diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index bf85d2fd..3810abab 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ /docker-compose.yml /tests export-ignore /tools export-ignore + +/phpstan.dist.neon export-ignore diff --git a/.github/workflows/static-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/static-analysis.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33be5160 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/static-analysis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +name: Static Analysis + +on: + pull_request: + branches: + - master + paths: + - .github/workflows/static-analysis.yml + - tests/StaticAnalysis/* + - composer.* + - lib/** + - phpstan* + + push: + branches: + - master + paths: + - .github/workflows/static-analysis.yml + - tests/StaticAnalysis/* + - composer.* + - lib/** + - phpstan* + +jobs: + static-analysis-phpstan: + name: Static Analysis with PHPStan + runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 + + steps: + - name: Checkout code + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: Install PHP + uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 + with: + coverage: none + php-version: 8.3 + tools: cs2pr + + - name: Install dependencies with Composer + uses: ramsey/composer-install@v2 + + - name: Run static analysis w/ phpVersion 74 + run: vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-74.neon --error-format=checkstyle | cs2pr + + - name: Run static analysis w/ phpVersion 83 + run: vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-83.neon --error-format=checkstyle | cs2pr + diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json index f5779e51..f03bd320 100644 --- a/composer.json +++ b/composer.json @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ "ext-pdo": "*", "ext-zlib": "*" }, + "require-dev": { + "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.10" + }, "support": { "issues": "https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony1/doctrine1/issues", "source": "https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony1/doctrine1" @@ -42,5 +45,12 @@ }, "config": { "sort-packages": true + }, + "scripts": { + "analyse": [ + "@phpstan83" + ], + "phpstan74": "phpstan analyse -c tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-74.neon --memory-limit=500M", + "phpstan83": "phpstan analyse -c tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-83.neon --memory-limit=500M" } } diff --git a/phpstan.dist.neon b/phpstan.dist.neon new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2326b05 --- /dev/null +++ b/phpstan.dist.neon @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +parameters: + phpVersion: 80300 + +includes: + - tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-params.neon + - tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-83.php diff --git a/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-74.neon b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-74.neon new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c85cb9f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-74.neon @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +parameters: + phpVersion: 70400 + +includes: + - phpstan-params.neon + - phpstan-baseline-74.php diff --git a/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-83.neon b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-83.neon new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01f45933 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-83.neon @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +parameters: + phpVersion: 80300 + +includes: + - phpstan-params.neon + - phpstan-baseline-83.php diff --git a/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-74.php b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-74.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c962489 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-74.php @@ -0,0 +1,6876 @@ + '#^Method Doctrine_Access\\:\\:__unset\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Access.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Class Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock constructor invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Mock\\:\\:exec\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Mock\\:\\:lastInsertId\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Oracle\\:\\:commit\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Oracle\\:\\:exec\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$cursorOffset$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$cursorOrientation$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchStyle$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:bindColumn\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:bindParam\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:bindValue\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:errorCode\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:fetchColumn\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:getColumnMeta\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:setFetchMode\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchStyle$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:\\$oci_errors\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Function oci_fetch_object invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:bindValue\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:errorInfo\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:fetchColumn\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string Query string to parse, if NULL, \\$this\\-\\>queryString is used\\)\\: Unexpected token "Query", expected variable at offset 109$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$message of class Doctrine_Adapter_Exception constructor expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$object$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$oci_length might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$conditions might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$values might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener\\:\\:_getNextVersion\\(\\) should return int but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$conditions might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$values might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener_Microtime\\:\\:_getInitialVersion\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener/Microtime.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener_Microtime\\:\\:_getNextVersion\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener/Microtime.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Apc\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Apc.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Array\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Array.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_doDelete\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_hex2bin\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$_options$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Driver\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Driver\\:\\:save\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Driver\\:\\:delete\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$_options$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Interface\\:\\:save\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Memcache\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Memcache.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constant XC_TYPE_VAR not found\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Xcache.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Xcache\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Xcache.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$cli with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Cli\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$formatter with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Cli_Formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$task with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Task\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array \\[\\$config\\=array\\(\\)\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 50$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool \\[\\$full\\=false\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 144$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool \\[\\$strict\\=false\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 417$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed \\[\\$directories\\=null\\] Can be a string path or array of paths\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 230$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed \\[\\$value\\=null\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 384$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(object\\|null \\[\\$formatter\\=null\\] Doctrine_Cli_Formatter\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 94$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|null \\[\\$taskName\\=null\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 108$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|null \\[&\\$className\\=null\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 259$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:debug\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Cli_AnsiColorFormatter\\:\\:\\$size\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array An array of options\\)\\: Unexpected token "An", expected variable at offset 93$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size allowed for a line \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 154$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size of the returned string \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 89$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed An array of options or a style name\\)\\: Unexpected token "An", expected variable at offset 139$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed A stream\\)\\: Unexpected token "A", expected variable at offset 214$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The section name\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 76$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text message\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 115$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 58$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The style name\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 57$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The test to style\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 99$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to sprintf contains 1 placeholder, 2 values given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$maxLineSize \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Cli_Formatter\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum line size for a message\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 68$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size allowed for a line \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 154$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size of the returned string \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 89$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed An array of parameters\\)\\: Unexpected token "An", expected variable at offset 130$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(stream A stream \\(default to STDOUT\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "A", expected variable at offset 175$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The section name\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 76$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text message\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 115$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 58$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The test to style\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 90$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of function substr expects int, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$deep \\(true\\) of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:getNormalIterator\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Iterator_Normal\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:getNormalIterator\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Iterator_Normal but returns Doctrine_Collection_Iterator_Normal\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:importFrom\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:key\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns int\\|string\\|null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:loadRelated\\(\\) should return bool but empty return statement found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:loadRelated\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:search\\(\\) with return type void returns int\\|string\\|false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:setData\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Collection but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$serialized$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$deep of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:toArray\\(\\) expects bool, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:\\$keyColumn \\(string\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:\\$reference \\(Doctrine_Record\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:\\$referenceField \\(string\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between mixed and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$array in isset\\(\\) is never defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var above a method has no effect\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:expand\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator/Expandable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection_Iterator_Expandable\\:\\:valid\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator/Expandable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection_Iterator_Offset\\:\\:valid\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator/Offset.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between int and Doctrine_Null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Column\\:\\:enumValue\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Column\\:\\:getEnumValues\\(\\) invoked with 1 parameter, 0 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var above a method has no effect\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\$target Path the compiled file was written to\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$target", expected type at offset 357$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Compiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$file might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Compiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Configurable\\:\\:setEventListener\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Configurable but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Configurable\\:\\:\\$parent \\(Doctrine_Configurable\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$sequence\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$transaction\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$unitOfWork\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Exception\\:\\:\\$errorInfo\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection has an unused parameter \\$pass\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection has an unused parameter \\$user\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:exec\\(\\) should return int but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:execute\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getManager\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Manager but returns Doctrine_Configurable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getTmpConnection\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Connection but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:quoteMultipleIdentifier\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:select\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Connection_Statement but returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) should return bool but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Connection\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:update\\(\\) should return int but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'host\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'other\' on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'port\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'scheme\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unix_socket\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type string is incompatible with native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 58$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array an associative array that describes the fields and the + values that will be inserted or updated in the specified table\\. The + indexes of the array are the names of all the fields of the table\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "an", expected variable at offset 772$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string time format\\)\\: Unexpected token "time", expected variable at offset 94$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table on which the REPLACE query will + be executed\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 638$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value \\(\\$dbh the database handler\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$dbh", expected type at offset 16$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$adapter of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:openConnection\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Adapter_Interface\\|PDO, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$pieces of function implode expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$count might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$stmt might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Common.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$limit \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Db2\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$offset \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Db2\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Exception\\:\\:processErrorInfo\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\|array integer error code, + null to get the current error code\\-message map, + or an array with a new error code\\-message map\\)\\: Unexpected token "integer", expected variable at offset 103$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection_Mock has an unused parameter \\$adapter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection_Mock has an unused parameter \\$manager\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$adapter of method Doctrine_Connection_Mock\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has invalid type Doctrine_Adapter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Mssql\\:\\:exec\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Mssql\\:\\:parseOrderBy\\(\\) is unused\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$pdo$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$seq_name$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Mssql\\:\\:exec\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:exec\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$chunks$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type string is incompatible with native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string charset\\)\\: Unexpected token "charset", expected variable at offset 84$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$adapter of method Doctrine_Connection_Mysql\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has invalid type Doctrine_Adapter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$limit \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$offset \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:getTmpConnection\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:quote\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:quote\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$native \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:getServerVersion\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$limit \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$offset \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string charset\\)\\: Unexpected token "charset", expected variable at offset 84$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$pdo$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$match$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$limit in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:__call\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:lastEvent\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Event but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:setFilterQueryType\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$filter$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:\\$listeners is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite\\:\\:connect\\(\\) should return bool but empty return statement found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$pdo$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$columnIndex\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$cursorOffset\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$cursorOrientation\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$data\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$fetchMode\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchStyle$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$data might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$sequence\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$transaction\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Table\\:\\:\\$sequenceName\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postDelete\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preDelete\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getTable\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\:\\:saveGraph\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\:\\:saveGraph\\(\\) with return type void returns true but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Record The record for which the delete operation will be cascaded\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 461$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$table$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtolower expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$rootRecord might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$import\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$sql_file_delimiter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$append \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$individualFiles \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:compile\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createTablesFromArray\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createTablesFromModels\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:debug\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromModels\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateModelsFromYaml\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateYamlFromDb\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateYamlFromModels\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:getModelsDirectory\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadModel\\(\\) should return null but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(classes Array of classes to filter through, otherwise uses get_declared_classes\\(\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "Array", expected variable at offset 200$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(classes Array of classes to filter through, otherwise uses get_declared_classes\\(\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "Array", expected variable at offset 339$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type new is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$to of method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) expects int\\|null, string\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$modelLoading of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromModels\\(\\) expects string\\|null, int\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$replace of function str_replace expects array\\|string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$models