From 0e41f21fd8b61fb967655ab5afe7c551e02c6980 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rexia <> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 07:09:36 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update Fixed typos and added capitalization and grammatical improvements --- | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index faf06e7f..6c2e663c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ In case you cannot determine heights of items in advance just set `forceNonDeter | contextProvider | No | ContextProvider | Used to maintain scroll position in case view gets destroyed, which often happens with back navigation | | rowRenderer | Yes | (type: string \| number, data: any, index: number) => JSX.Element \| JSX.Element[] \| null | Method that returns react component to be rendered. You get the type, data, index and extendedState of the view in the callback | | initialOffset | No | number | Initial offset you want to start rendering from; This is very useful if you want to maintain scroll context across pages. | -| renderAheadOffset | No | number | specify how many pixels in advance you want views to be rendered. Increasing this value can help reduce blanks (if any). However, keeping this as low as possible should be the intent. Higher values also increase re-render compute | +| renderAheadOffset | No | number | Specify how many pixels in advance you want views to be rendered. Increasing this value can help reduce blanks (if any). However, keeping this as low as possible should be the intent. Higher values also increase re-render compute | | isHorizontal | No | boolean | If true, the list will operate horizontally rather than vertically | | onScroll | No | rawEvent: ScrollEvent, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) => void | On scroll callback function that executes as a user scrolls | -| onRecreate | No | (params: OnRecreateParams) => void | callback function that gets executed when recreating the recycler view from context provider | +| onRecreate | No | (params: OnRecreateParams) => void | Callback function that gets executed when recreating the recycler view from context provider | | externalScrollView | No | { new (props: ScrollViewDefaultProps): BaseScrollView } | Use this to pass your on implementation of BaseScrollView | | onEndReached | No | () => void | Callback function executed when the end of the view is hit (minus onEndThreshold if defined) | | onEndReachedThreshold | No | number | Specify how many pixels in advance for the onEndReached callback | @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ In case you cannot determine heights of items in advance just set `forceNonDeter | initialRenderIndex | No | number | Specify the initial item index you want rendering to start from. Preferred over initialOffset if both specified | | scrollThrottle | No | number |iOS only; Scroll throttle duration | | canChangeSize | No | boolean | Specify if size can change | -| distanceFromWindow | No | number | **(Depricated)** Use `applyWindowCorrection()` API with `windowShift`. **[Usage?](#applywindowcorrection-usage)** | +| distanceFromWindow | No | number | **(Deprecated)** Use `applyWindowCorrection()` API with `windowShift`. **[Usage?](#applywindowcorrection-usage)** | | applyWindowCorrection | No | (offset: number, windowCorrection: WindowCorrection) => void | (Enhancement/replacement to `distanceFromWindow` API) Allows updation of the visible windowBounds to based on correctional values passed. User can specify **windowShift**; in case entire RecyclerListWindow needs to shift down/up, **startCorrection**; in case when top window bound needs to be shifted for e.x. top window bound to be shifted down is a content overlapping the top edge of RecyclerListView, **endCorrection**: to alter bottom window bound for a similar use-case. **[Usage?](#applywindowcorrection-usage)** | | useWindowScroll | No | boolean | Web only; Layout Elements in window instead of a scrollable div | | disableRecycling | No | boolean | Turns off recycling |