Hey all! We just released a new update to Partly Sane Skies with tons of new features!
Be sure to join the Discord as we have lots of announcements coming! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/v4PU3WeH7z
Custom sounds for skyblock 🔮 Instead of the normal noteblocks, there is now the option to use computer generated, discord sounds or even live instruments to play sounds such as Skyblock music and sound effects.
Best Bit Shop Profit 🪙 A lot of people use the bits accumulated from booster cookies to convert to items to sell on the auction house. Instead of having to guess which items are the best and for what price, it will now recommend to you the items that sell for the most coins per bit.
Best Skymart Profit 🥬 Shows which items are the most profitable for the copper cost. Which ones have the most coins per copper
Notification when you've reached the end of the farm 🥬 Create a region where you will be notified when you reach it, using the same commands as world edit
Dungeon Player Rater☠️ At the end of the dungeon, the mod will calculate what percentage of the dungeon was cleared by each player, and how much they contributed, showing you how useful each player was. In a perfectly balanced 5 player party, each player should get 20%
Added Enhanced Statistics 🔮 We are now able to see more information on what the mod use is like, to further enhance our features and schedule.
+= Arrows Count☠️ Shows the player's total arrow count in party manager and highlights the players that have low arrows. Optionally sends a message in chat to warn them
+= Ability to turn of party manager errors in chat☠️ Added the ability to turn off the error in chat that shows when the party manager fails to load a member
+= Auto load members on party join☠️ Loads the data of the members in advance in order to save time while using Party Manager (on by default)
+= Added the ability to right click on the custom Auction House menu🪙 Right clicking on icons will now correctly cycle back the icons
= Fixed more AH menu crashes and issues🪙 = Spelling error in the mod menu🔮 = Fixed party manager throwing Error:404☠️ = Fixed the lowercase c in Custom Main Menu🔮 = Fixed a bug that could potentially hide all chat messages🔮 = Finally fixed the air raid siren (works 100% now)☠️🔮 = Changed the help command to have the right keybind and command to open config🔮 = Fixed the RNG Drop banner starting on white instead of orange
- Created update v0.2 by @Su386yt in PartlySaneStudios#121
Full Changelog: https://github.com/PartlySaneStudios/partly-sane-skies/compare/beta-v0.1.2...beta-v0.2
As per usual, please report any bugs to #🌄-support-and-bugs in our discord, and if any security issues are found, please create a ticket in our discord, or DM one of our admins.