of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$models of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:exportSchema\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:importSchema\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Static property Doctrine_Core\\:\\:\\$_validators is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$unitOfWork\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$models \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$models \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#4 \\$_exportIndividualFiles \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportIndividualFiles\\(\\) should return bool but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getDirectory\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormat\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormats\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getModels\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:isRelation\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:isRelation\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Data\\:\\:\\$_exportIndividualFiles \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Data\\:\\:\\$_formats \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Data\\:\\:\\$_models \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:doExport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data_Import\\:\\:doImport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:doExport\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$data of method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:prepareData\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function is_dir expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function is_file expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$models of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:initializeModels\\(\\) expects string, array\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$path of function dirname expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$type of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getDirectory\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormat\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getModels\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:isRelation\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$specifiedModels in empty\\(\\) always exists and is always falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Tree\\:\\:createRoot\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot call method getNode\\(\\) on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 0 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 0 on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$array with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$models of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:purge\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$word of static method Doctrine_Inflector\\:\\:classify\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$haystack of function in_array expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$nestedSetData of method Doctrine_Data_Import\\:\\:_loadNestedSetData\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$type of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of callable \'array_merge\'\\|\'array_merge…\' expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$relationName of method Doctrine_Data_Import\\:\\:_getImportedObject\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getDirectory\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormat\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormats\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getModels\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$specifiedModels in empty\\(\\) always exists and is always falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function array_key_exists\\(\\) with \'default\' and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'comment\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'notnull\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$field of method Doctrine_DataDict_Mssql\\:\\:getNativeDeclaration\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$search of function array_key_exists expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function array_key_exists\\(\\) with \'default\' and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'comment\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'notnull\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unique\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unsigned\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$field of method Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql\\:\\:getNativeDeclaration\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$search of function array_key_exists expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$number_max_precision\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_DataDict_Oracle_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with int will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:__set\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Event\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getElapsedSecs\\(\\) should return int but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getName\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getParams\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getQuery\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:start\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Event but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Connection\\|Doctrine_Connection_Statement\\| +Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\|Doctrine_Transaction \\$invoker the handler which invoked this event\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 94$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Record\\|Doctrine_Connection\\|Doctrine_Connection_Statement\\| + Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\|Doctrine_Transaction the handler that invoked this event\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n \\* ", expected type at offset 161$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$_endedMicrotime \\(int\\) does not accept float\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$_startedMicrotime \\(int\\) does not accept float\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Exception\\:\\:errorMessage\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\|array integer error code, + null to get the current error code\\-message map, + or an array with a new error code\\-message map\\)\\: Unexpected token "integer", expected variable at offset 103$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$primary \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Empty array passed to foreach\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraintSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createForeignKey\\(\\) should return string but returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createIndex\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropForeignKey\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropIndex\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:exportClassesSql\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:exportSql\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:exportTable\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string foreign key referential action in uppercase\\)\\: Unexpected token "foreign", expected variable at offset 335$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Exception_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$query of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:exec\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraintSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropDatabaseSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropSequenceSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$queryFields might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to protected property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$options\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getSequenceName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:standaloneQuery\\(\\) invoked with 3 parameters, 1\\-2 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns true but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) should return string but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:dropSequenceSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'database_device\' on null in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and 1 results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$primary \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return bool but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropDatabaseSql\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropForeignKey\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropIndexSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$charset$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(bool\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropIndexSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropIndexSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dsn\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to protected property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$options\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign new offset to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:_makeAutoincrement\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:_makeAutoincrement\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:dropTable\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:getIndexDeclaration\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(object \\$this\\-\\>conn database object that is extended by this class\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$this", expected variable at offset 62$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(object \\$this\\-\\>conn database object that is extended by this class\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$this", expected variable at offset 65$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$db$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function array_merge expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraintSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropTable\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:dropAutoincrement\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getServerVersion\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return array but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) has invalid return type unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should return unknown but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:dropDatabaseSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:dropSequenceSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$seqName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$name \\(unknown_type\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with parameter \\$name \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:quoteIdentifier\\(\\) expects string, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$table of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createForeignKeySql\\(\\) expects string, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$table of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) expects string, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$name of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) has invalid type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(unknown\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\\\> but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:exportSchema\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$string$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and 1 results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\) with return type void returns PDO but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createForeignKey\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$db$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$expression\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$args might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:cos\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:locate\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:pi\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:sin\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\) values that will be matched against \\$column\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 509$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\) strings that will be concatinated\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 230$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 269$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 279$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 283$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 285$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 405$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$expression1$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$expression2$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$length$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$position$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$arg1$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$arg2$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escape\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escapePattern\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Expression_Mysql\\:\\:patternEscapeString\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instantiated class Doctrine_Expression_Mysql_Exception not found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Throwing object of an unknown class Doctrine_Expression_Mysql_Exception\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$arg1$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escape\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escapePattern\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:patternEscapeString\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instantiated class Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql_Exception not found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:random\\(\\) has invalid return type return\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:random\\(\\) should return return but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(an array of values\\)\\: Unexpected token "array", expected variable at offset 66$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:locate\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:locate\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Throwing object of an unknown class Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql_Exception\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Sqlite\\:\\:locateImpl\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\<0, max\\>\\|false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Sqlite\\:\\:modImpl\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$identifier_quoting\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$string_quoting\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:\\$string_quoting\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:\\$wildcards\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:quote\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:quoteMultipleIdentifier\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the foreign key\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 72$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the index\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 85$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the sequence\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 91$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 85$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string the input string to quote\\)\\: Unexpected token "the", expected variable at offset 250$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_string\\(\\) with Doctrine_Query will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parser might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_Integer\\:\\:parseSingle\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Integer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseSingle\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_WordLike\\:\\:parseSingle\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/WordLike.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_object\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between \\*NEVER\\* and Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$activeRootIdentifier might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator/Graph.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$others in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset mixed on float\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildAttributes\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildColumns\\(\\) with return type void returns string\\|null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildIndexes\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildOptions\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string path the path where imported files are being generated\\)\\: Unexpected token "path", expected variable at offset 53$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$actAs$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$attributes$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columns$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$indexes$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$option$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$relations$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$templates$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 124$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value \\(\\$_tpl\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$_tpl", expected type at offset 89$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$listeners of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildListeners\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$var of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$var of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$option of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:emitAssign\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 17, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildAttributes\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildColumns\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildIndexes\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildOptions\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$e in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Mssql\\:\\:listTableIndexes\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$params of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:fetchColumn\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDatabaseName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Oracle\\:\\:listDatabases\\(\\) should return array but returns int\\|string\\|false\\|null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Oracle\\:\\:listTableTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Oracle\\:\\:listTableViews\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Pgsql\\:\\:listTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'inheritance\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'relations\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot unset offset mixed on null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildRelationships\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\\\>\\|string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildUniqueRelationKey\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_processInheritance\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) should return array but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'class\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'foreign\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'inheritance\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'inheritance\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'local\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'primary\' on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'refClass\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'relations\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset string on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$value$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildRelationships\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_processInheritance\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$relation of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildUniqueRelationKey\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$schema of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:\\$_options \\(array\\) does not accept string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildRelationships\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildUniqueRelationKey\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_processInheritance\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:fixSequenceName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listDatabases\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listFunctions\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listTableTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listUsers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$db$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_IntegrityMapper\\:\\:\\$conn\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/IntegrityMapper.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:getDeleteActions\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/IntegrityMapper.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$transaction\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Lib\\:\\:getConnectionStateAsString\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Lib\\:\\:getRecordStateAsString\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$classname$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 320$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 9, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Locator\\:\\:bind\\(\\) has invalid return type Sensei_Locator\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Locator\\:\\:bind\\(\\) should return Sensei_Locator but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Locator\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Locator\\:\\:instance\\(\\) has invalid return type Sensei_Locator\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n \\* ", expected variable at offset 105$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Locator the locator object\\)\\: Unexpected token "the", expected variable at offset 145$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:\\$_locator \\(Doctrine_Locator\\) does not accept Sensei_Locator\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:\\$_locator \\(Doctrine_Locator\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locking/Manager/Pessimistic.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locking/Manager/Pessimistic.