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198 lines (171 loc) · 9.21 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (171 loc) · 9.21 KB



The HackerSchool API is an integrated database that accepts requests from the Internet via the Flask framework. Its purpose is to ease the resource management process for development teams and Human Resources.

Table of Contents


  • User authentication and role based authorization
  • CRUD operations for members and projects
  • Members and projects photos fetch and upload
  • Authentication and registration using Fénix student account

Technologies & Extensions



Make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • pip


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:HackerSchool/HS-API.git
  1. Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Setup environment variables: Create a .env file and add any necessary environment variables (see Environment Variables section).

  2. Setup the database and create an admin user:

flask db upgrade 
flask create-admin
  1. Run the application:
flask run --debug

Environment Variables

TLDR: You can just cp .env.example .env to get all default environment variables ready.

  • SESSION_DIR: Where to store session files (defaults to data/flask_sessions/)

  • SESSION_LIFETIME: How long a session should last in seconds (defaults to 3 hours)

  • DATABASE_PATH: Path to the sqlite3 database file (defaults to data/db/hackerschool.sqlite3)

  • STATIC_DIR: Path to the folder where user and project images will be stored (defaults to data/static/)

  • ROLES_PATH: Path to the roles configuration json file (defaults to data/roles.json)

  • LOGS_PATH Path to logs file (defaults to stdout)

  • FRONTEND_URI URI for the frontend (defaults to http://localhost:3000 for dev)

These will only be necessary if you'll be using the flask create-admin command

  • ADMIN_USERNAME: Admin username
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: Admin password

Project Structure

The project follows a layered architecture with a controller, service and models layer.

|  Controller |
|   Service   |
     ^    ^
     |    |
     |    +---------------------+
     |                          |
+-------------+        +------------------+
|   Models    |        |  Other Handlers  | (e.g, logos handler in filesystem)
+-------------+        +------------------+

The structure is based on the Flask factory extension pattern.

├── app/
│   ├── api/           # controller layer
│   │                  
│   ├── services/      # service layer
│   │                  
│   ├── models/        # database models layer
│   │                  
│   ├── commands/      # commands definitions (like init-db, create-admin)
│   │                  
│   ├── logos/         # logos extension
│   │                  
│   ├── roles/         # roles extension
│   │                  
│   ├──      # flask configuration variables
│   │                  
│   ├──  # loading extensions
│   │                  
│   └──    # entrypoint with flask app factory
├── data/              # application files
│   └── roles.json     # roles configuration file
├── migrations/        # migration files (alembic)
└── tests/             # components tests
    ├── models/
    └── roles/


To test run the following in the root directory of the repository:

python -m unittest discover -s tests


Content-Type refers to the response type for GET requests and request type for POST, PUT and DELETE requests. - refers to unused.


Method URL Content-Type Description
POST /login json Login and set cookie session ID
GET /logout json Logout and end session


Method URL Content-Type Description
GET /members json Get a list of all members
POST /members json Create a new member
GET /members/{username} json Get details of a specific member by username
PUT /members/{username} json Update member details by username
DELETE /members/{username} - Delete a member by username
PUT /members/{username}/edit_password json Change member password by username
POST /members/{username}/{proj_name} json Add a project to the member's list
DELETE /members/{username}/{proj_name} - Remove a project from the member's list of projects
GET /members/{username}/projects json Get a list of all projects a member is associated with
GET /members/{username}/logo - Get member's profile logo
PUT /members/{username}/logo multipart/form-data Upload or update member's logo
DELETE /members/{username}/logo - Delete member's logo
GET /members/{username}/roles json Get roles assigned to a member
PUT /members/{username}/roles json Add roles to the member
DELETE /members/{username}/roles json Remove roles from the member


Method URL Content-Type Description
GET /projects json Get a list of all projects
POST /projects json Create a new project
GET /projects/{proj_name} json Get details of a specific project by project name
PUT /projects/{proj_name} json Update project details by project name
DELETE /projects/{proj_name} - Delete a project by project name
POST /projects/{proj_name}/{username} json Add a member to the project
DELETE /projects/{proj_name}/{username} - Remove a member from the project
GET /projects/{proj_name}/members json Get a list of all members associated with a project
GET /projects/{proj_name}/logo image/* Get project logo
PUT /projects/{proj_name}/logo multipart/form-data Upload or update project logo
DELETE /projects/{proj_name}/logo - Delete project logo

Issues and To-Do

Known issues can be found here, and a to-do list here.


  • A frontend application is currently under development.

  • A CLI for the API is available here.

Contributions are welcomed!