- components 文件夾存放展示型組件
- containers文件夾存放所有的容器型組件
- 兩個文件夾下皆有放置__test__ 文件夾
- src跟目錄下放統一使用的文件
- Pascal Case 命名法
- UI 劃分
- 創建應用靜態版本
🍑🍑App building Steps🍑🍑
- Add pricelist with PropType
- Add TotalPrice with PropType
- Add MonthSelector
- map function
- Ionicon function
- PropTypes ( define and defaultProps)
to build a button
to build a toggle list with hide property (to build with state)
user could select month and year
to have a highlight function
two selection month and year
2021-02-21 TDD First