

            SpMV        SpMV_T      SpM_SpV     SpM_SpV_T
COO         2.89e+03    2.45e+03    2.86e+03    3.27e+03
CSC         5.12e+03    4.25e+03    7.91e+03    7.15e+03
CSR         5.04e+03    4.61e+03    7.12e+03    7.18e+03
FCOO        2.49e+03    7.79e+03    3.33e+03    5.22e+03
FCSC        4.93e+03    1.48e+05    7.37e+03    1.44e+05
FCSR        2.40e+03    6.30e+03    2.91e+03    5.45e+03

To validate operations

Under CSE701_Project_02/ func_confirm directory, type

make run_test


  • The tests checks following operations
    • Matrix I/O operations
    • Matrix converting operations
    • Arithmetic operations with COO/CSC/CSR
    • Arithmetic operations with simplified COO/CSC/CSR
    • Random sparse matrix, dense vector, and sparse vector generating process
  • The process must be done when there are modifications in the listed operations to check the updates do not make bugs.
  • The new operations need to be added to the process when a new operation is added to the listed operations.

About the non-standard input format

  • Non-standard input format .dvec and .svec are designed for this project
  • .dvec

    • It is designed for denoting dense vector.

    • The first element in the file denotes length of vector.

    • The remaining elements in the file denote elements in the vector.

    • To load length of vector by fscanf(), %d needs to be used.

    • To load element by fscanf(), %lg needs to be used.

    • To generate .dvec file for operation, do the followings

    • Generate .txt, write contents as follow and change the format into .dvec


    The above example represents dense vector with

    • Vector length : 7
    • Value : 0 3 1 2 5 5 8
  • .svec

  • It is designed for denoting sparse vector.

  • The first two elements in the file denotes number of none zero and length of vector.

  • The remaining elements in the file denote index and elements in the vector.

  • To load number of none zero, length of vector and index by fscanf(), %d needs to be used.

  • To load element by fscanf(), %lg needs to be used.

  • To generate .svec file for operation, do the followings

  • Generate .txt, write contents as follow and change the format into .dvec

    10 8
    1 1
    2 3
    4 4
    5 6
    6 9
    7 10
    8 5
    9 7

    The above example represents sparse vector with

    • Vector length : 10
    • Number of none zero : 8
    • Index : 8 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
    • Value : 10 1 3 4 6 9 10 5 7