From b076347d5aacd41cfe46a6aa2d8352e97f37803b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yondijr Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2021 18:35:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] + readme +requirements --- | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++- requirements.txt | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 requirements.txt diff --git a/ b/ index c707a8f..28a207b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1 +1,63 @@ -# On-grammar-improvements-of-GPT-2-generation \ No newline at end of file +# On-grammar-improvements-of-GPT-2-generation + +This repository includes the complete code for the paper XXXX. The purpose of this repository is to make experiments reproducable and give advanced insights into the experiments that were conducted. + +drawing + +## Getting Started + +This repository includes the following things: + + - Documentation of the Dataset building process + - Finetuning, Grammar Correction and Generation scripts that were used during this research project + - Documentation of the complete evaluation process + - A mountain of generated samples that was used during evaluation + - Documentation of the model combination evaluation + - Documentation of generating samples referenced in our paper + + +## Build on + +* [HuggingFace -Transformers]( + +### Installation + +To install dependencies simply run + +``` +pip install -r requirements.txt +``` +You should be good to go. + + + + +## The following external resources should be added in order to retrace all steps: + +- LAMBADA data files should be extracted to the LAMBADA folder (downloadable from +- The GPT-2 generation datasets should be extracted to the original_data folder (downloadable from For the purpose of this paper, only the small-117M datasets are needed. +- The model checkpoints are needed to retrace everything. If needed they are available by contacting Gideon-Stein. + + +## Generation script usage: + ``` + python --model_path=../trained_models/the_dream_final_3/checkpoint-257616/pytorch_model.bin --text_path ../build_data/EOS_new_filter_700.txt --n_data 1000 --save_path the_dream_filter_700_3_1.p + python --model_name_or_path=model_save/only_correctedAll/pytorch_model.bin --save_name oootf +``` + Parameters can be added and changed accordingly to the script. + +## Finetuning script usage: + ``` + python --output_dir=model_save/the_dream_finetune_3 --model_type=gpt2 --model_name_or_path=gpt2 --do_train --train_data_file=classic_finetune_train.txt --per_gpu_train_batch_size 1 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --save_steps 41599 --save_total_limit 20 --num_train_epochs 20 + python --model_name_or_path=model_save/the_dream_classic_finetune_2/first/checkpoint-41599/pytorch_model.bin --save_name generate_cf_1 --max_length 1024 --n_sentences 100 + ``` + + + + + ## Authors + +* **Gideon Stein** - *Initial work* - [Github]( + + + diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bad7ae8 --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +absl-py==0.10.0 +argon2-cffi==20.1.0 +astunparse==1.6.3 +async-generator==1.10 +attrs==20.2.0 +backcall==0.2.0 +bleach==3.2.1 +boto3==1.16.51 +botocore==1.19.51 +cachetools==4.1.1 +certifi==2020.6.20 +cffi==1.14.3 +chardet==3.0.4 +click==7.1.2 +colorama==0.4.3 +cycler==0.10.0 +decorator==4.4.2 +defusedxml==0.6.0 +entrypoints==0.3 +filelock==3.0.12 +future==0.18.2 +gast==0.3.3 +google-auth==1.22.1 +google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.1 +google-pasta==0.2.0 +grpcio==1.32.0 +h5py==2.10.0 +idna==2.10 +importlib-metadata==2.0.0 +ipykernel==5.3.4 +ipython==7.18.1 +ipython-genutils==0.2.0 +ipywidgets==7.5.1 +jedi==0.17.2 +Jinja2==2.11.2 +jmespath==0.10.0 +joblib==0.17.0 +json5==0.9.5 +jsonschema==3.2.0 +jupyter-client==6.1.7 +jupyter-core==4.6.3 +jupyterlab==2.2.8 +jupyterlab-pygments==0.1.2 +jupyterlab-server==1.2.0 +Keras-Preprocessing==1.1.2 +kiwisolver==1.3.1 +language-check==1.1 +Markdown==3.2.2 +MarkupSafe==1.1.1 +matplotlib==3.3.3 +mistune==0.8.4 +nbclient==0.5.0 +nbconvert==6.0.7 +nbformat==5.0.7 +nest-asyncio==1.4.1 +notebook==6.1.4 +numpy==1.18.5 +oauthlib==3.1.0 +opt-einsum==3.3.0 +packaging==20.4 +pandas==1.1.5 +pandocfilters==1.4.2 +parso==0.7.1 +pickleshare==0.7.5 +Pillow==7.2.0 +prometheus-client==0.8.0 +prompt-toolkit==3.0.7 +protobuf==3.13.0 +pyasn1==0.4.8 +pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 +pycparser==2.20 +Pygments==2.7.1 +pyparsing==2.4.7 +pyrsistent==0.17.3 +python-dateutil==2.8.1 +pytz==2020.4 +pywin32==228 +pywinpty==0.5.7 +pyzmq==19.0.2 +regex==2020.9.27 +requests==2.24.0 +requests-oauthlib==1.3.0 +rsa==4.6 +s3transfer==0.3.3 +sacremoses==0.0.43 +Send2Trash==1.5.0 +sentencepiece==0.1.91 +six==1.15.0 +tensorboard==2.3.0 +tensorboard-plugin-wit==1.7.0 +tensorflow==2.3.1 +tensorflow-estimator==2.3.0 +termcolor==1.1.0 +terminado==0.9.1 +testpath==0.4.4 +tokenizers==0.5.2 +torch==1.6.0+cu101 +torchtext==0.6.0 +torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 +tornado==6.0.4 +tqdm==4.50.0 +traitlets==5.0.4 +transformers==2.8.0 +urllib3==1.25.10 +wcwidth==0.2.5 +webencodings==0.5.1 +Werkzeug==1.0.1 +widgetsnbextension==3.5.1 +wrapt==1.12.1 +zipp==3.3.0