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303 lines (250 loc) · 14.7 KB

Contributing guide

Development rules and regulations, code style

Follow this document

Project structure description

Solution and folder structure

Folder Description
.\ Root folder
.\Build Various files for AppVeyor builds and common project settings
.\Data Contains test databases creation scripts and database files
.\Doc DocFX documentation files
.\NuGet LINQ to DB NuGet packages build files, readme.txt
.\Redist Redistributable binaries for providers unavailable officially at NuGet
.\Source\LinqToDB LINQ to DB source code
.\Source\LinqToDB.Templates LINQ to DB t4models source code
.\Tests Unit tests
.\Tests\Base LINQ to DB testing framework
.\Tests\FSharp F# models and tests
.\Tests\IBM.Core Tests for IBM.Data.DB2.Core provider
.\Tests\Linq Main project for LINQ to DB unit tests
.\Tests\Model Model classes for tests
.\Tests\T4.Linq Models for test databases, generated using t4models
.\Tests\T4.Model T4Models tests
.\Tests\T4.Wpf T4Models NotifyPropertyChanged template test project
.\Tests\TestApp SQL Server spatial types test application
.\Tests\Tests.Benchmark Benchmark tests
.\Tests\VisualBasic Visual Basic models and tests


  • .\linq2db.sln - VS2017 solution


Project .NET 4.5 .NET 4.5.2 .NET 4.6 .NET 4.6.2 .NET Standard 1.6 .NET Standard 2.0 .NET Core 1.0 .NET Core 2.0


You can use the solution to build and run tests. Also you can build whole solution or library using the following batch files:

  • run .\Build.cmd - builds all the projects in the solution for Debug, Release, and AppVeyor configurations
  • run .\Source\LinqToDB\Compile.cmd - builds LinqToDB projects for Debug and Release configurations

Different platforms support

Because of compiling for different platforms we do use:

  • Conditional compilation. Different projects and configurations define compilation symbols:
    • NET45 - .NET 4.5 compatibility level
    • NETSTANDARD1_6 - .NET Standard 1.6 compatibility level
    • NETSTANDARD2_0 - .NET Standard 2.0 compatibility level
  • Implementing missing classes and enums. There are some under .\Source\LinqToDB\Compatibility folder.


  • master - current stable branch
  • release - branch with the latest release
  • release1 - branch for critical fixes for version 1.xx.yy
  • version1 - stable branch for version 1.xx.yy

Run tests

NUnit3 is used as unit testing framework. Most tests are run for all supported databases, and written in same pattern:

public class Test: TestBase // TestBase - base class, provides base methods and object data sources
    // DataContextSourceAttribute - implements NUnit ITestBuilder and provides context values to test
    // TestAttribute - not required for nunit test runner, but needed for Resharper test runner
    [Test, DataContextSource]
    public void Test(string context)
        // TestBase.GetDataContext - creates new IDataContext, supports creating WCF client and server
        using(var db = GetDataContext(context))
            // Here is the most interesting
            // this.Person - list of persons, corresponding Person table in database (derived from TestBase)
            // db.Person - database table
            // So test checks that LINQ to Objects query produces the same result as executed database query
            AreEqual(this.Person.Where(_ => _.Name == "John"), db.Person.Where(_ => _.Name == "John"));


Configure data providers for tests

DataContextSourceAttribute generates tests for each configured data provider, configuration is taken from .\Tests\Linq\DataProviders.json and .\Tests\Linq\UserDataProviders.json if it exists. Linq\UserDataProviders.json is used to specify user-specific settings such as connections strings to test databases and list of tested providers.

