Releases: Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher
Release Notes
Python upgrade
In the next release, the Python version supported by Flow will be v3.11.4.
If you are a Python plugin developer, please start testing your plugin against v3.11.4. Users who are using the Python installation managed by Flow (embeddable) will automatically update to the new version after the next release.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue in Explorer plugin caused by Windows Search returning empty paths in its own result set
Set the main Flow Launcher project as the default start up project
Removed the irrelevant action keyword in Shell plugin's description
Translations have been added/updated
Fixed the translated Slovak language name in Flow's settings window
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@Phoenix-, @sitiom, @VictoriousRaptor and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
Improved how we fetch community plugin data, new plugin updates should now arrive on time
Added Czech and Arabic language support
New plugin API feature for .Net plugins to monitor when the search window is visible/hidden
New plugin API feature to manually hide the search window or check its visibility
New search window animation slider to control how fast you want the animation to appear
Shell plugin now supports Pwsh (PowerShell 7.x)
New keyboard shortcut Ctrl + R to refresh results by rerunning the current query
Clipboard copying functionality has been improved
Bug fixes
New translation updates
Fixed result comparison missing AutoComplete and CopyText fields
Fixed ProcessKiller plugin to honor "Last Query Style" option after killing the process
Fixed an issue with BrowserBookmarks plugin causing memory leaks on some occasions and locking up bookmark files
Fixed an issue where auto startup option not working when there are spaces in flow's location path
Resolved an issue where certain WindowsSettings plugin result fail silently when admin permission is required
Resolved Plugin Store's refresh button issue causing search to not work after clicking
Resolved occasional increased CPU and disk usage during Program plugin's startup
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@AlexDavies8, @deefrawley, @Garulf, @JamesNZL, @JohnTheGr8, @ngtr6788, @Odotocodot, @rainyl, @taooceros, @VictoriousRaptor and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
Added ability for Program plugin to open parent folder via Ctrl + Enter
New option for Explorer plugin to open the folder instead of navigating the directry tree when pressing Enter
The preview window can now be resized by mouse click and drag
New search window position options
Explorer plugin's Everything can now sort result based on its file action RunCount
Bug fixes
Programs in Windows Start menu's startup folder will no longer be shown
Fix an issue with image caching
Fixed ProcessKiller plugin not updating its results after killing a process
Fixed an issue with Files app intergration
New translation updates
Fixed Program plugin's duplicate results coming from Windows' registry
Fixed an occasional problem with notification causing plugins to not install
Fixed Explorer plugin's recursive search
not excluding whitespaces -
An issue with Plugin Store's version checking has been addressed
Appearance section now has subtitle 'Theme' added
An issue with WebSearch's column sorting has been fixed
An issue for some users where there is no sound on search window activation has been addressed
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@deefrawley, @Garulf, @onesounds, @taooceros, @TheBestPessimist, @VictoriousRaptor, @xtyuns and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
Hotfix release
This is a hotfix release to address an issue causing Everything search engine to not be usable and plugins not installing properly. We think this issue is caused by Windows update to 10.0.22621.1413 or 10.0.22621.1485 and prior versions should not be affected.
Please note only if you are having the issue, after installing this hotfix you will not be able to see any notifications from Flow but Everything and plugins should start working. This is temporary while we investigate and resolve the root cause.
Fix Windows 11 22H2 (22621) notification error
Fix legacy notification not working on some Win 10 and below machines
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@VictoriousRaptor and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
Added custom Firefox browser support
UI Improvement in Bookmarks plugin for managing custom browsers
Bug fixes
Explorer plugin's Everything full path search can now be toggled on/off
Adjusted sidebar texts in flow's settings window
Fixed Sys plugin to show full path on delete confirm dialog
Additional fixes for compatible preview hotkeys
Translation fixes
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@guilherssousa, @Joehoel, @taooceros, @onesounds, @VictoriousRaptor and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
A big thank you to @TheBestPessimist for sponsoring us! ❤️
Release Notes
Everything search in Explorer plugin can now match the full path of a file, e.g. typing 'wall arts' will match file path
Updated Flow's target framework to .Net 7
Bug fixes
Adjusted plugin download success message to show the plugin name
Adjusted the default action keyword for Plugin Indicator to '?'