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Array has 2 duplicate keys with value 150 \\(\\\\Doctrine_Core\\:\\:ATTR_CACHE, \\\\Doctrine_Core\\:\\:ATTR_RESULT_CACHE\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with Doctrine_Adapter_Interface\\|PDO will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:bindComponent\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'path\' on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 0 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 1 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 2 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\$extensions\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$extensions", expected type at offset 72$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$str of function explode expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:\\$_queryRegistry \\(Doctrine_Query_Registry\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:\\$_queryRegistry \\(Doctrine_Query_Registry\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$specifiedConnections in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:loadMigrationClass\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) should return int but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrateDryRun\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$to of method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) expects int\\|null, string\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:_addChange\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:_addChange\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$constraintname$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$columnName of method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:changeColumn\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$columnName of method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:removeColumn\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementColumn might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementLength might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementOptions might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementType might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot unset offset \'length\' on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot unset offset \'type\' on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildAddIndex\\(\\) has invalid return type sgtring\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildAddIndex\\(\\) should return sgtring but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'columns\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'length\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'options\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'tableName\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string path the path where migration classes are stored and being generated\\)\\: Unexpected token "path", expected variable at offset 93$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value \\(\\$tpl\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$tpl", expected type at offset 70$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$models of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:initializeModels\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$tableData of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildCreateTable\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$tableData of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildDropTable\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$var of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function implode expects array\\, array\\, sgtring\\|string\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$modelLoading of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromModels\\(\\) expects string\\|null, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$modelLoading of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadModels\\(\\) expects int\\|null, string\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 7, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$directory of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:setModelsDirectory\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Diff.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:getModelsDirectory\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Diff.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Process.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$record with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Record\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 61$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 64$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node\\:\\:\\$_tree \\(unknown_type\\) does not accept Doctrine_Tree\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node\\:\\:\\$_tree has unknown class unknown_type as its type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$node\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$opts\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$curNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$topNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$node\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$opts\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$curNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$topNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$node\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$opts\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$curNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$topNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getChildren\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getLeftValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 14, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getLevel\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getRightValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 15, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getRootValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 14, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:insertAsLastChildOf\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:isRoot\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getAttribute\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 7, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getBaseAlias\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 9, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getBaseComponent\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 8, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getBaseQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 9, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method returnQueryWithRootId\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 17, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getFirstChild\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getLastChild\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getNextSibling\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getParent\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getPrevSibling\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 72$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 73$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 74$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$deth$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$includeNode$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$first of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:shiftRlValues\\(\\) expects int, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$newLeftValue of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) expects unknown_type, \\(float\\|int\\) given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$moveType of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) expects unknown_type, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$moveType of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) has invalid type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$newLeftValue of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) has invalid type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 11, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$child might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parent might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$sibling might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$level\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$maxLevel\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$prevLeft\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getLeftValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:setLevel\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:next\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:next\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager\\:\\:getExecuted\\(\\) has invalid return type boolen\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager\\:\\:getExecuted\\(\\) should return boolen but returns bool\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Query Accepts either a Doctrine_Query object or a string + \\(which does the Doctrine_Query class creation\\)\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Accepts", expected variable at offset 123$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Query Accepts either a Doctrine_Query object or a string + \\(which does the Doctrine_Query class creation\\)\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Accepts", expected variable at offset 122$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional params to be used by counter Doctrine_Query\\. + If not defined, the params passed to execute method will be used\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 282$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional params to be used by counter Doctrine_Query\\. + If not defined, the params passed to execute method will be used\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 134$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(boolean Optional argument that append the query param instead of overriding the existent ones\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 307$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:__toString\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:_parseReplacementsTemplate\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:display\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional parameters to be applied in template and url mask\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 130$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional parameters to be applied in template and url mask\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 139$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$replace_pairs of function strtr expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:\\$_maskReplacements \\(array\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:display\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Jumping.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Jumping.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Sliding.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Sliding.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot call method dumpData\\(\\) on null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot call method loadData\\(\\) on null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) with return type void returns int\\<0, max\\>\\|false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) with return type void returns string\\|false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:getParser\\(\\) with return type void returns object but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:getParser\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Json\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of function json_decode expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Serialize\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Serialize\\:\\:loadData\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$variable_representation of function unserialize expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_int\\(\\) with \\(array\\\\|string\\|null\\) will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between string and SimpleXMLElement will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Xml\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser_Xml\\:\\:arrayToXml\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$data of function simplexml_load_string expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$children$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$return might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Yml\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method sfYaml\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$input of static method sfYaml\\:\\:load\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Static method sfYaml\\:\\:load\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns float\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns float\\|int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\|false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:load\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:parseMapping\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:parseSequence\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\, string\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$stringDelimiter$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$delimiters of static method sfYamlInline\\:\\:parseScalar\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$pieces of function implode expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$merge$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlParser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$expression\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Relation\\:\\:getForeignRefColumnName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Relation\\:\\:getLocalRefColumnName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_scalar\\(\\) with array\\|Doctrine_Collection will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method free\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$params \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:fetchArray\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) invoked with 6 parameters, 1\\-4 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:_processPendingJoinConditions\\(\\) has invalid return type Processed\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:_processPendingJoinConditions\\(\\) should return Processed but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:addPendingJoinCondition\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:buildSqlQuery\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:createSubquery\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:createSubquery\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Hydrate but returns Doctrine_Query\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:free\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:processPendingFields\\(\\) should return string but empty return statement found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:quoteExplode\\(\\) invoked with 4 parameters, 1\\-2 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:execute\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getResultCacheHash\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtolower expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function substr expects string, Processed given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$params of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:fetchAll\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$pieces of function implode expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between array\\|Doctrine_Collection and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$componentAlias might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parent might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$q might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$queryComponentsBefore might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$tableAlias might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$where in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:\\$_parsers\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:copy\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:isSubquery\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Part\\:\\:parse\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getSqlQuery\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 0\\-1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The cached query, in a serialized form\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 83$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$customComponent of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getCachedForm\\(\\) expects array\\|Doctrine_Collection\\|null, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getFlattenedParams\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getSqlQuery\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$queryPart of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:_addDqlQueryPart\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$expression\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:getTable\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Connection but returns Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parse\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$alias$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$value$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:\\$sql \\(string\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$func might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Condition.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Condition\\:\\:load\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Condition.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_From\\:\\:parse\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\, array\\\\>\\|null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/From.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Groupby\\:\\:parse\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Groupby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$str$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Groupby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Groupby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Having.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/JoinCondition.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Orderby\\:\\:parse\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Orderby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Orderby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Set\\:\\:parseLiteralValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Set.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Iterating over an object of an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:clauseExplodeCountBrackets\\(\\) has invalid return type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:clauseExplodeCountBrackets\\(\\) should return unknown_type but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$d with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$terms of method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:mergeBracketTerms\\(\\) expects array, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$p might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of function strtolower expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_RawSql\\:\\:_addDqlQueryPart\\(\\) should return \\$this\\(Doctrine_RawSql\\) but returns Doctrine_Query\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_RawSql\\:\\:parseDqlQueryPart\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_RawSql\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Connection The connection object the query will use\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 66$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract The hydrator that will be used for generating result sets\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 150$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$componentName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$fields in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parent might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$type might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method ArrayAccess\\:\\:save\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postSerialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postUnserialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postValidate\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preSerialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preUnserialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preValidate\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:delete\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_bool\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset \\(int\\|string\\) on int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset mixed on int\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset string on int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign new offset to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$deep \\(true\\) of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between Doctrine_Collection and Doctrine_Null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between string and Doctrine_Expression will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:assignDefaultValues\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getAccessor\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getErrorStackAsString\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getIncremented\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getMutator\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getNode\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Node but returns Doctrine_Node_\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getNode\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Node but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getPendingDeletes\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:hasAccessor\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:hasMutator\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:identifier\\(\\) should return array but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:importFrom\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:merge\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:reference\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Collection\\|Doctrine_Record but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:state\\(\\) should return int\\|null but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:toArray\\(\\) should return array but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:trySave\\(\\) should return true but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$array with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack errorStack to be assigned for this record\\)\\: Unexpected token "errorStack", expected variable at offset 137$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed arg1 \\.\\.\\. argN optional callback arguments\\)\\: Unexpected token "arg1", expected variable at offset 150$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fieldname$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$serialized$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array_arg of function current expects array\\|object, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$deep of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:toArray\\(\\) expects bool, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$args of function array_merge expects array, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_id \\(int\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_id \\(int\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_node \\(Doctrine_Node_\\\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_node has unknown class Doctrine_Node_ as its type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_node has unknown class TreeImpl as its type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_pendingDeletes \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between Doctrine_Collection\\|Doctrine_Record and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$array might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$foreignFieldName might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$modifiedFields might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:actAs\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:addListener\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:bindQueryParts\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:check\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:hasMany\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:hasOne\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:setListener\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:unique\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$componentName$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$validators$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$invoker of method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:setInvoker\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Record, \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\) given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Expression "\\$record\\[\\$alias\\]" on a separate line does not do anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Filter/Compound.