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File metadata and controls

131 lines (93 loc) · 6.47 KB



PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the border true
border Border details that determines which border should be drawn with which color Border.all(color:, width: 1.0, style: BorderStyle.solid)


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the titles Around the chart true
leftTitles a SideTitles that holds data to draw left titles SideTitles(reservedSize: 40, showTitles: true)
topTitles a SideTitles that holds data to draw top titles SideTitles(reservedSize: 6)
rightTitles a SideTitles that holds data to draw right titles SideTitles(reservedSize: 40,)
bottomTitles a SideTitles that holds data to draw bottom titles SideTitles(reservedSize: 22, showTitles: true)


PropName Description default value
showTitles determines whether to show or hide the titles false
getTitles a function to retrieve the title with given value on the related axis, don't touch it if you want to have a number formatter by showing indicators for large numbers. defaultGetTitle
reservedSize a reserved space to show titles 22
textStyle TextStyle the style to use for title text TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 11)
margin margin between each title 6
interval interval to display each title on a side, left it null to be calculate automatically null
rotateAngle the clockwise angle of rotating title in degrees 0.0
checkToShowTitle determines show or not show titles in the provided value show all


an abstract class that contains a Offset with x and y of touched point, there is some concrete classes to distinguish between touch behaviours, currently we have these touch behaviors: FlLongPressStart, FlLongPressMoveUpdate, FlLongPressEnd, FlPanStart, FlPanMoveUpdate, FlPanEnd.

AxisChart (Line and Bar Charts)


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the background grid data true
drawHorizontalLine determines to show or hide the horizontal grid lines true
horizontalInterval interval space of grid, left it null to be calculate automatically null
getDrawingHorizontalLine a function to get the line style of each grid line by giving the related axis value defaultGridLine
checkToShowHorizontalLine a function to check whether to show or hide the horizontal grid by giving the related axis value showAllGrids
drawVerticalLine determines to show or hide the vertical grid lines false
verticalInterval interval space of grid, left it null to be calculate automatically null
getDrawingVerticalLine a function to get the line style of each grid line by giving the related axis value defaultGridLine
checkToShowVerticalLine a function to determine whether to show or hide the vertical grid by giving the related axis value showAllGrids


PropName Description default value
x represents x on the coordinate system (x starts from left) null
y represents y on the coordinate system (y starts from bottom) null


propName Description default value
color determines the color of line
strokeWidth determines the stroke width of the line 2
dashArray A circular array of dash offsets and lengths. For example, the array [5, 10] would result in dashes 5 pixels long followed by blank spaces 10 pixels long. The array [5, 10, 5] would result in a 5 pixel dash, a 10 pixel gap, a 5 pixel dash, a 5 pixel gap, a 10 pixel dash, etc. null


PropName Description default value
spot the touched FlSpot null
offset Offset of the touched spot null


Can be used to display a title text for each axis. Titles for the vertical axes (left and right) will be rotated 90 degrees.

PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the titles for the axes true
leftTitle an AxisTitle that holds data to draw the title of the left axis AxisTitle(reservedSize: 16)
topTitle an AxisTitle that holds data to draw the title of the top axis AxisTitle(reservedSize: 16)
rightTitle an AxisTitle that holds data to draw the title of the right axis AxisTitle(reservedSize: 16)
bottomTitle an AxisTitle that holds data to draw the title of the bottom axis AxisTitle(reservedSize: 16)


PropName Description default value
showTitle determines to show or hide the title false
titleText the text to draw as a description for this axis ''
reservedSize a reserved space for the text 14
margin margin between the axis text and inner elements (SideTitles or the chart) 4
textStyle TextStyle to determine the style of the text TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 11)
textAlign TextAlign to determine the alignment of the text


PropName Description default value
horizontalRangeAnnotations list of horizontalRangeAnnotation to draw on the chart []
verticalRangeAnnotations list of VerticalRangeAnnotation to draw on the chart []


PropName Description default value
y1 start interval of horizontal rectangle null
y2 end interval of horizontal rectangle null
color color of the rectangle Colors.white


PropName Description default value
x1 start interval of vertical rectangle null
x2 end interval of vertical rectangle null
color color of the rectangle Colors.white