This is a complete e-commerce app we developped during a Symfony course. We show to learner how he can create a nice clean e-commerce app with many interesting and commun features using Symfony step by step.
The disign is based on the MultiShop - Online Shop Website Template
available at
The covered features are:
- authentification (sign in, sign out, sign up, account settings)
- products exploration (display, details, search, filter)
- products promotions (discounts, arrival products, ...)
- like/review products and suggestions
- cart options (add, inscrease, decrease, remove, checkout)
- order options (confirm, delivery information, payement)
- alerts/faqs options
- contacts/newsletters options
- status pages (400, 404, 500, ...)
- administration panel
- Part 1: project creaction with requiered packages/apps and configuration
- Part 2: making of front template base on the above one and add of admin panel
- Part 3: making the models base on the following one (available here)
Models are added to the admin panel (basically)
- Part 4: making of the features announced above
- Part 5: admin panel structuration with more design and dashboard
- Part 6: production
Make sur you have symfony developpment environment and proceed as follow:
- Use the git clone command
One can clone a specific branch and proceed to setup.
git clone
- Install the requiered packages
composer install
- Configure the
file (specially data base) - Make the migrations
If you want, you can delete the migrations files and proceed to your own migrations files
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
symfony console make:migration symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- Add some data (categories, products, images) to your database
- Add a admin user account
symfony console user:create
- Run your server, go to the site and enjoy
symfony server:start
- The header that contains:
- The footer that contains basic informations/links:
- The loging and registration pages:
- The home page that contains:
- The shop page that contains the filter/sort options, products display with pagination
- The cart page that contains related products with their information and edit options (add/remove, inscrease/decrease, reduction, proceed to checkout)
- The checkout page that contains the recap of the cart, delivery (shipping) details and the proceed to payment
- The payment page