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File metadata and controls

425 lines (332 loc) · 11.7 KB


ATM comes with the possibility to start a server process that enables interacting with it via a REST API server that runs over flask.

In this document you will find a briefly explanation how to start it and use it.


In this section we will briefly show the basic usage of the REST API.

For more detailed information about all the operations supported by the API, please point your browser to and explore the examples provided by the Swagger interface.

1. Start the REST API Server

In order to start a REST API server, after installing ATM open a terminal, activate its virtualenv, and execute this command:

atm start

This will start ATM server as a background service. The REST server will be listening at the port 5000 of your machine, and if you point your browser at, you will see the documentation website that shows information about all the REST operations allowed by the API.

Optionally, the --port <port> can be added to modify the port which the server listents at:

atm start --port 1234

If you would like to see the status of the server process you can run:

atm status

An output similar to this one will appear:

ATM is running with 1 worker
ATM REST server is listening on

In order to stop the server you can run the following command:

atm stop

Notice that atm start will start one worker by default. If you would like to launch more than one, you can do so by adding the argument --workers <number_of_workers or -w <number_of_workers>.

atm start --workers 4

For more detailed options you can run atm start --help to obtain a list with the arguments that are being accepted.

2. Create a Dataset

Once the server is running, you can register your first dataset using the API. To do so, you need to send the path to your CSV file and the name of your target_column in a POST request to api/datasets.

This call will create a simple dataset in our database:

POST /api/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "class_column": "your_target_column",
    "train_path": "path/to/your.csv"

Once you have created some datasets, you can see them by sending a GET request:

GET /api/datasets HTTP/1.1

This will return a json with all the information about the stored datasets.

As an example, you can get and register a demo dataset by running the following two commands:

atm get_demos
curl -v localhost:5000/api/datasets -H'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d'{"class_column": "class", "train_path": "demos/pollution_1.csv"}'

3. Trigger a Datarun

In order to trigger a datarun, once you have created a dataset, you have to send the dataset_id in a POST request to api/run to trigger the workers with the default values.

POST /api/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-type: application/json

    "dataset_id": id_of_your_dataset

If you have followed the above example and created a pollution dataset in the database, you can run the following POST to trigger it's datarun:

curl -v localhost:5000/api/run -H'Content-type: application/json' -d'{"dataset_id": 1}'

NOTE atleast one worker should be running in order to process the datarun.

While running, the workers, will log what they are doing in the file atm.log.

In order to monitor their activity in real time, you can execute this on another terminal:

tail -f atm.log

4. Browse the results

Once the database is populated, you can use the REST API to explore the following 4 models:

  • Datasets
  • Dataruns
  • Hyperpartitions
  • Classifiers

And these are the operations that can be performed on them:

Get all objects from a model

In order to get all the objects for a single model, you need to make a GET request to /api/<model>.

The output will be a JSON with 4 entries:

  • num_results: The number of results found
  • objects: A list containing a subdocument for each result
  • page: The current page
  • total_pages: The number of pages

For example, you can get all the datasets using:

GET /api/datasets HTTP/1.1

And the output will be:

  "num_results": 1,
  "objects": [
      "class_column": "class",
      "d_features": 16,
      "dataruns": [
          "budget": 100,
          "budget_type": "classifier",
          "dataset_id": 1,
          "deadline": null,
          "description": "uniform__uniform",
          "end_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:11.346733",
          "gridding": 0,
          "id": 1,
          "k_window": 3,
          "metric": "f1",
          "priority": 1,
          "r_minimum": 2,
          "score_target": "cv_judgment_metric",
          "selector": "uniform",
          "start_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:02.514514",
          "status": "complete",
          "tuner": "uniform"
      "description": null,
      "id": 1,
      "k_classes": 2,
      "majority": 0.516666667,
      "n_examples": 60,
      "name": "pollution_1",
      "size_kb": 8,
      "test_path": null,
      "train_path": "/path/to/atm/data/test/pollution_1.csv"
  "page": 1,
  "total_pages": 1

Get a single object by id

In order to get one particular objects for a model, you need to make a GET request to /api/<model>/<id>.

The output will be the document representing the corresponding object.

