Sierra is an open-source framework for simplifying development of Java Swing applications. It is extremely lightweight and has minimal external dependencies. The project's name comes from the nautical S or Sierra flag, representing the first letter in "Swing":
This guide introduces the Sierra framework and provides an overview of its key features.
Sierra is distributed via Maven Central at org.httprpc:sierra. Java 17 or later is required. FlatLaf is recommended.
A DTD is provided to assist with editing. It is not used for validation and is not required.
Sierra provides the UILoader
class, which can be used in conjunction with the following types to to declaratively establish a hierarchy of user interface elements:
- arranges sub-components in a horizontal line, optionally aligning to baselineColumnPanel
- arranges sub-components in a vertical line, optionally aligning nested elements to a gridStackPanel
- sizes sub-components to fill the available spaceSpacer
- provides fixed or flexible space between other components
These classes offer an alternative to the standard Java layout managers, which can often be limiting or difficult to use in practice.
Sierra also includes the TextPane
and ImagePane
components, which provide an alternative to JLabel
for displaying basic text or image content, respectively. TextPane
supports wrapping without requiring HTML, and ImagePane
supports scaling without requiring an intermediate BufferedImage
For example, the following markup declares a column panel containing a graphic and a simple greeting:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE column-panel SYSTEM "sierra.dtd">
<column-panel padding="8" opaque="true" background="white">
<image-pane image="world.png" scaleMode="fill-width"/>
<text-pane text="Hello, World!" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
This markup could be deserialized and set as the content pane of a frame or dialog as follows:
setContentPane(UILoader.load(this, "greeting-test.xml"));
The complete source code for this example can be found here.
XML elements represent component instances. Most Swing and all Sierra components are supported by default. Support for additional elements can be added via the bind()
method of the UILoader
Elements can be nested to create a component hierarchy. For example:
<column-panel spacing="8" padding="8">
<check-box text="checkBox1"/>
<check-box text="checkBox2"/>
<row-panel spacing="8">
<button name="button" text="executeTask"/>
<label name="label" foreground="gray"/>
<spacer weight="1"/>
<activity-indicator name="activityIndicator" indicatorSize="18"/>
XML attributes generally represent component properties. For example, this markup creates an instance of TextPane
and sets its "text" property to "Hello, World!":
<text-pane text="Hello, World!" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
Numeric and boolean values are automatically converted to the appropriate type. Properties that expect values defined by the SwingConstants
class (such as "horizontalAlignment") can be specified via a lowercase version of the constant name. Enum values are specified using kebab case.
Color and font properties can be specified using the formats supported by Color#decode()
and Font#decode()
, respectively. For example, this markup creates an instance of JLabel
and sets its "foreground" property to gray:
<label name="label" foreground="#808080"/>
Colors and fonts can also be referenced by name:
<label name="label" foreground="gray"/>
Sierra includes support for the 16 "basic" web colors by default. Support for additional colors and fonts can be added via the define()
methods of the UILoader
Image and icon properties can be specified via a path to an image document on the application's classpath. The path is relative to the document's "owner", the value passed as the first argument to UILoader#load()
. For example:
<image-pane image="world.png" scaleMode="fill-width"/>
Icon support is currently limited to SVG documents and requires the FlatLaf Extras library:
<toggle-button name="alignLeftButton" icon="format_align_left_black_18dp.svg" style="buttonType: toolBarButton"/>
The "border" and "padding" attributes are used to create a solid border and reserve space around a component, respectively. For example, this markup creates a label with a light gray border and four pixels of padding on each side:
<label text="pageStart" horizontalAlignment="center" border="silver" padding="4"/>
Border thickness can be specified as shown below:
border="#00ff00, 4"
Padding values for multiple sides can be specified in top, left, bottom, right order:
padding="8, 8, 8, 8"
The "weight" attribute specifies the amount of excess space in a container that should be allocated to a component, relative to other weighted components in the container. When applied to a Spacer
instance, it creates a "glue" component that automatically shrinks or stretches depending on the size of its container. However, weights are not limited to spacers and can be applied to any component type:
<row-panel spacing="4" weight="1">
<label text="lineStart" font="h2" horizontalAlignment="center" border="silver" padding="4"/>
<label text="center" font="h1" horizontalAlignment="center" border="silver" padding="4" weight="1"/>
<label text="lineEnd" font="h2" horizontalAlignment="center" border="silver" padding="4"/>
The "size" attribute specifies a fixed dimension for a component. It is typically used with Spacer
instances to create "struts" between components, as an alternative to the "spacing" property provided by RowPanel
and ColumnPanel
<column-panel spacing="4" padding="8">
<button text="1a"/>
<spacer size="4"/>
<button text="1b"/>
<spacer size="4"/>
<button text="1c"/>
<spacer weight="1"/>
Size values for multiple dimensions can be specified in width, height order:
size="20, 20"
FlatLaf style and style class values can be specified via the "style" and "styleClass" attributes, respectively. For example, this markup applies the "h2" style class to a JLabel
instance used by a list cell renderer:
<row-panel spacing="4" padding="4" opaque="true">
<image-pane name="imagePane" size="30, 30" scaleMode="fill-width"/>
<label name="nameLabel" styleClass="h4"/>
<label name="descriptionLabel"/>
Several FlatLaf text field properties are also supported. For example:
<column-panel spacing="4" padding="8">
<text-field columns="16" placeholderText="firstName" showClearButton="true"/>
<text-field columns="16" placeholderText="lastName" showClearButton="true"/>
<spacer size="8"/>
<text-field columns="16" leadingIcon="search_18dp.svg" trailingIcon="people_18dp.svg"/>
The "group" attribute associates a button with a button group. For example, the following markup creates two radio buttons belonging to the "orientation" group:
<radio-button name="leftToRightButton" group="orientation" text="leftToRight"/>
<radio-button name="rightToLeftButton" group="orientation" text="rightToLeft"/>
The "name" attribute associates an identifier with a component. The value is automatically injected into a field with the same name defined by the document's owner (called an "outlet").