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:generateClassFromTable\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:initialize\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Plugin\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Plugin but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Generator\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$invoker of method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:setInvoker\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Record, \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Generator\\) given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$object of function get_class expects object, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:generateClass\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:getPlugin\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record_Iterator\\:\\:\\$record is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Iterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Listener_Chain\\:\\:set\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record_Listener_Chain but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Listener/Chain.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Relation\\:\\:getOrderBy\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$columnNames of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:processOrderBy\\(\\) expects string, bool given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$dql might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Association.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$dql might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Association/Self.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/LocalKey.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of \\|\\| is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/LocalKey.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$related in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/LocalKey.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Nest.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Relation_Parser\\:\\:bind\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string relation to remove\\)\\: Unexpected token "relation", expected variable at offset 144$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$columns might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$found might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$rel in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:analyze\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:buildTable\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:search\\(\\) should return array but returns Doctrine_Query\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:setTableDefinition\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:updateIndex\\(\\) should return int but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:buildTable\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:analyze\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$terms in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Analyzer/Standard.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$terms in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Analyzer/Utf8.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$table might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/File.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Search_Indexer_Dir\\:\\:indexFile\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Indexer/Dir.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$_table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Search_Query\\:\\:\\$_table \\(Doctrine_Table\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Sequence\\:\\:\\$warnings\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:_connect\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:lastSequenceId\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:query\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:quoteIdentifier\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:currId\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:lastInsertId\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Adapter_Db2_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$onDemand$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getServerVersion\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 259$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 185$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool onDemand when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "onDemand", expected variable at offset 129$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool onDemand when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "onDemand", expected variable at offset 129$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 290$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 214$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Sequence_Sqlite\\:\\:nextId\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\|false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to property \\$args on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to property \\$field on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to property \\$invoker on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method validate\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$columnNames \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:processOrderBy\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between int and Doctrine_Null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between string and Doctrine_Record will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:__call\\(\\) has invalid return type the\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:_checkForeignKeyExists\\(\\) should return bool but returns \\(int\\|string\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:_resolveFindByFieldName\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:addCheckConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Table\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:bindQueryPart\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Table\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:export\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getBoundQueryPart\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getColumnDefinition\\(\\) should return array but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getMethodOwner\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getOrderByStatement\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getProxy\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getTree\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Tree but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:hasGenerator\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Table but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$alias$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$column$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$componentName$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$createUniqueIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$hydrationMode$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$params$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$validators$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Find_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Query_Registry is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$args \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:bind\\(\\) should be compatible with parameter \\$name \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:bind\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$errorCode of method Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack\\:\\:add\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Validator_Driver\\|string, Doctrine_Validator_Interface given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$maximumLength of static method Doctrine_Validator\\:\\:validateLength\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:bind\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(static\\(Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\)\\) of method Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:bind\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between int and false will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between null and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$id might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$pk might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:ask\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:notify\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:notify\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:notify\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$default of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:getArgument\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Compile.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:compile\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Compile.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$str of function explode expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Dql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Dql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/DropDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:ask\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/DropDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of \\|\\| is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$from of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDiff\\(\\) expects string, array\\, mixed\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$mode of function count expects int, true given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$mode of function count expects int, true given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDiff.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$default of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:getArgument\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateModelsYaml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$default of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:getArgument\\(\\) expects string\\|null, false given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/LoadData.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:getPlugin\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Record_Generator but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:setInvoker\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Template but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var above a method has no effect\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$generator of method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:addChild\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Record_Generator, Doctrine_Template given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_plugin \\(Doctrine_Record_Generator\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$kilometers \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:getDistance\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:getDistanceQuery\\(\\) invoked with 1 parameter, 0 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'latitude\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'longitude\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|int\\|string\\>\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_I18n\\:\\:getI18n\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Record_Generator but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_I18n constructor expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'builder\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'canUpdate\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'fields\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'fields\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'provider\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unique\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'uniqueBy\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Record_Listener\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strlen expects string, int\\<1, max\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'hardDelete\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'hardDelete\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$options with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Record_Listener\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$item of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) expects array, false given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$item of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) expects array, true given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'created\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'updated\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 7, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset string does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Record_Listener\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:batchUpdateIndex\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Searchable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:search\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Searchable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$search of class Doctrine_Search_Listener constructor expects Doctrine_Search, Doctrine_Record_Generator given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Searchable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'indexName\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'alias\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'indexName\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'length\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'options\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unique\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'uniqueBy\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'uniqueIndex\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|bool\\|int\\|string\\|null\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'length\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_SoftDelete\\:\\:hardDelete\\(\\) should return int but returns bool\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'length\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'options\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|string\\|false\\|null\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'created\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'updated\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|bool\\|string\\|null\\>\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:getVersion\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Versionable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_Versionable\\:\\:getAuditLog\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Record_Generator but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Versionable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 257$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$savepoint of method Doctrine_Transaction\\:\\:removeSavePoints\\(\\) expects sring, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$savepoint of method Doctrine_Transaction\\:\\:removeSavePoints\\(\\) has invalid type sring\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level \\(SQL\\-92\\) + portable modes\\: + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\) + mssql specific modes\\: + SNAPSHOT\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:createSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:releaseSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:rollbackSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:createSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:releaseSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns true but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:rollbackSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:createSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:releaseSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:rollbackSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Sqlite\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 75$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$impName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchmode$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getRootValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:setRootValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method addOrderBy\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method addWhere\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Tree_NestedSet\\:\\:fetchRoot\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Tree_NestedSet\\:\\:getBaseQuery\\(\\) has invalid return type unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$record with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Record\\|null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchmode$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$root_id$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Validator\\:\\:\\$stack\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with mixed will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method validate\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Validator\\:\\:getValidator\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$str of function explode expects string, float\\|int\\<0, max\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$month of function checkdate expects int, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Date.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$day of function checkdate expects int, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Date.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$year of function checkdate expects int, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Date.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Validator_Driver\\:\\:__set\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Validator_Driver\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$invalid of class Doctrine_Validator_Exception constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack\\:\\:remove\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/ErrorStack.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed Either string with function name or array with object, +functionname\\. See call_user_func in php manual for more inforamtion\\)\\: Unexpected token "Either", expected variable at offset 164$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$validator$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and numeric\\-string results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Future.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between mixed and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Nospace.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and numeric\\-string results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Past.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$args$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Regexp.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method validate\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Timestamp.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$args$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Usstate.php', +]; + +return ['parameters' => ['ignoreErrors' => $ignoreErrors]]; diff --git a/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-83.php b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-83.php new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f89454f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-baseline-83.php @@ -0,0 +1,6871 @@ + '#^Method Doctrine_Access\\:\\:__unset\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Access.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Class Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock constructor invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Mock\\:\\:exec\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Mock\\:\\:lastInsertId\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Oracle\\:\\:commit\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Oracle\\:\\:exec\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$cursorOffset$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$cursorOrientation$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchStyle$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:bindColumn\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:bindParam\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:bindValue\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:errorCode\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:fetchColumn\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:getColumnMeta\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Mock\\:\\:setFetchMode\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchStyle$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:\\$oci_errors\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:bindValue\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:errorInfo\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:fetchColumn\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Adapter_Statement_Oracle\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string Query string to parse, if NULL, \\$this\\-\\>queryString is used\\)\\: Unexpected token "Query", expected variable at offset 109$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$message of class Doctrine_Adapter_Exception constructor expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$object$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$oci_length might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Adapter/Statement/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$conditions might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$values might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener\\:\\:_getNextVersion\\(\\) should return int but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$conditions might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$values might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener_Microtime\\:\\:_getInitialVersion\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener/Microtime.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener_Microtime\\:\\:_getNextVersion\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/AuditLog/Listener/Microtime.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Apc\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Apc.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Array\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Array.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_doDelete\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Db\\:\\:_hex2bin\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$_options$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Db.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Driver\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Driver\\:\\:save\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Cache_Driver\\:\\:delete\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$_options$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Interface\\:\\:save\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Memcache\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Memcache.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constant XC_TYPE_VAR not found\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Xcache.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$lifeTime \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Cache_Xcache\\:\\:_doSave\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cache/Xcache.