We would like to thank everyone on this list for contributing to this project!
Contributors can add themselves to the list by using to following format:
John Doe {[email protected]}
- Allard Stijnman (https://github.com/snoepkast)
- Arjen Vellinga (https://github.com/arjenfvellinga)
- Bob Voorneveld (https://github.com/bobvoorneveld)
- Cornelis Poppema (https://github.com/cpoppema)
- Ednan Pasagic (https://github.com/epasagic)
- Ferdy Galema (https://github.com/ferdynice)
- Jeroen van Veen (https://github.com/jvanveen)
- Luuk Hartsema (https://github.com/luukhartsema)
- Marco Vellinga (https://github.com/m-vellinga)
- Redmer Loen (https://github.com/spindleredmer)
- Stefan Strijker (https://github.com/00stefan00)
- Tom Offringa (https://github.com/TomOffringa)
- Abby Armada (https://github.com/abbyarmada)
- Fokko Driesprong (https://github.com/Fokko)