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The last set of problems for those who know everything

100 SMS

Before the smartphones, when you had to write some message, the keypads looked like that:

Nokia 3310 Keypad

For example, on such keypad, if you want to write Ruby, you had to press the following sequence of numbers:


Each key contains some letters from the alphabet. And by pressing that key, you rotate the letters until you get to your desired one.

It's time to implement some encode / decode functions for the old keypads!


First, implement the function that takes a list of integers - the sequence of numbers that have been pressed. The function should return the corresponding string of the message.

There are a few special rules:

  • If you press 1, the next letter is going to be capitalized
  • If you press 0, this will insert a single white-space
  • If you press a number and wait for a few seconds, the special breaking number -1 enters the sequence. This is the way to write different letters from only one keypad!

Few examples:

numbers_to_message([2, -1, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2]) = "abc"
numbers_to_message([2, 2, 2, 2]) = "a"
numbers_to_message([1, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 0, 3, 3, 0, 1, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 6, 6, 3, 2])
"Ivo e Panda"


This function takes a string - the message and returns the minimal keystrokes that you ned to write that message

Few examples:

message_to_numbers("abc") = [2, -1, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2]
message_to_numbers("a") = [2]
message_to_numbers("Ivo e panda")
[1, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 0, 3, 3, 0, 1, 7, 2, 6, 6, 3, 2]
message_to_numbers("aabbcc") = [2, -1, 2, -1, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, 2]

Spam and Eggs

This is a problem from the Python 2012 course in FMI.

You can see the original problem statement here -

Implement a function, called prepare_meal(number) that takes an integer and returns a string, generated by the following algorithm:


If there is an integer n, such that 3^n divides number and n is the largest possible, the result should be a string, containing n times spam.

For example:

prepare_meal(3) == 'spam'
prepare_meal(27) == 'spam spam spam'
prepare_meal(7) == ''


If number is divisible by 5, add and eggs to the result.

For example:

prepare_meal(5) == 'eggs'
prepare_meal(15) == 'spam and eggs'
prepare_meal(45) == 'spam spam and eggs'

Notice that in the first case, there is no "and". In the rest - there is.

prepare_meal(5) == "eggs"
prepare_meal(3) == "spam"
prepare_meal(27) == "spam spam spam"
prepare_meal(15) == "spam and eggs"
prepare_meal(45) == "spam spam and eggs"
prepare_meal(7) == ""

Reduce file path

A file path in a Unix OS looks like this - /home/radorado/code/hackbulgaria/week0

We start from the root - / and we navigate to the destination fodler.

But there is a problem - if we have .. and . in our file path, it's not clear where we are going to end up.

  • .. means to go back one directory
  • . means to stay in the same directory
  • we can have more then one / between the directories - /home//code

So for example : /home//radorado/code/./hackbulgaria/week0/../ reduces to /home/radorado/code/hackbulgaria.

Implement a function, called reduce_file_path(path) which takes a string and returns the reduced version of the path.

  • Every .. means that we have to go one directory back
  • Every . means that we are staying in the same directory
  • Every extra / is unnecessary
  • Always remove the last /

Few examples:

reduce_file_path("/") == "/"
reduce_file_path("/srv/../") == "/"
reduce_file_path("/srv/www/htdocs/wtf/") == "/srv/www/htdocs/wtf"
reduce_file_path("/srv/www/htdocs/wtf") == "/srv/www/htdocs/wtf"
reduce_file_path("/srv/./././././") == "/srv"
reduce_file_path("/etc//wtf/") == "/etc/wtf"
reduce_file_path("/etc/../etc/../etc/../") == "/"
reduce_file_path("//////////////") == "/"
reduce_file_path("/../") == "/"

Word from a^nb^n

Implement a function, called an_bn?(word) that checks if the given word is from the a^nb^n for n>=0 language. Here, a^n means a to the power of n - repeat the character "a" n times.

Lets see few words from this language:

  • for n = 0, this is the empty word ""
  • for n = 1, this is the word "ab"
  • for n = 2, this is the word "aabb"
  • for n = 3, this is the word "aaabbb"
  • and so on - first, you repeat the character "a" n times, and after this - repeat "b" n times

The function should return true if the given word is from a^nb^n for n>=0" for some n.

Test examples:

an_bn?("") == true
an_bn?("rado") == false
an_bn?("aaabb") == false
an_bn?("aaabbb") == true
an_bn?("aabbaabb") == false
an_bn?("bbbaaa") == false
an_bn?("aaaaabbbbb") == true

Credit card validation

Implement a function, called valid_credit_card?(number), which returns true/false based on the following algorithm:

  • Each credit card number must contain odd count of digits.
  • We transform the number with the following steps (based on the fact that we start from index 0)
    • All digits, read from right to left, at even positions (index), remain the same.
    • Every digit, read from right to left, at odd position is replaced by the result, that is obtained from doubling the given digit.
  • After the transformation, we find the sum of all digits in the transformed number.
  • The number is valid, if the sum is divisible by 10.

For example: 79927398713 is valid, bacause:

  • When we double and replace all digits at odd position we get: 7 (18 = 2 * 9) 9 (4 = 2 * 2) 7 (6 = 2 * 3) 9 (16 = 2 * 8) 7 (2 = 2 * 1) 3
  • The sum of all digits of the new number is 70, which is divisible by 10 => the card number is valid.

More examples:

  • 79927398713 is a valid number
  • 79927398715 is invalid number

Goldbach Conjecture

Implement a function, called goldbach(n) which returns a list of lists, that is the goldbach conjecture for the given number n.

The Goldbach Conjecture states:

Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes.

Keep in mind that there can be more than one combination of two primes, that sums up to the given number.

The result should be sorted by the first item in the tuple.

For example:

  • 4 = 2 + 2
  • 6 = 3 + 3
  • 8 = 3 + 5
  • 10 = 3 + 7 = 5 + 5
  • 100 = 3 + 97 = 11 + 89 = 17 + 83 = 29 + 71 = 41 + 59 = 47 + 53

Few examples:

goldbach(4) == [[2,2]]
goldbach(6) == [[3,3]]
goldbach(8) == [[3,5]]
goldbach(10) == [[3,7], [5,5]]
goldbach(100) == [[3, 97], [11, 89], [17, 83], [29, 71], [41, 59], [47, 53]]

Magic Square

Implement a function, called magic_square?(matrix) that checks if the given array of arrays matrix is a magic square.

A magic square is a square matrix where the numbers in each row, and in each column, and the numbers in the forward and backward main diagonals, all add up to the same number.

magic_square?([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) == false

magic_square?([[4,9,2], [3,5,7], [8,1,6]]) ==  true
magic_square?([[7,12,1,14], [2,13,8,11], [16,3,10,5], [9,6,15,4]]) ==  true
magic_square?([[23, 28, 21], [22, 24, 26], [27, 20, 25]]) == true
magic_square?([[16, 23, 17], [78, 32, 21], [17, 16, 15]]) == false