This is the frontend repo of pandemic reign of cthulhu, written in next.js 13
In next.js 13, pages are put under /app.
the app dir root layout is required
each route is defined by
- nested folder under app
- page.js to make the route publicly accessible
- here puts the assets use in the frontend game app
- categorized by type (e.g. investigator, clue-card, etc)
- common components that are used in the app
- including investigator card, clue card, the old ones card, etc
modules (if needed)
- put the module used only for a certain page in here
- put the commonly used constants, type, interface here
- can also consider putting common state management here (e.g. jotai)
Example of environment variables will be put as env-file in the directory. If such file exists, please ensure that the environment variables are set up first before use.
install dependencies
npm run install
run development server
npm run dev
The app should be running on http://localhost:3000
/design serves as a design system page for components reference
npm run lint
npm run build