add "April-March" to the list of seasons available
plot proxy(ies) location on the composite maps
proxy dependent symbol
the proxy type (i.e. "Tree-ring", "speleotheme", "coral core") should be an argument of the proxy class instance
1 map per year for proxy to be implemented (e.g. NZ region)
rename label "Kidson Type" to "New Zealand" in the heatmap and bar plots
barplot to work for an individual proxy
for the indices boxplot: add mean value, standard deviation and N (number of unique samples) in the plot
composite netcdf output needs to include:
- a variable containing years: number of analogs
- a variable (nb of unique analog years, lat, lon)
- the composite anomalies (already there)
- the p-value
need to work out a way to interactively extract "sudo-proxies" from the above