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Adityarup Laha edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the Heroic Games Launcher wiki!

What is Heroic?

Heroic is a native GUI alternative to the Epic Games Launcher for Linux. With upcoming support for Windows and MacOSX as well. It is open source under GPLv3 and is maintained by a community of developers that works for FREE on their FREE TIME. Heroic for now is just a GUI for Legendary, which is a CLI tool that deals with the login, download and launch the games. Support for other stores is planned in the future.

Why do you need Heroic?

Heroic is an easier and faster launcher than the official launcher from Epic, since it doesn't have trackers, doesn't do several network requests while supposed to be idle, etc. You can use it to download games, with a few exceptions, and also to download Unreal Engine Assets in the future (the feature is WIP for now).

Which games does Heroic not Support?

For now, Heroic does not support games that:

  • Needs Origin or UPlay to be downloaded, since those games need to be activated in another launcher and are not downloaded even on Epic's official Launcher.
  • Games that have optional downloads, like Fortnite and Cyberpunk 2077. For those games what you can do is to use the official launcher or Legendary to download them and then import the game on Heroic.

Are there other alternatives?

Yes. Right now there is another launcher for Linux called Rare that uses Legendary to download and launch games as well.

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