Adjusted Program plugin to read the list of programs from Start Menu folder instead of Start Menu/Programs
Fixed backup settings load error when the original file doesn't exist
Fixed Explorer plugin delete function's missing language key
Fixed Custom Query Hotkey error when an invalid hokey is inputted
Fixed Program plugin's auto-complete function
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@taooceros, @TheBestPessimist, @VictoriousRaptor, @z1nc0r3 and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
We have discovered and corrected a misspelled key in some of the theme files - updated BaseItemHotkeySelecetedStyle to BaseItemHotkeySelectedStyle. Going forward the incorrect BaseItemHotkeySelecetedStyle key will be removed, which will then break themes that are still using the incorrect key. If you have custom themes please do a quick find for this key and correct it.
Bug fixes
- Addressed an issue with saving settings files in v1.12.0 for new installations
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@taooceros and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
We have discovered and corrected a misspelled key in some of the theme files - updated BaseItemHotkeySelecetedStyle to BaseItemHotkeySelectedStyle. Going forward the incorrect BaseItemHotkeySelecetedStyle key will be removed, which will then break themes that are still using it. If you have custom themes please do a quick find for this key and correct it.
Added ability to adjust the result height and icon size via theme file
Added ability to search for localized program names via the Program plugin
Added ability to insert the path of an active Explorer.exe window into Flow's search window via the builtin shortcut
Bug fixes
Maximum 100 and Minimum -100 values have been added to disallow going above or below when setting the priority value for a plugin.
New translations have been added from Crowdin
Plugin name can now be searched by Plugin Indicator to find the action keyword
Hotkey validation has been added to prevent selecting unsupported keys
Settings reset issue for some users have been addressed
Log Off command from Sys plugin will now prompt before executing
The issue where Flow terminates silently during auto updating has been addressed
Glyph icons have been added for Explorer's 'Open With Shell' and 'Open With Editor' functionalities
Refactored clear log folder logic
Fixed Explorer plugin crashing when first input is colon ':'
Fixed how Explorer plugin treats environment variables and only expand when path starts with %
Fixed misspelled style key in theme files
Addressed a error where exception was caused when killing unused JSON-RPC process
Addressed an issue where Explorer plugin does not honour the UseLocationAsWorkingDir setting
Addressed the logic how the Program plugin displays program descriptions
Fixed many typos
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@onesounds, @stefnotch, @taooceros, @VictoriousRaptor, @z1nc0r3 and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
Plugin development
For plugins written in TypeScript or JavaScript, Flow now supports automatic Node.js environment setup. This means once you specify in your plugin.json file the 'Language' as JavaScript or TypeScript and the 'ExecuteFileName' to the path of your main.js/main.ts file, Flow will automatically download, extract and setup the zip version of Node.js to the Environment folder inside user data directory. Manual download and install is no longer required by users.
Preview panel toggle hotkey is now configurable
New option to always be in English IME when typing in the search window
New Explorer plugin option to select an editor for opening folders
New clock formats 'hh:mm:ss tt' and 'HH:mm:ss' have been added
Added an option for Program plugin to enable/disable UWP apps indexing
Added support for Node.js environment setup
Bug fixes
Fixed ImageCache when loading full image
Fixed some typos
Updated Explorer plugin's description
Fixed quick access path search and autocomplete
For Windows Settings plugin fixed failure to launch the diskmgmt item due to administrator privilege requirement
Fixed an issue where after editing a Custom Query Shortcut then immediately unable to edit any other shortcut
Disabled PATH option in Program plugin by default
Fixed incorrect Everything service not available warning
Explorer plugin drive space and open current folder result texts are now translatable
Refactored Toggle Game Mode logic
Removed duplicated Korean language key
Fixed error when using shortcut expansion
Changed Program plugin's all programs heading label from 'Enable' to 'Status'
Fixed some texts and other minor issues in Explorer plugin
Translations have been updated
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@fihorvat, @onesounds, @sitiom, @taooceros, @VictoriousRaptor, @z1nc0r3 and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
Release Notes
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where typing anything will cause a crash due to Windows Search service being disabled
Fixed progress bar size and result list's margin during loading of results when used with preview panel
Fixed env paths search
Fixed a bottom margin issue when result loading is in progress
Fixed Explorer context menu's opening with editor error when file path containing blanks
Translations have been updated
We would like to directly mention and thank the following people (in alphabetical order) for their contribution and support in this release.
@onesounds, @taooceros, @VictoriousRaptor and everyone who has joined discussions, added translations, created plugins, reviewed pull requests, put through their ideas or reported bugs.
A big thank you to @andreqramos for sponsoring us! ❤️