The [User]DataProviders.json is a regular JSON file:

UserDataProviders.json example (with description)

    // .net framework 4.5 test configuration
    "NET45" :
        // base configuration to inherit settings from
        // Inheritance rules:
        // - DefaultConfiguration, TraceLevel, Providers - use value from base configuration only if it is not defined in current configuration
        // - Connections - merge current and base connection strings
        "BasedOn"              : "LocalConnectionStrings",
        // default provider, used as a source of reference data
        // LINQ to DB uses SQLite for it and you hardly need to change it
        "DefaultConfiguration" : "SQLite.Classic",
        // logging level
        // Supported values: Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose
        // Default level: Info
        "TraceLevel"           : "Error",
        // list of database providers, enabled for current test configuration
        "Providers"            :
            "SqlServer.2012", "SqlServer.2012.1",
            "SqlServer.2008", "SqlServer.2008.1",
            "SqlServer.2005", "SqlServer.2005.1",

        // list of test skip categories, disabled for current test configuration
	// to set test skip category, use SkipCategoryAttribute on test method, class or whole assembly
        "Skip"                 :


    // .net core 1.0 test configuration
    "CORE1" :
        "BasedOn"              : "LocalConnectionStrings",
        "Providers"            :
            "SqlServer.2012", "SqlServer.2012.1",
            "SqlServer.2008", "SqlServer.2008.1",
            "SqlServer.2005", "SqlServer.2005.1",

    // .net core 2.0 test configuration
    "CORE2" :
        "BasedOn"              : "LocalConnectionStrings",
        "Providers"            :
            "SqlServer.2012", "SqlServer.2012.1",
            "SqlServer.2008", "SqlServer.2008.1",
            "SqlServer.2005", "SqlServer.2005.1",

    // list of connection strings for all providers
        "BasedOn"           : "CommonConnectionStrings",
        "Connections"       :
            // override connection string for SqlAzure.2012 provider
            // all other providers will use default inherited connection strings from CommonConnectionStrings configuration
            "SqlAzure.2012" :
                 "Provider"         : "System.Data.SqlClient",
                 "ConnectionString" : ",1433;Database=TestData;User ID=TestUser@zzzzzzzzz;Password=TestPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;"

To define your own configurations DO NOT EDIT DataProviders.json - create .\Tests\Linq\UserDataProviders.json and define needed configurations.

Right now tests execution depends on _CreateData.* tests executed first. Those tests recreate test databases and populate them with test data, so if you are going to run one test be sure to run _CreateData before it manually.

Also - if your test changes database data, be sure to revert those changes (!) to avoid side effects for other tests.

Continuous Integration

We do run builds and tests with:

CI builds are done only for next branches:

  • master
  • /version.*/ (regex)
  • /release.*/ (regex)
  • /dev.*/ (regex)

Skip CI build

If you want to skip building commit by CI (for example you have changed *.md files only) begin commit comment with [ci skip].

Publishing packages

  • Release candidate packages are published by AppVeyor to for each successful build of master branch.
  • Release packages are published by AppVeyor to for each successful build of release and release1 branch.

Building releases

  1. Update Release Notes and create empty entry for vNext release
  2. Create PR from master to release branch, in comments add @testers to notify all testers that we are ready to release
  3. Wait few days for feedback from testers and approval from contributors
  4. Merge PR
  5. Tag release
  6. Update versions in master branch (this will lead to publish all next master builds as new version RC):
    • in .\appveyor.yml set assemblyVersion and packageVersion parameters to next version
    • in NuGet\PackLocal.cmd file update linq2db version to next version
    • in issue template update default linq2db version to released version


In general you should follow simple rules:

  • Development rules and regulations, code style
  • Do not add new features without tests
  • Avoid direct pushes to master and release branches
  • To fix some issue or implement new feature create new branch and make pull request after you are ready to merge. Merge your PR only after contributor's review.
  • If you are going to implement any big feature you may want other contributors to participate (coding, code review, feature discuss and so on), so to do it:
    • Create new PR with [WIP] prefix (Work In Process)
    • After you are ready to merge remove the prefix & assign contributors as reviewers
  • If you do have write access, it is recommended to use central repository (not forks). Why - simple, it would allow other teammates to help you in developing (if needed). Certainly you are free to use fork if it is more convenient to you
  • Please avoid adding new public classes, properties, methods without XML doc
  • Read issues and help users
  • Do not EF :)