My coding journal
- 26/03/2020: Back from vacations! Preparing interview questions on Docker.
- 22/02/2020: Big O complexity.
- 21/02/2020: Reading Cracking the coding interview -> Read about the motivations and objectives of the interviewers and the interview format. Studied the 4 paradigms (OOP, Functional, Logic and Procedural).
- 20/02/2020: Started learning Scala, focus on OOP -> the 4 pillars: Abstraction (show only some attributes of a class), Encapsulation (wrap methors and data into a class), Inheritance (when a class acquire the properties and behavior of another class), Polymorphism (redefine methods from a class).
- 19/02/2020: Worked on coding interview questions. First Recurring Character problem, algorithmic problems involving hashset and hash tables, best algorithm for convex-hull problem. Read about MySQL vs Postgres -> Postgres hadles concurrency better, and supports a number of advanced data types not available in MySQL, but in some cases MySQL has better performances.
- 18/02/2020: Finished application for Soundcloud, read article on shorter reindexing time for elasticsearch clusters on the Soundcloud tech blog.
- 17/02/2020: Finished online resume, lecture on Redis and its advantages -> Redis is a in-memory key-value database. Very fast and flexible, better used for non-structured data for quick lookups. Best way is to use them together, redis for cache and MySQL for storing application data.
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