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$cli with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Cli\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$formatter with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Cli_Formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$task with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Task\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array \\[\\$config\\=array\\(\\)\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 50$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool \\[\\$full\\=false\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 144$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool \\[\\$strict\\=false\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 417$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed \\[\\$directories\\=null\\] Can be a string path or array of paths\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 230$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed \\[\\$value\\=null\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 384$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(object\\|null \\[\\$formatter\\=null\\] Doctrine_Cli_Formatter\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 94$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|null \\[\\$taskName\\=null\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 108$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|null \\[&\\$className\\=null\\]\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\[", expected variable at offset 259$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:debug\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Cli_AnsiColorFormatter\\:\\:\\$size\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array An array of options\\)\\: Unexpected token "An", expected variable at offset 93$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size allowed for a line \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 154$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size of the returned string \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 89$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed An array of options or a style name\\)\\: Unexpected token "An", expected variable at offset 139$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed A stream\\)\\: Unexpected token "A", expected variable at offset 214$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The section name\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 76$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text message\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 115$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 58$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The style name\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 57$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The test to style\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 99$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$offset of function substr expects int, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int\\|null, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/AnsiColorFormatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to sprintf contains 1 placeholder, 2 values given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$maxLineSize \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Cli_Formatter\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum line size for a message\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 68$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size allowed for a line \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 154$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(integer The maximum size of the returned string \\(65 by default\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 89$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed An array of parameters\\)\\: Unexpected token "An", expected variable at offset 130$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(stream A stream \\(default to STDOUT\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "A", expected variable at offset 175$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The section name\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 76$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text message\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 115$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The text\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 58$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The test to style\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 90$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$offset of function substr expects int, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$length of function substr expects int\\|null, float given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Cli/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$deep \\(true\\) of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:getNormalIterator\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Iterator_Normal\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:getNormalIterator\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Iterator_Normal but returns Doctrine_Collection_Iterator_Normal\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:importFrom\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:key\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns int\\|string\\|null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:loadRelated\\(\\) should return bool but empty return statement found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:loadRelated\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:search\\(\\) with return type void returns int\\|string\\|false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:setData\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Collection but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$serialized$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$deep of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:toArray\\(\\) expects bool, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:\\$keyColumn \\(string\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:\\$reference \\(Doctrine_Record\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:\\$referenceField \\(string\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between mixed and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$array in isset\\(\\) is never defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var above a method has no effect\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Collection\\:\\:expand\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator/Expandable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection_Iterator_Expandable\\:\\:valid\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator/Expandable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Collection_Iterator_Offset\\:\\:valid\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Collection/Iterator/Offset.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between int and Doctrine_Null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Column\\:\\:enumValue\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Column\\:\\:getEnumValues\\(\\) invoked with 1 parameter, 0 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var above a method has no effect\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Column.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\$target Path the compiled file was written to\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$target", expected type at offset 357$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Compiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$file might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Compiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Configurable\\:\\:setEventListener\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Configurable but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Configurable\\:\\:\\$parent \\(Doctrine_Configurable\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Configurable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$sequence\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$transaction\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$unitOfWork\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Exception\\:\\:\\$errorInfo\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection has an unused parameter \\$pass\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection has an unused parameter \\$user\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:exec\\(\\) should return int but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:execute\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getManager\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Manager but returns Doctrine_Configurable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getTmpConnection\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Connection but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:quoteMultipleIdentifier\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:select\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Connection_Statement but returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:setAttribute\\(\\) should return bool but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Connection\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:update\\(\\) should return int but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'host\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'other\' on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'port\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'scheme\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unix_socket\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type string is incompatible with native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 58$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array an associative array that describes the fields and the + values that will be inserted or updated in the specified table\\. The + indexes of the array are the names of all the fields of the table\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "an", expected variable at offset 772$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string time format\\)\\: Unexpected token "time", expected variable at offset 94$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table on which the REPLACE query will + be executed\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 638$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value \\(\\$dbh the database handler\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$dbh", expected type at offset 16$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$adapter of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:openConnection\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Adapter_Interface\\|PDO, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function implode expects array\\|null, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$count might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$stmt might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Common.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$limit \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Db2\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$offset \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Db2\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Exception\\:\\:processErrorInfo\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\|array integer error code, + null to get the current error code\\-message map, + or an array with a new error code\\-message map\\)\\: Unexpected token "integer", expected variable at offset 103$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection_Mock has an unused parameter \\$adapter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Connection_Mock has an unused parameter \\$manager\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$adapter of method Doctrine_Connection_Mock\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has invalid type Doctrine_Adapter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mock.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Mssql\\:\\:exec\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Mssql\\:\\:parseOrderBy\\(\\) is unused\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$pdo$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$seq_name$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Mssql\\:\\:exec\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:exec\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$chunks$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type string is incompatible with native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string charset\\)\\: Unexpected token "charset", expected variable at offset 84$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$adapter of method Doctrine_Connection_Mysql\\:\\:__construct\\(\\) has invalid type Doctrine_Adapter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$limit \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$offset \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:getTmpConnection\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:quote\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Oracle\\:\\:quote\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$native \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:getServerVersion\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$limit \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$offset \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) is incompatible with type int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string charset\\)\\: Unexpected token "charset", expected variable at offset 84$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$pdo$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$match$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$limit in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:__call\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:lastEvent\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Event but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:setFilterQueryType\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$filter$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Connection_Profiler\\:\\:\\$listeners is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Profiler.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite\\:\\:connect\\(\\) should return bool but empty return statement found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$pdo$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$columnIndex\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$cursorOffset\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$cursorOrientation\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$data\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$fetchMode\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchStyle$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$param$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$data might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/Statement.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$sequence\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$transaction\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Table\\:\\:\\$sequenceName\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postDelete\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preDelete\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getTable\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\:\\:saveGraph\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\:\\:saveGraph\\(\\) with return type void returns true but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Record The record for which the delete operation will be cascaded\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 461$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$table$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strtolower expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$rootRecord might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Connection/UnitOfWork.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$import\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$sql_file_delimiter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$append \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$individualFiles \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:compile\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createTablesFromArray\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:createTablesFromModels\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:debug\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromModels\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateModelsFromYaml\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateYamlFromDb\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateYamlFromModels\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:getModelsDirectory\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadModel\\(\\) should return null but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(classes Array of classes to filter through, otherwise uses get_declared_classes\\(\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "Array", expected variable at offset 200$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(classes Array of classes to filter through, otherwise uses get_declared_classes\\(\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "Array", expected variable at offset 339$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type new is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$to of method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) expects int\\|null, string\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$modelLoading of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromModels\\(\\) expects string\\|null, int\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$replace of function str_replace expects array\\|string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$models of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$models of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:exportSchema\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:importSchema\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Static property Doctrine_Core\\:\\:\\$_validators is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Core.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$unitOfWork\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$models \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$models \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#4 \\$_exportIndividualFiles \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:exportIndividualFiles\\(\\) should return bool but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getDirectory\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormat\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormats\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getModels\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:importData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:isRelation\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:isRelation\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Data\\:\\:\\$_exportIndividualFiles \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Data\\:\\:\\$_formats \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Data\\:\\:\\$_models \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:doExport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data_Import\\:\\:doImport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:doExport\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$data of method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:prepareData\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function is_dir expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$filename of function is_file expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$models of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:initializeModels\\(\\) expects string, array\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$path of function dirname expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$type of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getDirectory\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormat\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getModels\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:isRelation\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data_Export\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$specifiedModels in empty\\(\\) always exists and is always falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Tree\\:\\:createRoot\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot call method getNode\\(\\) on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 0 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 0 on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$array with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$models of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:purge\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$word of static method Doctrine_Inflector\\:\\:classify\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$haystack of function in_array expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$nestedSetData of method Doctrine_Data_Import\\:\\:_loadNestedSetData\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$type of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$arrays of callable \'array_merge\'\\|\'array_merge…\' expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$relationName of method Doctrine_Data_Import\\:\\:_getImportedObject\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getDirectory\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormat\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getFormats\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Data\\:\\:getModels\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$specifiedModels in empty\\(\\) always exists and is always falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Data/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function array_key_exists\\(\\) with \'default\' and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'comment\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'notnull\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$field of method Doctrine_DataDict_Mssql\\:\\:getNativeDeclaration\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function array_key_exists expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function array_key_exists\\(\\) with \'default\' and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'comment\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'notnull\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unique\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unsigned\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$field of method Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql\\:\\:getNativeDeclaration\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function array_key_exists expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$number_max_precision\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_DataDict_Oracle_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/DataDict/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with int will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:__set\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Event\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getElapsedSecs\\(\\) should return int but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getName\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getParams\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:getQuery\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Event\\:\\:start\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Event but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Connection\\|Doctrine_Connection_Statement\\| +Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\|Doctrine_Transaction \\$invoker the handler which invoked this event\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 94$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Record\\|Doctrine_Connection\\|Doctrine_Connection_Statement\\| + Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork\\|Doctrine_Transaction the handler that invoked this event\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n \\* ", expected type at offset 161$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$_endedMicrotime \\(int\\) does not accept float\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$_startedMicrotime \\(int\\) does not accept float\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Event.