For example, you can get the dataset with id 1 using:

GET /api/datasets/1 HTTP/1.1

And the output will be:

  "class_column": "class",
  "d_features": 16,
  "dataruns": [
      "budget": 100,
      "budget_type": "classifier",
      "dataset_id": 1,
      "deadline": null,
      "description": "uniform__uniform",
      "end_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:11.346733",
      "gridding": 0,
      "id": 1,
      "k_window": 3,
      "metric": "f1",
      "priority": 1,
      "r_minimum": 2,
      "score_target": "cv_judgment_metric",
      "selector": "uniform",
      "start_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:02.514514",
      "status": "complete",
      "tuner": "uniform"
  "description": null,
  "id": 1,
  "k_classes": 2,
  "majority": 0.516666667,
  "n_examples": 60,
  "name": "pollution_1",
  "size_kb": 8,
  "test_path": null,
  "train_path": "/path/to/atm/data/test/pollution_1.csv"

Get all the children objects

In order to get all the childre objects from one parent object, you need to make a GET request to /api/<parent_model>/<parent_id>/<child_model>.

The output will be in the same format as if you had requested all the elements from the children model, but with the results filtered by the parent one.

So, for example, in order to get all the dataruns that use the dataset with id 1, you can use:

GET /api/datasets/1/dataruns HTTP/1.1

And the output will be (note that some parts have been cut):

  "num_results": 1,
  "objects": [
      "budget": 100,
      "budget_type": "classifier",
      "classifiers": [
          "cv_judgment_metric": 0.8444444444,
          "cv_judgment_metric_stdev": 0.1507184441,
          "datarun_id": 1,
          "end_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:02.600185",
          "error_message": null,
          "host": "",
          "hyperpartition_id": 23,
          "id": 1,
          "metrics_location": "metrics/pollution_1-4bc39b14.metric",
          "model_location": "models/pollution_1-4bc39b14.model",
          "start_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:02.539046",
          "status": "complete",
          "test_judgment_metric": 0.6250000000
      "dataset": {
        "class_column": "class",
        "d_features": 16,
        "description": null,
        "id": 1,
        "k_classes": 2,
        "majority": 0.516666667,
        "n_examples": 60,
        "name": "pollution_1",
        "size_kb": 8,
        "test_path": null,
        "train_path": "/path/to/atm/data/test/pollution_1.csv"
      "dataset_id": 1,
      "deadline": null,
      "description": "uniform__uniform",
      "end_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:11.346733",
      "gridding": 0,
      "hyperpartitions": [
          "categorical_hyperparameters_64": "gANdcQAoWAcAAABwZW5hbHR5cQFYAgAAAGwxcQKGcQNYDQAAAGZpdF9pbnRlcmNlcHRxBIiGcQVlLg==",
          "constant_hyperparameters_64": "gANdcQAoWAwAAABjbGFzc193ZWlnaHRxAVgIAAAAYmFsYW5jZWRxAoZxA1gGAAAAX3NjYWxlcQSIhnEFZS4=",
          "datarun_id": 1,
          "id": 1,
          "method": "logreg",
          "status": "incomplete",
      "id": 1,
      "k_window": 3,
      "metric": "f1",
      "priority": 1,
      "r_minimum": 2,
      "score_target": "cv_judgment_metric",
      "selector": "uniform",
      "start_time": "2019-04-11T20:58:02.514514",
      "status": "complete",
      "tuner": "uniform"
  "page": 1,
  "total_pages": 1

Additional information

Start additional process with different pid file

If you would like to run more workers or you would like to launch a second ATM process, you can do so by specifying a different PID file.

For example:

atm start --no-server -w 4  --pid

To check the status of this process we have to run:

atm status --pid

This will print an output like this:

ATM is running with 4 workers

Restart the ATM process

If you have an ATM process running and you would like to restart it and add more workers to it or maybe change the port on which is running, you can achieve so with the atm restart:

atm restart

This command will restart the server with the default values, so if you would like to use other options you can run --help to see the accepted arguments:

atm restart --help

Stop the ATM process

As we saw before, by runing the command atm stop you will terminate the ATM process. However this command accepts a few arguments in order to control this behaviour:

  • -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT, time to wait in order to check if the process has been terminated.

  • -f, --force, Kill the process if it does not terminate gracefully.

  • --pid PIDFILE, PID file to use

Start the ATM REST API server in foreground

If you would like to monitorize the server for debugging process, you can do so by runing the with the following command:

atm server

An output similar to this one should apear in the terminal:

 * Serving Flask app "api.setup" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 150-127-826

For additional arguments run atm server --help

Note that this command will not launch any workers process. In order to launch a foreground worker you have to do so by runing atm worker.