Second project for the subject Artificial Inteligence, which consisted in developing a bot to play the Connect Four Game using adversarial search. Our implementation was in C++.
- Minimax
- Alpha-Beta Prunning
$ g++ -O3 main.cpp -o main
The usage of this project is intuitive. It's instructions appear when the program is executed.
- main.cpp - Requests input and calls the search functions.
- Node.h - Implementation of the graph node's.
- Board.h - Implementation of the game board and functions to work with the board.
- Minimax.h - Implementation of the Minimax algorithm.
- Alphabeta.h - Implementation of the Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithm.
To have two bots play against each other, just uncomment line 122 in file main.cpp.
- Ana Rita Santos Lopes da Costa - up201605706 - ritasantos11
- Frederico Emanuel Almeida Lopes - up201604674 - FredyR4zox
- João Lucas Faria de Pires - up201606617 - iSynthx