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Exception\\:\\:errorMessage\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\|array integer error code, + null to get the current error code\\-message map, + or an array with a new error code\\-message map\\)\\: Unexpected token "integer", expected variable at offset 103$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$primary \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Empty array passed to foreach\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraintSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createForeignKey\\(\\) should return string but returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createIndex\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropForeignKey\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropIndex\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:exportClassesSql\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:exportSql\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:exportTable\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string foreign key referential action in uppercase\\)\\: Unexpected token "foreign", expected variable at offset 335$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Exception_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$query of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:exec\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraintSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropDatabaseSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropSequenceSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$queryFields might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to protected property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$options\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getSequenceName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:standaloneQuery\\(\\) invoked with 3 parameters, 1\\-2 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns true but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) should return string but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mssql\\:\\:dropSequenceSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'database_device\' on null in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and 1 results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$primary \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return bool but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropDatabaseSql\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropForeignKey\\(\\) with return type void returns int but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropIndexSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$charset$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(bool\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropIndexSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropIndexSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Mysql\\:\\:dropTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dsn\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to protected property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$options\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_null\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign new offset to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:_makeAutoincrement\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:_makeAutoincrement\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:alterTable\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:dropDatabase\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:dropTable\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:getIndexDeclaration\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(object \\$this\\-\\>conn database object that is extended by this class\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$this", expected variable at offset 62$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(object \\$this\\-\\>conn database object that is extended by this class\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$this", expected variable at offset 65$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$db$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$start of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$arrays of function array_merge expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createConstraintSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:dropTable\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:dropAutoincrement\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Oracle\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getServerVersion\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createSequenceSql\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return array but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) has invalid return type unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should return unknown but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:dropDatabaseSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:dropSequenceSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$seqName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$name \\(unknown_type\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with parameter \\$name \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$str of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:quoteIdentifier\\(\\) expects string, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$table of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createForeignKeySql\\(\\) expects string, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$table of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) expects string, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$name of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) has invalid type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(unknown\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Pgsql\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createDatabaseSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\\\> but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:exportSchema\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$string$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and 1 results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$start \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createSequence\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:alterTableSql\\(\\) should return string but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createDatabase\\(\\) with return type void returns PDO but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createForeignKey\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createIndexSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Export_Sqlite\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Export\\:\\:createTableSql\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$db$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Export/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$expression\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$args might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:cos\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:locate\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:pi\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:sin\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\) values that will be matched against \\$column\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 509$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\) strings that will be concatinated\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 230$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 269$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 279$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 283$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 285$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string\\|array\\(string\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\(", expected variable at offset 405$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$expression1$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$expression2$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$length$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$position$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$arg1$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$arg2$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$values$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escape\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escapePattern\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Expression_Mysql\\:\\:patternEscapeString\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instantiated class Doctrine_Expression_Mysql_Exception not found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Throwing object of an unknown class Doctrine_Expression_Mysql_Exception\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$arg1$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escape\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:escapePattern\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:patternEscapeString\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instantiated class Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql_Exception not found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:random\\(\\) has invalid return type return\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:random\\(\\) should return return but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(an array of values\\)\\: Unexpected token "array", expected variable at offset 66$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql\\:\\:locate\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(int\\) of method Doctrine_Expression_Driver\\:\\:locate\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Throwing object of an unknown class Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql_Exception\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Sqlite\\:\\:locateImpl\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\<0, max\\>\\|false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Expression_Sqlite\\:\\:modImpl\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Expression/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$identifier_quoting\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$string_quoting\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:\\$string_quoting\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:\\$wildcards\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:quote\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Formatter\\:\\:quoteMultipleIdentifier\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the foreign key\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 72$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the index\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 85$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the sequence\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 91$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 85$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string the input string to quote\\)\\: Unexpected token "the", expected variable at offset 250$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Formatter.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_string\\(\\) with Doctrine_Query will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parser might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_Integer\\:\\:parseSingle\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Integer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Hook_Parser_Complex\\:\\:parseSingle\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/Parser/Complex.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Hook_WordLike\\:\\:parseSingle\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hook/WordLike.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_object\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between \\*NEVER\\* and Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$activeRootIdentifier might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Hydrator/Graph.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$others in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset mixed on float\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildAttributes\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildColumns\\(\\) with return type void returns string\\|null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildIndexes\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildOptions\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string path the path where imported files are being generated\\)\\: Unexpected token "path", expected variable at offset 53$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$actAs$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$attributes$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columns$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$indexes$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$option$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$relations$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$templates$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 124$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value \\(\\$_tpl\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$_tpl", expected type at offset 89$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$listeners of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildListeners\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$var of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$var of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$option of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:emitAssign\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 17, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildAttributes\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildColumns\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildIndexes\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:buildOptions\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$e in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Mssql\\:\\:listTableIndexes\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$params of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:fetchColumn\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDatabaseName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Oracle\\:\\:listDatabases\\(\\) should return array but returns int\\|string\\|false\\|null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Oracle\\:\\:listTableTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Oracle\\:\\:listTableViews\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Pgsql\\:\\:listTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'inheritance\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'relations\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot unset offset mixed on null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildRelationships\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\\\>\\|string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildUniqueRelationKey\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_processInheritance\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) should return array but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'class\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'foreign\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'inheritance\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'inheritance\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'local\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'primary\' on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'refClass\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'relations\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset string on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$value$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildRelationships\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_processInheritance\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$relation of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildUniqueRelationKey\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$schema of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:buildSchema\\(\\) expects string, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:\\$_options \\(array\\) does not accept string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildRelationships\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_buildUniqueRelationKey\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:_processInheritance\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Import_Schema\\:\\:getOptions\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Schema.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:fixSequenceName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listDatabases\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listFunctions\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listTableTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listTriggers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Import_Sqlite\\:\\:listUsers\\(\\) should return array but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$db$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Import/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_IntegrityMapper\\:\\:\\$conn\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/IntegrityMapper.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:getDeleteActions\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/IntegrityMapper.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$transaction\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Lib\\:\\:getConnectionStateAsString\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Lib\\:\\:getRecordStateAsString\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$classname$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected type at offset 320$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 9, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Lib.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Locator\\:\\:bind\\(\\) has invalid return type Sensei_Locator\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Locator\\:\\:bind\\(\\) should return Sensei_Locator but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Locator\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Locator\\:\\:instance\\(\\) has invalid return type Sensei_Locator\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n \\* ", expected variable at offset 105$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Locator the locator object\\)\\: Unexpected token "the", expected variable at offset 145$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:\\$_locator \\(Doctrine_Locator\\) does not accept Sensei_Locator\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:\\$_locator \\(Doctrine_Locator\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locator/Injectable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locking/Manager/Pessimistic.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Locking/Manager/Pessimistic.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Array has 2 duplicate keys with value 150 \\(\\\\Doctrine_Core\\:\\:ATTR_CACHE, \\\\Doctrine_Core\\:\\:ATTR_RESULT_CACHE\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with Doctrine_Adapter_Interface\\|PDO will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:createDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$specifiedConnections \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:dropDatabases\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:bindComponent\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'path\' on array in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 0 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 1 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset 2 on \\*NEVER\\* in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @return has invalid value \\(\\$extensions\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$extensions", expected type at offset 72$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$string of function explode expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:\\$_queryRegistry \\(Doctrine_Query_Registry\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Manager\\:\\:\\$_queryRegistry \\(Doctrine_Query_Registry\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$specifiedConnections in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Manager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:loadMigrationClass\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) should return int but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrateDryRun\\(\\) should return bool but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$to of method Doctrine_Migration\\:\\:migrate\\(\\) expects int\\|null, string\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:_addChange\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:_addChange\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\ but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'autoincrement\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$constraintname$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$columnName of method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:changeColumn\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$columnName of method Doctrine_Migration_Base\\:\\:removeColumn\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementColumn might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementLength might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementOptions might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$autoincrementType might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Base.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot unset offset \'length\' on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot unset offset \'type\' on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildAddIndex\\(\\) has invalid return type sgtring\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildAddIndex\\(\\) should return sgtring but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'columns\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'length\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'options\' on string in isset\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'tableName\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string path the path where migration classes are stored and being generated\\)\\: Unexpected token "path", expected variable at offset 93$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var has invalid value \\(\\$tpl\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\$tpl", expected type at offset 70$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$models of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:initializeModels\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$tableData of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildCreateTable\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$tableData of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:buildDropTable\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$var of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function implode expects array\\, array\\, sgtring\\|string\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$modelLoading of method Doctrine_Migration_Builder\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromModels\\(\\) expects string\\|null, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$modelLoading of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:loadModels\\(\\) expects int\\|null, string\\|null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Builder\\:\\:varExport\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 7, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Builder.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$directory of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:setModelsDirectory\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Diff.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:getModelsDirectory\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Diff.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Migration/Process.