diff --git a/.github/updateLeaderboard.js b/.github/updateLeaderboard.js
index 356e26f..5506e57 100644
--- a/.github/updateLeaderboard.js
+++ b/.github/updateLeaderboard.js
@@ -25,33 +25,34 @@ module.exports = async ({ github, context }) => {
const result = await github.graphql(query, variables);
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
const renderComments = (comments) => {
- return comments.reduce((prev, curr) => {
- let sanitizedText = curr.bodyText
- .replace('<', '<')
- .replace('>', '>')
- .replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "
- .replace('|', '|')
- .replace('[', '[');
+ return comments.reduce((prev, curr) => {
+ let sanitizedText = curr.bodyText
+ .replace('<', '<')
+ .replace('>', '>')
+ .replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "
+ .replace('|', '|')
+ .replace('[', '[');
- // Convert updatedAt to a date with UTC+7 timezone
- let date = new Date(curr.updatedAt);
- let formattedDate = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh' });
+ // Convert updatedAt to a date with UTC+7 timezone
+ let date = new Date(curr.updatedAt);
+ let formattedDate = date.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh' });
- const nameMatch = /#### 👤 \*\*Name\*\*:\s*(.*?)/s.exec(curr.bodyText);
- const githubLinkMatch = /#### 🔗 \*\*GitHub Profile Link\*\*:\s*(.*?)/s.exec(curr.bodyText);
- const messageMatch = /#### 💬 \*\*Message\*\*:\s*(.*?)/s.exec(curr.bodyText);
- const screenshotMatch = /#### 🖼️ \*\*Screenshot\*\*\s*(.*?)/s.exec(curr.bodyText);
+ // Extracting details from the comment body
+ const nameMatch = /#### 👤 \*\*Name\*\*:\s*(.*)/.exec(curr.bodyText);
+ const githubLinkMatch = /#### 🔗 \*\*GitHub Profile Link\*\*:\s*(.*)/.exec(curr.bodyText);
+ const messageMatch = /#### 💬 \*\*Message\*\*:\s*(.*)/.exec(curr.bodyText);
+ const screenshotMatch = /#### 🖼️ \*\*Screenshot\*\*[\s\S]*?\((.*?)\)/.exec(curr.bodyText);
+ const name = nameMatch ? nameMatch[1].trim() : 'Unknown';
+ const githubLink = githubLinkMatch ? githubLinkMatch[1].trim() : 'N/A';
+ const message = messageMatch ? messageMatch[1].trim() : 'N/A';
+ const screenshot = screenshotMatch ? screenshotMatch[1].trim() : 'N/A';
- const name = nameMatch ? nameMatch[1].trim() : 'Unknown';
- const githubLink = githubLinkMatch ? githubLinkMatch[1].trim() : 'N/A';
- const message = messageMatch ? messageMatch[1].trim() : 'N/A';
- const screenshot = screenshotMatch ? screenshotMatch[1].trim() : 'N/A';
- return `${prev}| [ ${name}](${githubLink}) | ${message} | ![Screenshot](${screenshot}) | ${formattedDate} |\n`;
- }, "| Player | Message | Screenshot | Date |\n|---|---|---|---|\n");
+ return `${prev}| [ ${name}](${githubLink}) | ${message} | ![Screenshot](${screenshot}) | ${formattedDate} |\n`;
+ }, "| Player | Message | Screenshot | Date |\n|---|---|---|---|\n");
const fileSystem = require('fs');
@@ -61,4 +62,5 @@ module.exports = async ({ github, context }) => {
// Update leaderboard section
const updatedContent = readme.replace(/(?<=.*\n)[\S\s]*?(?=|$(?![\n]))/gm, renderComments(result.repository.issue.comments.nodes));
fileSystem.writeFileSync(readmePath, updatedContent, 'utf8');
+ console.log('README.md updated successfully.');