title | description | position | category |
快速上手 |
Serverless Devs快速上手教程 |
2 |
概述 |
本快速上手案例以 阿里云函数计算 为例(当然,Serverless Devs 还支持 AWS Lambda,百度智能云函数计算,华为云函数工作流,腾讯云云函数等多个云厂商的 FaaS 平台)的快速上手 Serverless Devs
- 第一步:安装 Node.js(>=10.8.0) 与 NPM 包管理工具;
- 第二步:安装 Serverless Devs 开发者工具;
$ npm install @serverless-devs/s -g
- 第三步:可以通过
s -v
判断工具是否安装成功,如果安装成功可以看到相对应的版本信息,例如:@serverless-devs/s: 2.1.2, core: 0.1.41, s-home: /Users/xxx/.s, darwin-x64, node-v17.7.1
由于本快速上手文档,将会以 阿里云函数计算 为例,所以此处的密钥配置也是以阿里云密钥配置为例:
打开 AccountId获取页面 获取AccountId :
打开 获取密钥页面 获取密钥信息 :
s config add
,并选择Alibaba Cloud (alibaba)
:$ s config add ? Please select a template: Alibaba Cloud (alibaba) 🧭 Refer to the document for alibaba key: http://config.devsapp.net/account/alibaba ? AccountID ()
? Please select a template: Alibaba Cloud (alibaba) 🧭 Refer to the document for alibaba key: http://config.devsapp.net/account/alibaba ? AccountID 此处填写AccountID ? AccessKeyID 此处填写AccessKeyID ? AccessKeySecret 此处填写AccessKeySecret ? Please create alias for key pair. If not, please enter to skip alibaba-access Alias: alibaba-access AccountID: 此处填写AccountID AccessKeyID: 此处填写AccessKeyID AccessKeySecret: 此处填写AccessKeySecret Configuration successful
s config get -a alibaba-access
进行指定密钥的查看:$ s config get -a alibaba-access [2021-10-27T17:39:39.881] [INFO ] [S-CLI] - alibaba-access: AccountID: 此处填*******tID AccessKeyID: 此处填*********yID AccessKeySecret: 此处填*************ret
云账号 AccessKey 是您访问阿里云 API 的密钥,具有该账户完全的权限,请您务必妥善保管!不要通过任何方式(e.g. Github)将 AccessKey 公开到外部渠道,以避免被他人利用而造成 安全威胁 。
强烈建议您遵循 阿里云安全最佳实践 ,使用 RAM 子用户 AccessKey 来进行 API 调用。
命令:$ s ? No Serverless-Devs project is currently detected. Do you want to create a new project? (Y/n)
,并按回车,可以进入到创建引导部分:🚀 More applications: https://registry.serverless-devs.com ? Hello Serverless for Cloud Vendors (Use arrow keys or type to search) ❯ Alibaba Cloud Serverless AWS Cloud Serverless Baidu Cloud Serverless Huawei Cloud Serverless Tencent Cloud Serverless Dev Template for Serverless Devs
Alibaba Cloud Serverless
,就可以看到阿里云Serverless产品下的应用模板分类:? Hello, serverlesser. Which template do you like? (Use arrow keys or type to search) ❯ Quick start [Deploy a Hello World function to FaaS] Container example [Deploy function to FaaS with custom-container] Web Framework [Deploy a web framework to FaaS] Static website [Deploy a static website] Best practice [Experience serverless project]
Quick start
之后,可以看到该分类下的具体模板应用:? Which template do you like? (Use arrow keys or type to search) ❯ [HTTP] Node.js 14 - 快速部署一个 nodejs14 http函数 [HTTP] Python3 - 快速部署一个 python3 http函数 [HTTP] Java8 - 快速部署一个 java8 http函数 [HTTP] PHP7 - 快速部署一个 php http函数 [HTTP] C++ (custom)- 快速部署一个 C++ http函数 [Event] Node.js 14 - 快速部署一个 nodejs14 event函数 [Event] Python3 - 快速部署一个 python3 event函数 ... ...
