Updated business systems to new redesign
Updated business systems to new redesign
Upgrading to Angular 19 using the instructions found on the GEAR Play…
Upgrading to Angular 19 using the instructions found on the GEAR Play…
Ran 'npm audit fix' to address vulnerabilities
Ran 'npm audit fix' to address vulnerabilities
Update gear-manager.component.html
Update gear-manager.component.html
Adding separate API specifically for the taxonomy chart (hierarchy gr…
Adding separate API specifically for the taxonomy chart (hierarchy gr…
Update capabilities.controller.js
Update capabilities.controller.js
Update capabilities.controller.js
Update capabilities.controller.js
Sidebar, topbar and dashboard components
Sidebar, topbar and dashboard components
Adding software taxonomy (aka technology reference model) data to the…
Adding software taxonomy (aka technology reference model) data to the…
Adding tp_Taxonomy fields to the it-standards API to satisfy some of …
Adding tp_Taxonomy fields to the it-standards API to satisfy some of …
initial sidebar, topbar, dashboard redesign
initial sidebar, topbar, dashboard redesign
Added an empty data message
Added an empty data message
added gridlines to the table
added gridlines to the table
Merge branch '607-table-ux-enhancements' into fwdDev
Merge branch '607-table-ux-enhancements' into fwdDev
Made some minor UX changes to the table and supporting buttons
Made some minor UX changes to the table and supporting buttons
Moved styles into a styles folder. Created variables and typography s…
Moved styles into a styles folder. Created variables and typography s…