docker build -t vfrn .
docker run -it --gpus=all --net=host --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY vfrn
When using vscode dev-containers verify if the cpu is going to 100%, if so try this inside the container:
ps aux | grep @vs
and kill the process that appears in the list
conda activate drones
Running the train of the UAV (at the moment, this is using mysql to run multiple iterations in optuna and there is the need to create the db before this can be run)
python /app/gym-pybullet-drones/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/ --gui false --record_video false
Visualize the control
python /app/gym-pybullet-drones/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/ --gui false --record_video false
Generate the dataset
python /app/gym-pybullet-drones/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/ --x 0 --y <starting_point_y> --z <starting_point_z> --step <step (negative value, if it starts in the right or up part)> --step_axis <axis that is used with step for dataset record>
Generate vnnlib and vis dataset
python /app/gym-pybullet-drones/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/ --obs kin --act discrete_2d_complex --dataset_folder <dataset_folder, ex: /app/VFRN4UAVs/discrete/datasets/dataset_31.08.2024/19.14.17> --perturb <perturbation radius, ex: 0.01> --output_condition quadrants --visualize_dataset True --visualize_actions True
conda activate alpha-beta-crown
Launch alpha-beta-crown verification
python /app/alpha-beta-CROWN/complete_verifier/ --config /app/VFRN4UAVs/discrete/abcrown_yaml/onnx_sac_discrete_multiple_vnnlibs_reward440.yaml
conda activate drones
Plot the certified and violated points in alpha-beta-crown
python /app/VFRN4UAVs/ --file_path /app/certified.txt --directory /app/VFRN4UAVs/discrete/datasets/dataset_31.08.2024/final --include_unsafe True
Plot the counter examples and the action
python /app/VFRN4UAVs/ --directory /app/VFRN4UAVs/discrete/datasets/dataset_31.08.2024/final/vnnlibs_0.01_quadrants
conda activate pynever
Verify with pynever. the file exp_launcher needs to be changed for new datasets
python /app/VFRN4UAVs/pyNever/ 1 60
conda activate drones
Plot certified in pynever
python /app/VFRN4UAVs/pyNever/ --results_path /app/VFRN4UAVs/pyNever/logs/experiments_too_tilted_436.csv --directory /app/VFRN4UAVs/discrete/datasets/dataset_20.08.2024/final