- pages are just for routing, views are real pages with fetching
await Promise.all([invalidateQueries(...), invalidateQueries(...)])
- avatar and header images in Settings form should be in form state and not React Query state
- keep user and post query cache separated (api calls) on client, ok now
- hook return values trigger rerender, session, status
const { data: session, status } = useSession();
- only replace
if other props thanuser.id
are accessed, else leavegetSession
, no need for db call - problem:
Error: Rendered more hooks than during the previous render
- different key or subkey in getServerSideProps and useQuery - NO, solution: means you are rendering useQuery useUser hook conditionally and haveif return
before the hook - add Eslint add BOTH plugin and rule react docs
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-react-hooks
// Your ESLint configuration
"plugins": [
// ...
"rules": {
// ...
"react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error", // Checks rules of Hooks
"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn" // Checks effect dependencies
- useEffect runs only on browser, for redirect
useEffect(() => {
if (me) router.push(Routes.SITE.HOME);
}, [me, router]);
prop in useQuery to wait until async args are not resolved -
<Link />
with custom components requirespassHref
next docs -
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://localhost:3001/_next/static/chunks/pages/settings/%5Busername%5D.js”.
and hard page refresh, solution:
// use this
const settingsHref = `/settings/${user.username}`;
// instead of this
const settingsHref = {
pathname: '/settings/[username]/',
query: { username: user.username },
QueryKeys array, not a string
// queries
useQuery<ClientUser, AxiosError>([QueryKeys.ME], fn);
// mutations
- remove setLogger, new logger option
// v3
import { setLogger } from 'react-query';
// v4
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
const queryClient = new QueryClient({ logger: customLogger });
loading, error and empty state hashnode
// use await queryClient.refetchQueries([QueryKeys.ME])
to refetch me, no need to pass refetch to context -
problem: refetching ME with undefined
, solution:me.id
must be part of the key for fetcher function to use new id arg, Github discussion,useMe
is inMeProvider
it's mounted on every page
// clear keys and cache
use this for shared cache debugging
const queryData = queryClient.getQueriesData(['posts-home'])
problem: shared QueryCache between tests, error 500 tests pass alone and fail in group
initial list of handlers passed to setupServer() can not be reset, use
inside the test, it will override success handler discussion -
all constructors (
new QueryCache(), new MutationCache()
) insidenew QueryClient(config)
must be invoked for each test
// lib-client/react-query/queryClientConfig.ts
* important: must be function and not object literal
* so constructors (new QueryCache ...) are invoked for each test
* to prevent shared cache between tests
const getQueryClientConfig = (): QueryClientConfig => ({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
suspense: true,
useErrorBoundary: true,
mutations: {
useErrorBoundary: false,
queryCache: new QueryCache({
onError: (error) => formatError('Query', error),
mutationCache: new MutationCache({
onError: (error) => formatError('Mutation', error),
- tests pass even without
jest option
useSession and useMe are dependant queries
fetch userId only in getServerSideProps and pass it as prop or in cache to avoid async useSession call in useMe
React Query providers before SuspenseWrapper???, probably not, only MeProvider
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<Hydrate state={dehydratedState}>
<SuspenseWrapper suspenseName="root">
<Component {...pageProps} />
<ReactQueryDevtools />
must be part of the query key, my discussion -
if it can return undefined must be async for Promise types, interesting
await queryClient.prefetchQuery([QueryKeys.ME_ID], () => me.id);
await queryClient.prefetchQuery([QueryKeys.ME_ID], async () => me?.id);
error is in some state update after rerender, even if id in useMe is sync, can use useSession
comment out one by one component to isolate it
codesndbox example: 1. provider around suspense, 2. provider rerenders because it uses state that updates, 3. child od suspense is lazily imported
memoize childern of Suspense, not of the provider??
const Counter2 = lazy(() => import('./Counter2'));
- separate SuspenseWrapper and ErrorBoundaryWrapper, ErrorBoundaryWrapper can go in root
- root SuspenseWrapper in MeProvider or both in PageLayout
- or useMe to use isLoading and not Suspense
- useMe isnt bellow Suspense but Navbar is for screen Loader
- must use
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
to get same client instance and notconst queryClient = new QueryClient();
, that's why it wouldn't work
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
// this
const queryClient = useQueryClient();
const handleClick = async () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries(['me', 1]);
// or
await queryClient.refetchQueries(['me', 1], { exact: true });
// RUNTIME check
// throw error to avoid return type Promise<File | null>
export const getImage = async (imageUrl: string | undefined): Promise<File> => {
if (!imageUrl) return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid imageUrl.'));
// return success File with axios
- important: whenever query is not refetching key didnt change, is not unique
- this is optimistic updates after mutation, with objects merging story (swr and apollo) instead of refetch
most important cause, drastic:
happens when query keys drastically don't match in getServerSideProps
queryClient.prefetchQuery(key, fn)
anduseQuery(key, fn)
on client, page reloads slowly, that's it -
keys need to be managed constant structure... tutorial?, filterkeys() can return different results
you can pass different data in SSR and CSR and watch render
debug with React Query tools
this will help too:
- block all UI until all data is ready, Navbar for example, this
- all props in UserItem available at same time, fixes it, {user, me}, so so, provider should work same as props
- test case repo nemanjam/hydration-test-case
- isLoading in MeProvider and Navbar causes more errors in production