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$record with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Record\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 61$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 64$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node\\:\\:\\$_tree \\(unknown_type\\) does not accept Doctrine_Tree\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node\\:\\:\\$_tree has unknown class unknown_type as its type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$node\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$opts\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$curNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_LevelOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$topNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/LevelOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$node\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$opts\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$curNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PostOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$topNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PostOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$node\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Constructor of class Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator has an unused parameter \\$opts\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$curNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Node_MaterializedPath_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$topNode is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/MaterializedPath/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getChildren\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getLeftValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 14, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getLevel\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getRightValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 15, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getRootValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 14, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:insertAsLastChildOf\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:isRoot\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getAttribute\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 7, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getBaseAlias\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 9, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getBaseComponent\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 8, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method getBaseQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 9, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method returnQueryWithRootId\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 17, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getFirstChild\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getLastChild\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getNextSibling\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getParent\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:getPrevSibling\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 72$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 73$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(int\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 74$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$deth$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$includeNode$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$first of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:shiftRlValues\\(\\) expects int, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$newLeftValue of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) expects unknown_type, \\(float\\|int\\) given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$moveType of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) expects unknown_type, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$moveType of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) has invalid type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$newLeftValue of method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet\\:\\:_moveBetweenTrees\\(\\) has invalid type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 11, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$child might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parent might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$sibling might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$level\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$maxLevel\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:\\$prevLeft\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getLeftValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:setLevel\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:next\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Node_NestedSet_PreOrderIterator\\:\\:next\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Node/NestedSet/PreOrderIterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager\\:\\:getExecuted\\(\\) has invalid return type boolen\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager\\:\\:getExecuted\\(\\) should return boolen but returns bool\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Query Accepts either a Doctrine_Query object or a string + \\(which does the Doctrine_Query class creation\\)\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Accepts", expected variable at offset 123$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Query Accepts either a Doctrine_Query object or a string + \\(which does the Doctrine_Query class creation\\)\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Accepts", expected variable at offset 122$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional params to be used by counter Doctrine_Query\\. + If not defined, the params passed to execute method will be used\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 282$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional params to be used by counter Doctrine_Query\\. + If not defined, the params passed to execute method will be used\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 134$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(boolean Optional argument that append the query param instead of overriding the existent ones\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 307$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:__toString\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:_parseReplacementsTemplate\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:display\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional parameters to be applied in template and url mask\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 130$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(array Optional parameters to be applied in template and url mask\\)\\: Unexpected token "Optional", expected variable at offset 139$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$replace_pairs of function strtr expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:\\$_maskReplacements \\(array\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Pager_Layout\\:\\:display\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Layout.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Jumping.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Jumping.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Sliding.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Pager/Range/Sliding.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot call method dumpData\\(\\) on null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot call method loadData\\(\\) on null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) with return type void returns int\\<0, max\\>\\|false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) with return type void returns string\\|false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:getParser\\(\\) with return type void returns object but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:getParser\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Json\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$json of function json_decode expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Json.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Serialize\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Serialize\\:\\:loadData\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$data of function unserialize expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Serialize.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type string supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_int\\(\\) with \\(array\\\\|string\\|null\\) will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between string and SimpleXMLElement will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Xml\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser_Xml\\:\\:arrayToXml\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$data of function simplexml_load_string expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$children$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$return might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Xml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Parser_Yml\\:\\:dumpData\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method sfYaml\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$input of static method sfYaml\\:\\:load\\(\\) expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doDump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:doLoad\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Static method sfYaml\\:\\:load\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/Yml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns float\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns float\\|int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns int\\|false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:evaluateScalar\\(\\) should return string but returns true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:load\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:parseMapping\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method sfYamlInline\\:\\:parseSequence\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\, string\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$stringDelimiter$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function implode expects array\\|null, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$delimiters of static method sfYamlInline\\:\\:parseScalar\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array\\ given\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$merge$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Parser/sfYaml/sfYamlParser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$expression\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Relation\\:\\:getForeignRefColumnName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Relation\\:\\:getLocalRefColumnName\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_scalar\\(\\) with array\\|Doctrine_Collection will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method free\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#1 \\$params \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:fetchArray\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:modifyLimitQuery\\(\\) invoked with 6 parameters, 1\\-4 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:_processPendingJoinConditions\\(\\) has invalid return type Processed\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:_processPendingJoinConditions\\(\\) should return Processed but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:addPendingJoinCondition\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:buildSqlQuery\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:createSubquery\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:createSubquery\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Hydrate but returns Doctrine_Query\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:free\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query\\:\\:processPendingFields\\(\\) should return string but empty return statement found\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:quoteExplode\\(\\) invoked with 4 parameters, 1\\-2 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:execute\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getResultCacheHash\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strtolower expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function substr expects string, Processed given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$array of function implode expects array\\|null, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$params of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:fetchAll\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between array\\|Doctrine_Collection and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$componentAlias might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parent might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$q might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$queryComponentsBefore might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$tableAlias might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$where in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:\\$_parsers\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:copy\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:isSubquery\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Part\\:\\:parse\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getSqlQuery\\(\\) invoked with 2 parameters, 0\\-1 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string The cached query, in a serialized form\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 83$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$customComponent of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getCachedForm\\(\\) expects array\\|Doctrine_Collection\\|null, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getFlattenedParams\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$params of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:getSqlQuery\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$queryPart of method Doctrine_Query_Abstract\\:\\:_addDqlQueryPart\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$expression\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:getTable\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Connection but returns Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parse\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$alias$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$value$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:\\$sql \\(string\\) does not accept null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Query_Check\\:\\:parseClause\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$func might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Check.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$dataDict\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Condition.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Condition\\:\\:load\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Condition.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_From\\:\\:parse\\(\\) with return type void returns array\\, array\\\\>\\|null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/From.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Groupby\\:\\:parse\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Groupby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$str$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Groupby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Groupby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Having.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/JoinCondition.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Orderby\\:\\:parse\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Orderby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Orderby.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Query_Set\\:\\:parseLiteralValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Set.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Iterating over an object of an unknown class unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:clauseExplodeCountBrackets\\(\\) has invalid return type unknown_type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:clauseExplodeCountBrackets\\(\\) should return unknown_type but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$d with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$terms of method Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer\\:\\:mergeBracketTerms\\(\\) expects array, unknown_type given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$p might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Tokenizer.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$varchar_max_length\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method parseDqlQuery\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Hydrate\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strtolower expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getDriverName\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Query/Where.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_RawSql\\:\\:_addDqlQueryPart\\(\\) should return \\$this\\(Doctrine_RawSql\\) but returns Doctrine_Query\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_RawSql\\:\\:parseDqlQueryPart\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Query but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_RawSql\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Connection The connection object the query will use\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 66$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract The hydrator that will be used for generating result sets\\.\\)\\: Unexpected token "The", expected variable at offset 150$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$componentName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getOption\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$fields in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$parent might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$type might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/RawSql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method ArrayAccess\\:\\:save\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postSerialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postUnserialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:postValidate\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preSerialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preUnserialize\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_EventListener_Interface\\|Doctrine_Overloadable\\:\\:preValidate\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:delete\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_bool\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset \\(int\\|string\\) on int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset mixed on int\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot access offset string on int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign new offset to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$deep \\(true\\) of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between Doctrine_Collection and Doctrine_Null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between string and Doctrine_Expression will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:assignDefaultValues\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) should return string but returns array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:exportTo\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getAccessor\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getErrorStackAsString\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getIncremented\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getMutator\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getNode\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Node but returns Doctrine_Node_\\\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getNode\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Node but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:getPendingDeletes\\(\\) should return array but returns string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:hasAccessor\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:hasMutator\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:identifier\\(\\) should return array but returns int\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:importFrom\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:merge\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:reference\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Collection\\|Doctrine_Record but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:state\\(\\) should return int\\|null but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:toArray\\(\\) should return array but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:trySave\\(\\) should return true but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$array with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack errorStack to be assigned for this record\\)\\: Unexpected token "errorStack", expected variable at offset 137$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed arg1 \\.\\.\\. argN optional callback arguments\\)\\: Unexpected token "arg1", expected variable at offset 150$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fieldname$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$serialized$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of function current expects array\\|object, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$array of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$deep of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:toArray\\(\\) expects bool, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\.\\.\\.\\$arrays of function array_merge expects array, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_id \\(int\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_id \\(int\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_node \\(Doctrine_Node_\\\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_node has unknown class Doctrine_Node_ as its type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_node has unknown class TreeImpl as its type\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record\\:\\:\\$_pendingDeletes \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Record\\:\\:fromArray\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:load\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between Doctrine_Collection\\|Doctrine_Record and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$array might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$foreignFieldName might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$modifiedFields might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:actAs\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:addListener\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:bindQueryParts\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:check\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:hasMany\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:hasOne\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:setListener\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\:\\:unique\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$columnName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$componentName$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$validators$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$invoker of method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:setInvoker\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Record, \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Abstract\\) given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Abstract.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Expression "\\$record\\[\\$alias\\]" on a separate line does not do anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Filter/Compound.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:generateClassFromTable\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:initialize\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Plugin\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Plugin but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Generator\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$invoker of method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:setInvoker\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Record, \\$this\\(Doctrine_Record_Generator\\) given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$object of function get_class expects object, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of method Doctrine_Import_Builder\\:\\:setOptions\\(\\) expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:generateClass\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:getPlugin\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between null and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Generator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Record_Iterator\\:\\:\\$record is never read, only written\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Iterator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Record_Listener_Chain\\:\\:set\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record_Listener_Chain but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Record/Listener/Chain.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Relation\\:\\:getOrderBy\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$columnNames of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:processOrderBy\\(\\) expects string, bool given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$dql might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Association.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$dql might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Association/Self.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/LocalKey.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of \\|\\| is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/LocalKey.