For example, the following markup declares outlets named "greetingButton" and "greetingLabel":
<button name="greetingButton" text="prompt"/>
<label name="greetingLabel" horizontalAlignment="center"/>
When the load()
method returns, the corresponding fields in the owner will be populated with the instances declared in the markup:
public class ActionTest extends JFrame implements Runnable {
private JButton greetingButton = null;
private JLabel greetingLabel = null;
public void run() {
setContentPane(UILoader.load(this, "action-test.xml", resourceBundle));
See for more information.
If a non-null
value is passed as the third argument to the load()
method, values of text properties are considered resource keys and are used to look up the associated strings in the provided resource bundle. For example:
<column-panel spacing="4" alignToGrid="true" padding="8">
<row-panel alignToBaseline="true">
<label text="firstName" alignmentX="1.0"/>
<text-field columns="12" alignmentX="0.0"/>
<row-panel alignToBaseline="true">
<label text="lastName" alignmentX="1.0"/>
<text-field columns="12" alignmentX="0.0"/>
<row-panel alignToBaseline="true">
<label text="streetAddress" alignmentX="1.0"/>
<text-field columns="24" alignmentX="0.0"/>
title = Form Test
firstName = First Name
lastName = Last Name
streetAddress = Street Address
public class FormTest extends JFrame implements Runnable {
private static final ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(FormTest.class.getName());
public void run() {
var scrollPane = new JScrollPane(UILoader.load(this, "form-test.xml", resourceBundle));
See for more information.
When grid alignment is enabled in a ColumnPanel
, the sub-components of every RowPanel
in the column are vertically aligned in a grid, as in a spreadsheet or HTML table. The width of each sub-column is the maximum preferred width of the "cells" in that column (i.e. the components having the same index in each row).
Cell contents are aligned based on the component's x and y alignment values (returned by getAlignmentX()
and getAlignmentY()
, respectively). For most components, the default is 0.5, indicating that the component should fill the entire cell along both axes. Values between 0.0 and 0.5 will align the component to the cell's leading or top edge, and values between 0.5 and 1.0 will align the component to the cell's trailing or bottom edge. In both cases, a proportional amount of the excess space will be allocated to the component. A value of 0 or 1 will result in no excess space being given to the component (i.e. it will be aligned to the appropriate edge and will be given its preferred size along that axis).
For example, the following markup demonstrates x-alignment:
<column-panel spacing="4" alignToGrid="true" padding="8">
<text-pane text="0.0" alignmentX="0.0" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="0.25" horizontalAlignment="center" alignmentX="0.25" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="0.5" horizontalAlignment="center" alignmentX="0.5" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="0.75" horizontalAlignment="center" alignmentX="0.75" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="1.0" alignmentX="1.0" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="120, 40" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="120, 40" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="120, 40" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="120, 40" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="120, 40" border="silver"/>
This markup demonstrates y-alignment:
<column-panel spacing="4" alignToGrid="true" padding="8">
<text-pane text="0.0" alignmentY="0.0" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="160, 80" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="0.25" verticalAlignment="center" alignmentY="0.25" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="160, 80" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="0.5" verticalAlignment="center" alignmentY="0.5" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="160, 80" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="0.75" verticalAlignment="center" alignmentY="0.75" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="160, 80" border="silver"/>
<text-pane text="1.0" alignmentY="1.0" border="silver"/>
<spacer size="160, 80" border="silver"/>
Row spacing and cell weights are ignored when grid alignment is enabled.
In addition to the features outlined above, Sierra also includes some common user interface elements not provided by Swing.
The MenuButton
component displays a popup menu when pressed. For example:
See for more information.
The DatePicker
and TimePicker
components allow a user to select a local date and time, respectively:
These classes are localized. See for more information.
The SuggestionPicker
component allows a user to choose from a list of predefined values:
See for more information.
The ActivityIndicator
component shows indeterminate progress:
See for more information.
The ScrollingKeyboardFocusManager
class ensures that components are automatically scrolled into view when focused (something that Swing oddly does not do by default). It can be installed at application startup as follows:
KeyboardFocusManager.setCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(new ScrollingKeyboardFocusManager());
See for more information.
The TaskExecutor
class performs a task in the background and and invokes a callback on the UI thread when the task is complete:
public <T> void execute(Callable<T> task, BiConsumer<T, Exception> handler) { ... }
For example:
taskExecutor.execute(() -> {
// Perform long-running task that may throw
return result;
}, (result, exception) -> {
if (exception == null) {
// Handle success
} else {
// Handle failure
Internally, tasks are submitted to an executor service provided to the TaskExecutor
constructor. See for more information.
The following is a complete example of an application built using Sierra. It uses the Tiingo End-of-Day API to retrieve historical stock pricing information:
The application consists of the following source files:
- - primary application logic
- - proxy interface used to submit API requests
- and - data types used by
- tiingo-test.xml - UI declaration
- - localized string resources
An API token is required and must be specified as a system property at application startup:
-Dtoken=<Tiingo API Token>