Hey y'all! We just released a minor update to PSS with a few bug fixes and a few changes. Hope you enjoy!
- End of Farm Region Revamp
The end of farm notifier now has the option view the locations selected by the end of farm notifier. Bugs relating to the farm notifier have been fixed.
- Added a Wordeditor for ingame chat
You can now replace a word in chat to any other word, such as rp to reparty, Flagmaster to FlagHater or juju to nonbow
- Added
Have you ever wanted to make crêpes, and don't have access to internet, but you do have access to Skyblock? Well we've got you covered. Simply by doing /crepes
, you too can make crepes from some random recipe we found on the internet
- Added
- Discord link more consistent
- Fixed the path to the keybind config
- Added support for OneColor in GUI themes
- Added ability to only allow hoe rightclicks once
- Added chroma support to custom main menu
- Fixed /skillup having two aliases
- Fixed cooldowns to banner times
- Fixed bug where chat alerts and chat colours weren't compatible
- Fix dungeon joining buttons not working with the skyblock dungeons update
- Some minor tweaks by @j10a1n15 in PartlySaneStudios#193
- Fixed double alias in /skillup and updated the commands page by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#192
- Fixes to cooldowns/banner times by @j10a1n15 in PartlySaneStudios#194
- Added End of Farm region visibility by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#195
- I kinda forgot to commit the first one but its too late now by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#198
- Whoops forgot to add that by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#199
- Fix dungeon joining buttons to work. by @whatsinsxde in PartlySaneStudios#200
- Added a Wordeditor for ingame chat by @j10a1n15 in PartlySaneStudios#197
- Fixed non messages not getting colored by @j10a1n15 in PartlySaneStudios#201
- Added ability to send chatCompenents through sendClientMessage by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#203
- Crêpe by @FlagHater in PartlySaneStudios#204
- Update commands by @FlagHater in PartlySaneStudios#205
- Updated readme with the most recent features by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#209
- Show mod on help and config by @j10a1n15 in PartlySaneStudios#208
- Added hoe right click for one time by @j10a1n15 in PartlySaneStudios#207
- New banner renderer by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#210
- Beta v0.3.2 by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#211
- Added chroma support to custom main menu by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#212
- @whatsinsxde made their first contribution in PartlySaneStudios#200
- @FlagHater made their first contribution in PartlySaneStudios#204
Full Changelog: https://github.com/PartlySaneStudios/partly-sane-skies/compare/beta-v0.3.1...beta-v0.3.2