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$related in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/LocalKey.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Nest.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Relation_Parser\\:\\:bind\\(\\) with return type void returns array but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string relation to remove\\)\\: Unexpected token "relation", expected variable at offset 144$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$columns might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$found might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$rel in isset\\(\\) always exists and is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Relation/Parser.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Argument of an invalid type null supplied for foreach, only iterables are supported\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:analyze\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:buildTable\\(\\) with return type void returns null but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:search\\(\\) should return array but returns Doctrine_Query\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:setTableDefinition\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:updateIndex\\(\\) should return int but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:buildTable\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Search\\:\\:analyze\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$terms in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Analyzer/Standard.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$terms in empty\\(\\) always exists and is not falsy\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Analyzer/Utf8.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$table might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/File.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Search_Indexer_Dir\\:\\:indexFile\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Indexer/Dir.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$_table$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Search_Query\\:\\:\\$_table \\(Doctrine_Table\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Query.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Sequence\\:\\:\\$warnings\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:_connect\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:lastSequenceId\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:query\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:quoteIdentifier\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:currId\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Sequence_Db2\\:\\:lastInsertId\\(\\) should return int but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Adapter_Db2_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Undefined variable\\: \\$onDemand$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Db2.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:getServerVersion\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "when", expected variable at offset 142$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 259$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 185$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool onDemand when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "onDemand", expected variable at offset 129$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(bool onDemand when true missing sequences are automatic created\\)\\: Unexpected token "onDemand", expected variable at offset 129$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 290$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 214$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$export\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:\\$formatter\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Sequence_Sqlite\\:\\:nextId\\(\\) should return int but returns string\\|false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the field into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 263$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string name of the table into which a new row was inserted\\)\\: Unexpected token "name", expected variable at offset 187$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Sequence/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to property \\$args on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to property \\$field on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to property \\$invoker on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method validate\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#3 \\$columnNames \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:processOrderBy\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between int and Doctrine_Null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Instanceof between string and Doctrine_Record will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:__call\\(\\) has invalid return type the\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:_checkForeignKeyExists\\(\\) should return bool but returns \\(int\\|string\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:_resolveFindByFieldName\\(\\) should return string but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:addCheckConstraint\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Table\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:bindQueryPart\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Table\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:export\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getBoundQueryPart\\(\\) should return string but returns null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getColumnDefinition\\(\\) should return array but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getMethodOwner\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getOrderByStatement\\(\\) should return string but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getProxy\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:getTree\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Tree but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:hasGenerator\\(\\) with return type void returns bool but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:setOption\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Table but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$alias$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$column$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$componentName$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$createUniqueIndex$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$field$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$hydrationMode$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$name$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$params$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$validators$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Find_Exception is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @throws with type Doctrine_Query_Registry is not subtype of Throwable$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$args \\(array\\) of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:bind\\(\\) should be compatible with parameter \\$name \\(string\\) of method Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:bind\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$errorCode of method Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack\\:\\:add\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Validator_Driver\\|string, Doctrine_Validator_Interface given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$maximumLength of static method Doctrine_Validator\\:\\:validateLength\\(\\) expects string, int given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of && is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of \\|\\| is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Return type \\(void\\) of method Doctrine_Table\\:\\:bind\\(\\) should be compatible with return type \\(static\\(Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\)\\) of method Doctrine_Locator_Injectable\\:\\:bind\\(\\)$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between int and false will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between null and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$id might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Variable \\$pk might not be defined\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Table.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:ask\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:notify\\(\\) with return type void returns false but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:notify\\(\\) with return type void returns mixed but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:notify\\(\\) with return type void returns string but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$default of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:getArgument\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Compile.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:compile\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Compile.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$string of function explode expects string, null given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Dql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Parser\\:\\:dump\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/Dql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^If condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/DropDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:ask\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/DropDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of \\|\\| is always false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$from of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDiff\\(\\) expects string, array\\, mixed\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$mode of function count expects int, true given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of static method Doctrine_Core\\:\\:generateMigrationsFromDb\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDb.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$mode of function count expects int, true given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateMigrationsDiff.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$default of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:getArgument\\(\\) expects string\\|null, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/GenerateModelsYaml.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$default of method Doctrine_Task\\:\\:getArgument\\(\\) expects string\\|null, false given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Task/LoadData.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:getPlugin\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Record_Generator but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template\\:\\:setInvoker\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Template but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @var above a method has no effect\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$generator of method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:addChild\\(\\) expects Doctrine_Record_Generator, Doctrine_Template given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_plugin \\(Doctrine_Record_Generator\\) in isset\\(\\) is not nullable\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Default value of the parameter \\#2 \\$kilometers \\(false\\) of method Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:getDistance\\(\\) is incompatible with type string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:getDistanceQuery\\(\\) invoked with 1 parameter, 0 required\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'latitude\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'longitude\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$Doctrine_Record$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Geographical\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|int\\|string\\>\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Geographical.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_I18n\\:\\:getI18n\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Record_Generator but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_I18n constructor expects string, array given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/I18n.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'builder\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 4, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'canUpdate\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'fields\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'fields\' on string in empty\\(\\) does not exist\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 5, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'provider\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unique\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'uniqueBy\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$array$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Record_Listener\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$string of function strlen expects string, int\\<1, max\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'hardDelete\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'hardDelete\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$options with type string is incompatible with native type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Record_Listener\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$item of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) expects array, false given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$item of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) expects array, true given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Result of method Doctrine_Connection\\:\\:convertBooleans\\(\\) \\(void\\) is used\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'created\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'updated\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 7, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset string does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Record_Listener\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:batchUpdateIndex\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Searchable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:search\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Searchable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$search of class Doctrine_Search_Listener constructor expects Doctrine_Search, Doctrine_Record_Generator given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Searchable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'indexName\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'alias\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'indexName\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'length\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'options\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'unique\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'uniqueBy\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'uniqueIndex\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_Template_Listener_Sluggable constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Sluggable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|bool\\|int\\|string\\|null\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Sluggable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Cannot assign offset \'length\' to string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_SoftDelete\\:\\:hardDelete\\(\\) should return int but returns bool\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'length\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'name\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'options\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'type\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_Template_Listener_SoftDelete constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_SoftDelete\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|string\\|false\\|null\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/SoftDelete.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'created\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Offset \'updated\' does not exist on string\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc type string of property Doctrine_Template_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options is not covariant with PHPDoc type array of overridden property Doctrine_Template\\:\\:\\$_options\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$options of class Doctrine_Template_Listener_Timestampable constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Property Doctrine_Template_Timestampable\\:\\:\\$_options \\(string\\) does not accept default value of type array\\\\|bool\\|string\\|null\\>\\>\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Timestampable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Record_Generator\\:\\:getVersion\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Versionable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Template_Versionable\\:\\:getAuditLog\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Record_Generator but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Template/Versionable.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Event\\:\\:\\$skipOperation\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 257$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$savepoint of method Doctrine_Transaction\\:\\:removeSavePoints\\(\\) expects sring, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\$savepoint of method Doctrine_Transaction\\:\\:removeSavePoints\\(\\) has invalid type sring\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level \\(SQL\\-92\\) + portable modes\\: + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\) + mssql specific modes\\: + SNAPSHOT\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mssql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:createSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:releaseSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:rollbackSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Mysql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:createSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:releaseSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns true but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:rollbackSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Oracle\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Oracle.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:createSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:releaseSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:rollbackSavePoint\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Pgsql\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Pgsql.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Transaction_Sqlite\\:\\:setIsolation\\(\\) with return type void returns Doctrine_Adapter_Statement\\|PDOStatement but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(string standard isolation level + READ UNCOMMITTED \\(allows dirty reads\\) + READ COMMITTED \\(prevents dirty reads\\) + REPEATABLE READ \\(prevents nonrepeatable reads\\) + SERIALIZABLE \\(prevents phantom reads\\)\\)\\: Unexpected token "standard", expected variable at offset 78$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Transaction/Sqlite.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed\\)\\: Unexpected token "\\\\n ", expected variable at offset 75$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$impName$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchmode$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/Interface.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:getRootValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to an undefined method Doctrine_Node\\:\\:setRootValue\\(\\)\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method addOrderBy\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method addWhere\\(\\) on an unknown class unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 6, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Tree_NestedSet\\:\\:fetchRoot\\(\\) should return Doctrine_Record but returns false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Tree_NestedSet\\:\\:getBaseQuery\\(\\) has invalid return type unknown\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$record with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Record\\|null\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param for parameter \\$table with type object is not subtype of native type Doctrine_Table\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$fetchmode$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$options$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$root_id$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Tree/NestedSet.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Access to an undefined property Doctrine_Validator\\:\\:\\$stack\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with mixed will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method validate\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 3, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Validator\\:\\:getValidator\\(\\) has invalid return type Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$string of function explode expects string, float\\|int\\<0, max\\> given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between string and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$month of function checkdate expects int, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Date.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#2 \\$day of function checkdate expects int, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Date.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#3 \\$year of function checkdate expects int, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Date.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Validator_Driver\\:\\:__set\\(\\) with return type void returns \\$this\\(Doctrine_Validator_Driver\\) but should not return anything\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Parameter \\#1 \\$invalid of class Doctrine_Validator_Exception constructor expects array, string given\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Driver.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Method Doctrine_Validator_ErrorStack\\:\\:remove\\(\\) should return bool but return statement is missing\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/ErrorStack.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param has invalid value \\(mixed Either string with function name or array with object, +functionname\\. See call_user_func in php manual for more inforamtion\\)\\: Unexpected token "Either", expected variable at offset 164$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$validator$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Exception.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and numeric\\-string results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Future.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between mixed and null will always evaluate to false\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Nospace.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Binary operation "\\-" between string and numeric\\-string results in an error\\.$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Past.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$args$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Regexp.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^Call to method validate\\(\\) on an unknown class Doctrine_Validator_Interface\\.$#', + 'count' => 2, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Timestamp.php', +]; +$ignoreErrors[] = [ + 'message' => '#^PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter\\: \\$args$#', + 'count' => 1, + 'path' => __DIR__ . '/../../lib/Doctrine/Validator/Usstate.php', +]; + +return ['parameters' => ['ignoreErrors' => $ignoreErrors]]; diff --git a/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-params.neon b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-params.neon new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f71fdbf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/StaticAnalysis/phpstan-params.neon @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +parameters: + level: 5 + paths: + - ../../lib + + excludePaths: + - ../../lib/Doctrine/Search/Indexer.php