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Matt Hartley edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Framework Laptop 13 Thunderbolt/USB-C docks wiki!

This is a place for community members to share the Thunderbolt/USB-C docks they have tested with their Framework Laptop 13. Includes the name, model number, and vendors.

We have provided this template we would like you to use to help the Framework community better understand where Thunderbolt/USB-C docks lands.

Fill in this form (right-click and select "Open link in new tab" and save locally). You can use an online editor for markdown or locally installed markdown editor to fill this out.

Issue a pull request to upload your completed template as a .md or markdown file to this repo here.

As forms are uploaded, we will parse out the results into this wiki (using a script).

Clone this wiki locally