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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Build Status CRAN_Status_Badge License: GPL v3


r3PG provides an implementation of the Physiological Processes Predicting Growth (3-PG) model (Landsberg & Waring, 1997), which simulate forest growth and productivity. The r3PG serves as a flexible and easy-to-use interface for the 3-PGpjs (Sands, 2010) and the 3-PGmix (Forrester & Tang, 2016) model written in Fortran. The package enables fast and easy interaction with the model, and the Fortran re-implementation facilitates computationally intensive sensitivity analysis and calibration. The user can flexibly switch between various options and submodules, to use the original 3-PGpjs model version for monospecific, even-aged and evergreen forests and the 3-PGmix model, which can also simulate multi-cohort stands (e.g. mixtures, uneven-aged) that contain deciduous species.


Below is a basic example, for more extended examples please visit package vignette.

The main function is run_3PG() which returns all 108 simulated variables for each species at a monthly time-step, either as a 4-dimentional array or a long format data frame.

out_3PG <- run_3PG(
  site        = d_site, 
  species     = d_species, 
  climate     = d_climate, 
  thinning    = d_thinning,
  parameters  = d_parameters, 
  size_dist   = d_sizeDist,
  settings    = list(light_model = 2, transp_model = 2, phys_model = 2, 
                height_model = 1, correct_bias = 0, calculate_d13c = 0),
  check_input = TRUE, df_out = TRUE)

head( out_3PG )

To visualize the output:


sel_var <- c('biom_stem', 'biom_foliage', 'biom_root')

out_3PG %>%
  filter( variable %in% sel_var ) %>%
  ggplot( aes(date, value, color = species) ) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = 'free') +

If you prefer to use data stored in Excell, you can use the following example. Data to reproduce this example are stored in data-raw/internal_data/data.input.xlsx.


f_loc <- 'data.input.xlsx'

  site        = read_xlsx(f_loc, 'site'),
  species     = read_xlsx(f_loc, 'species'),
  climate     = read_xlsx(f_loc, 'climate'),
  thinning    = read_xlsx(f_loc, 'thinning'),
  parameters  = read_xlsx(f_loc, 'parameters'), 
  size_dist   = read_xlsx(f_loc, 'sizeDist'),
  settings    = list(light_model = 2, transp_model = 2, phys_model = 2, 
                height_model = 1, correct_bias = 0, calculate_d13c = 0),
  check_input = TRUE, df_out = TRUE)


Stable release

r3PG is available for instalation from CRAN


Development release

To install the current (development) version from the repository, run the following command:

devtools::install_github(repo = "trotsiuk/r3PG", subdir = "pkg", build_vignettes = T)

The unit test status of the master (development) branch is Build Status

Other 3-PG implementations in R

We would like to acknowledge that r3PG is not the only 3-PG implementations in R. We are aware of the following other packages:

Maintainer Source
Daniel M. Griffith
Georgios Xenakis
Francesco Minunno
Quinn Thomas

We explain in a recent publication (Trotsiuk et al, submitted) how this r3PG packages differs and / or improves over these.

Issues, suggestions, contributions

Please submit issues, bugs and suggestions in the dedicated page. Contribution and improvements are always welcome!

Author and contact

Volodymyr Trotsiuk; Florian Hartig; David I. Forrester


Forrester, D. I., & Tang, X. (2016). Analysing the spatial and temporal dynamics of species interactions in mixed-species forests and the effects of stand density using the 3-PG model. Ecological Modelling, 319, 233–254.

Landsberg, J. J., & Waring, R. H. (1997). A generalised model of forest productivity using simplified concepts of radiation-use efficiency, carbon balance and partitioning. Forest Ecology and Management, 95(3), 209–228.

Sands, P. J. (2010). 3PGpjs user manual. Retrieved from

Trotsiuk, V., Hartig, F., Cailleret, M., Babst, F., Forrester, D. I., Baltensweiler, A., … Schaub, M. (2020). Assessing the response of forest productivity to climate extremes in Switzerland using model–data fusion. Global Change Biology, 26(4), 2463–2476.