This tool converts ONNX models to AMD NNIR format and OpenVX code.
You need to be able to build and run the generated OpenVX code.
- numpy
- onnx (0.2.1+)
To convert an ONNX model into AMD NNIR model:
% python model.pb nnirModelFolder
To convert a caffemodel into AMD NNIR model:
% python <net.caffeModel> <nnirOutputFolder> --input-dims n,c,h,w [--verbose 0|1]
To update batch size in AMD NNIR model:
% python --batch-size N nnirModelFolder nnirModelFolderN
To fuse operations in AMD NNIR model (like batch normalization into convolution):
% python --fuse-ops 1 nnirModelFolderN nnirModelFolderFused
To workaround groups using slice and concat operations in AMD NNIR model:
% python --slice-groups 1 nnirModelFolderFused nnirModelFolderSliced
To convert an AMD NNIR model into OpenVX C code:
% python --help
Usage: python [OPTIONS] <nnirInputFolder> <outputFolder>
--argmax UINT8 -- argmax at the end with 8-bit output
--argmax UINT16 -- argmax at the end with 16-bit output
--argmax <fileNamePrefix>rgb.txt -- argmax at the end with RGB color mapping using LUT
--argmax <fileNamePrefix>rgba.txt -- argmax at the end with RGBA color mapping using LUT
--help -- show this help message
LUT File Format (RGB): 8-bit R G B values one per each label in text format
R0 G0 B0
R1 G1 B1
LUT File Format (RGBA): 8-bit R G B A values one per each label in text format
R0 G0 B0 A0
R1 G1 B1 A1
Generate OpenVX and test code that can be used dump and compare raw tensor data:
% python nnirInputFolderFused openvxCodeFolder
% mkdir openvxCodeFolder/build
% cd openvxCodeFolder/build
% cmake ..
% make
% ./anntest
Usage: anntest <weights.bin> [<input-data-file(s)> [<output-data-file(s)>]]]
<input-data-file>: is filename to initialize tensor
.jpg or .png: decode and initialize for 3 channel tensors
(use %04d in fileName to when batch-size > 1: batch index starts from 0)
other: initialize tensor with raw data from the file
<referece-to-compare> is raw tensor data for comparision
<maxErrorLimit> is max absolute error allowed
<rmsErrorLimit> is max RMS error allowed
<output-data-file> is filename for saving output tensor data
'-' to ignore
other: save raw tensor into the file
% ./anntest ../weights.bin input.f32 output.f32,reference.f32,1e-6,1e-9
Generate OpenVX and test code with argmax that can be used dump and compare 16-bit argmax output tensor:
% python --argmax UINT16 nnirInputFolderFused openvxCodeFolder
% mkdir openvxCodeFolder/build
% cd openvxCodeFolder/build
% cmake ..
% make
% ./anntest
Usage: anntest <weights.bin> [<input-data-file(s)> [<output-data-file(s)>]]]
<input-data-file>: is filename to initialize tensor
.jpg or .png: decode and initialize for 3 channel tensors
(use %04d in fileName to when batch-size > 1: batch index starts from 0)
other: initialize tensor with raw data from the file
<referece-to-compare> is raw tensor data of argmax output for comparision
<percentMismatchLimit> is max mismatch (percentage) allowed
<output-data-file> is filename for saving output tensor data
'-' to ignore
other: save raw tensor into the file
% ./anntest ../weights.bin input-%04d.png output.u16,reference.u16,0.01
Generate OpenVX and test code with argmax and LUT that is designed for semantic segmentation use cases. You can dump output in raw format or PNGs and additionally compare with reference data in raw format.
% python --argmax lut-rgb.txt nnirInputFolderFused openvxCodeFolder
% mkdir openvxCodeFolder/build
% cd openvxCodeFolder/build
% cmake ..
% make
% ./anntest
Usage: anntest <weights.bin> [<input-data-file(s)> [<output-data-file(s)>]]]
<input-data-file>: is filename to initialize tensor
.jpg or .png: decode and initialize for 3 channel tensors
(use %04d in fileName to when batch-size > 1: batch index starts from 0)
other: initialize tensor with raw data from the file
<referece-to-compare> is raw tensor data of LUT output for comparision
<percentMismatchLimit> is max mismatch (percentage) allowed
<output-data-file> is filename for saving output tensor data
.png: save LUT output as PNG file(s)
(use %04d in fileName when batch-size > 1: batch index starts from 0)
'-' to ignore
other: save raw tensor into the file
% ./anntest ../weights.bin input-%04d.png output.rgb,reference.rgb,0.01
% ./anntest ../weights.bin input-%04d.png output-%04d.png,reference.rgb,0.01
Support the below models from
- resnet
- inception
- alexnet
- densenet
- sqeezenet
Supported ONNX operators are:
- Conv
- Relu
- MaxPool
- AveragePool
- GlobalAveragePool
- BatchNormalization
- Concat
- Sum
- Add
- Sub
- Mul
- Softmax
- Dropout
Copyright (c) 2018 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by the MIT License that can be found in the LICENSE file.