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FusionAuth Helm Chart

Build Status

FusionAuth is a modern platform for Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM). FusionAuth provides APIs and a responsive web user interface to support login, registration, localized email, multi-factor authentication, reporting, and much more.

Installing the Chart

You can read the official instructions, including install steps for AWS, GCP, and Azure, in the FusionAuth Kubernetes installation guide.


  • PostgreSQL or MySQL database
  • ElasticSearch or OpenSearch instance (optional)

⚠️ Though an ElasticSearch or OpenSearch instance is optional, it is strongly recommended for most use cases.


To install the chart with the release name my-fusionauth:

$ helm repo add fusionauth
$ helm install my-fusionauth fusionauth/fusionauth \
  --set[database host] \
  --set database.user=[database username] \
  --set database.password=[database password] \
  --set[elasticsearch host]

📝 For test deployments, you can remove --set and add --set search.engine=database to configure FusionAuth to use the database for search instead of a dedicated search host. This is not recommended for real-world use, as search performance will be greatly reduced.


To uninstall/delete the my-fusionauth release:

$ helm delete my-fusionauth


The helm chart is versioned independently from FusionAuth app releases. However, the latest version of the helm chart will default to the latest version of FusionAuth.

📝 You can and probably should override the image.tag field in values.yaml to run your desired version of the FusionAuth application.

Important Upgrade Info

  • In 1.0.0 and later, the FusionAuth app version will now default to the latest available. Release notes will indicate if the chart includes a newer version of FusionAuth. If you wish to override this behavior, set image.tag when deploying.

  • In 0.8.0, the environment value is now an array instead of an object. Make sure to reformat your values when you update.

  • In 0.4.0, the external postgresql and elasticsearch charts were dropped. You will need to maintain those dependencies on your own.

Chart Values

Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Configure affinity rules for the fusionauth Deployment.
annotations object {} Define annotations for fusionauth Deployment.
app.memory string "256M" Configures the amount of memory to allocate to the Java VM (sets FUSIONAUTH_APP_MEMORY).
app.runtimeMode string "development" Configures runtime mode (sets FUSIONAUTH_APP_RUNTIME_MODE). Must be development or production.
app.silentMode bool false Configures silent mode (sets FUSIONAUTH_APP_SILENT_MODE). Must be true or false.
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling. See the values file for more HPA parameters.
autoscaling.minReplicas int 2 Minimum number of running instances when HPA is enabled. Ignored when autoscaling.enabled is false.
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 5 Maximum number of running instances when HPA is enabled. Ignored when autoscaling.enabled is false.
autoscaling.targetCPU int 50 CPU use % threshold to trigger a HPA scale up. Ignored when autoscaling.enabled is false.
database.existingSecret string "" The name of an existing Kubernetes Secret that contains the database passwords. string "" Hostname or IP address of the fusionauth database. string "fusionauth" Name of the fusionauth database.
database.password string "" Database password for fusionauth to use in normal operation - not required if database.existingSecret is configured.
database.port int 5432 Port used by the fusionauth database.
database.protocol string "postgresql" Should either be postgresql or mysql. Protocol for jdbc connection to database.
database.root.password string "" Database password for fusionauth to use during initial bootstrap - not required if database.existingSecret is configured.
database.root.user string "" Database username for fusionauth to use during initial bootstrap - not required if you have manually bootstrapped your database.
database.tls bool false Configures whether or not to use tls when connecting to the database.
database.tlsMode string "require" If tls is enabled, this configures the mode.
database.user string "" Database username for fusionauth to use in normal operation.
dnsConfig object {} Define dnsConfig for fusionauth pods.
dnsPolicy string "ClusterFirst" Define dnsPolicy for fusionauth pods.
environment list [] Configure additional environment variables.
extraVolumeMounts list [] Define mount paths for extraVolumes.
extraContainers list [] Create containers for the pods. Can be used for sidecars, ambassador, and adapter patterns.
extraInitContainers list [] Add extra init containers. Can be used for setup or wait for other dependent services.
extraVolumes list [] Define extra volumes to mount in the deployment.
fullnameOverride string "" Overrides full resource names.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Kubernetes image pullPolicy to use for fusionauth-app.
image.repository string "fusionauth/fusionauth-app" The image repository to use for fusionauth-app.
image.tag string "${APP_VERSION}" The image tag to pull for fusionauth-app (this is the fusionauth-app version).
imagePullSecrets list [] Configures Kubernetes secrets to use for pulling images from private repositories.
ingress.annotations object {} Configure annotations to add to the ingress object.
ingress.enabled bool false Enables ingress creation for fusionauth.
ingress.extraPaths list [] Define path objects which will be inserted before regular paths. Can be useful for things like ALB Ingress Controller actions.
ingress.hosts list [] List of hostnames to configure the ingress with.
ingress.ingressClassName string "" Specify the ingressClass to be used by the Ingress.
ingress.paths list [] Paths to be used by the Ingress.
ingress.tls list [] List of secrets used to configure TLS for the ingress.
initContainers.waitForDb bool true Create an init container which waits for the database to be ready.
initContainers.waitForEs bool true Create an init container which waits for elasticsearch to be ready.
initContainers.image.repository string "busybox" Image to use for initContainers docker image.
initContainers.image.tag string "1.36.1" Tag to use for initContainers docker image.
initContainers.resources object {} Resource requests and limits to use for initContainers. object {} Fusionauth kickstart settings.
kickstart.enabled bool false Enable fusionauth kickstart settings.
lifecycle object {} Define custom lifecycle settings for the deployment.
livenessProbe object {"failureThreshold":3,"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":"http"},"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5} Configures a livenessProbe to ensure fusionauth is running.
nameOverride string "" Overrides resource names.
nodeSelector object {} Define nodeSelector for kubernetes to use when scheduling fusionauth pods.
podAnnotations object {} Define annotations for fusionauth pods.
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Enables creation of a PodDisruptionBudget.
readinessProbe object {"failureThreshold":5,"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":"http"},"timeoutSeconds":5} Configures a readinessProbe to ensure fusionauth is ready for requests.
replicaCount int 1 The number of fusionauth-app instances to run.
resources object {} Define resource requests and limits for fusionauth-app.
search.engine string "elasticsearch" Protocol to use when connecting to elasticsearch. Ignored when search.engine is NOT elasticsearch. string "" Hostname or ip to use when connecting to elasticsearch. Ignored when search.engine is NOT elasticsearch.
search.port int 9200 Port to use when connecting to elasticsearch. Ignored when search.engine is NOT elasticsearch.
search.protocol string "http" Protocol to use when connecting to elasticsearch. Ignored when search.engine is NOT elasticsearch.
service.annotations object {} Extra annotations to add to the service object.
service.port int 9011 Port for the Kubernetes service to expose.
service.spec object {} Any extra fields to add to the service object spec.
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of Kubernetes service to create.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Extra annotations to add to the service account object.
serviceAccount.automount bool false Automatically mount a service account's API credentials.
serviceAccount.create bool false If set to true, service account will be created. Otherwise, the default serviceaccount will be used. string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
startupProbe object {"failureThreshold":20,"httpGet":{"path":"/","port":"http"},"periodSeconds":10,"timeoutSeconds":5} Configures a startupProbe to ensure fusionauth has finished starting up.
tolerations list [] Define tolerations for kubernetes to use when scheduling fusionauth pods.
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Define topologySpreadConstraints for kubernetes to use when scheduling fusionauth pods.