[HTTP] Node.js 14
即可完成创建,在引导的过程中,可能会出现填写项目名称以及选择密钥的过程:- 项目名称可以是:
- 地域可以是:
- 服务名可以是:
- 函数名可以是:
- 密钥可以选择我们上文中创建过的:
🚀 More applications: https://registry.serverless-devs.com ? Hello Serverless for Cloud Vendors Alibaba Cloud Serverless ? Hello, serverlesser. Which template do you like? Quick start [Deploy a Hello World function to FaaS] ? Which template do you like? [HTTP] Node.js 14 😋 Create application command: [s init devsapp/start-fc-http-nodejs14] ? Please input your project name (init dir) start-fc-http-nodejs14 ✔ file decompression completed Serverless Devs Application Case Cloud services required: - FC : https://fc.console.aliyun.com/ Tips: - FC Component: https://www.serverless-devs.com/fc/readme 创建应用所在的地区 ? 地域 cn-hangzhou 服务名称,只能包含字母、数字、下划线和中划线。不能以数字、中划线开头。长度在 1-128 之间 ? 服务名 hello-world-service 函数名称,只能包含字母、数字、下划线和中划线。不能以数字、中划线开头。长度在 1-64 之间 ? 函数名 start-fc-http-nodejs14 ? please select credential alias alibaba-access * Before using, please check whether the actions command in Yaml file is available * Carefully reading the notes in s.yaml is helpful for the use of the tool * If need help in the use process, please apply to join the Dingtalk Group: 33947367 🏄 Thanks for using Serverless-Devs 👉 You could [cd /Users/nanxuanli/work/demo/devs/start-fc-http-nodejs14] and enjoy your serverless journey! 🧭️ If you need help for this example, you can use [s -h] after you enter folder. 💞 Document ❤ Star: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs 🚀 More applications: https://registry.serverless-devs.com ? Do you want to deploy the project immediately? (Y/n)
- 项目名称可以是:
,直接进行项目的部署,稍等片刻,可以看到部署结果:helloworld: region: cn-hangzhou service: name: hello-world-service function: name: start-fc-http-nodejs14 runtime: nodejs14 handler: index.handler memorySize: 128 timeout: 60 url: system_url: https://start-fp-nodejs-hello-w-service-uxcvfbhdii.cn-hangzhou.fcapp.run custom_domain: - domain: http://start-fc-http-nodejs14.hello-world-service.1816647648916833.cn-hangzhou.fc.devsapp.net triggers: - type: http name: httpTrigger
s init devsapp/image-prediction-app
,初始化过程中可能会出现填写项目名称以及选择密钥的过程:- 项目名称可以是:
- 密钥可以选择我们上文中创建过的:
$ s init devsapp/image-prediction-app 🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome ? Please input your project name (init dir) image-prediction-app ✔ file decompression completed ? please select credential alias alibaba-access ___ __ __ _______ _______ _______ | | | |_| || _ || || | | | | || |_| || ___|| ___| | | | || || | __ | |___ | | | || || || || ___| | | | ||_|| || _ || |_| || |___ |___| |_| |_||__| |__||_______||_______| Welcome to the image-prediction-app application This application requires to open these services: FC : https://fc.console.aliyun.com/ This application can help you quickly deploy the image-prediction-app project. The application uses FC component:https://github.com/devsapp/fc The application homepage: https://github.com/devsapp/image-prediction-app 🏄 Thanks for using Serverless-Devs 👉 You could [cd /Users/jiangyu/start-application/image-prediction-app] and enjoy your serverless journey! 🧭️ If you need help for this example, you can use [s -h] after you enter folder. 💞 Document ❤ Star:https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs
- 项目名称可以是:
cd image-prediction-app
命令进行项目的部署:Tips for next step ====================== * Display information of the deployed resource: s info * Display metrics: s metrics * Display logs: s logs * Invoke remote function: s invoke * Remove Service: s remove service * Remove Function: s remove function * Remove Trigger: s remove trigger * Remove CustomDomain: s remove domain imageAi: region: cn-hangzhou url: custom_domain: - domain: http://server.ai-cv-image-prediction.1583208943291465.cn-hangzhou.fc.devsapp.net
s init django-blog
,初始化过程中可能会出现填写项目名称以及选择密钥的过程:- 项目名称可以是:
- 密钥可以选择我们上文中创建过的:
$ s init django-blog 🚀 Serverless Awesome: https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/package-awesome ? Please input your project name (init dir) django-blog ✔ file decompression completed ? please select credential alias alibaba-access ______ ___ _______ __ _ _______ _______ _______ ___ _______ _______ | | | || _ || | | || || || _ || | | || | | _ | | || |_| || |_| || ___|| _ || |_| || | | _ || ___| | | | | | || || || | __ | | | || || | | | | || | __ | |_| | ___| || || _ || || || |_| || _ | | |___ | |_| || || | | || || _ || | | || |_| || || |_| || || || |_| | |______| |_______||__| |__||_| |__||_______||_______||_______||_______||_______||_______| Welcome to the django-blog application This application requires to open these services: FC : https://fc.console.aliyun.com/ This application can help you quickly deploy the django-blog project. The application uses Django component:https://github.com/devsapp/django The application homepage: https://github.com/devsapp/django-blog * Python 3.7 is recommended; * If the version is greater than Python 3.7: * Operation error: ImportError: cannot import name 'metadata' from 'importlib', you can refer to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59216175/importerror-cannot-import-name-metadata-from-importlib * Default information: * Admin:/admin * Default Admin Username: blog * Default Admin Password: myblog12345! 🏄 Thanks for using Serverless-Devs 👉 You could [cd /Users/jiangyu/django-blog] and enjoy your serverless journey! 🧭️ If you need help for this example, you can use [s -h] after you enter folder. 💞 Document ❤ Star:https://github.com/Serverless-Devs/Serverless-Devs
- 项目名称可以是:
cd django-blog
命令进行项目的部署:Tips for next step ====================== * Invoke remote function: s invoke ✔ Try container acceleration djangoBlog: region: cn-shenzhen serviceName: serverless-devs-django functionName: django customDomains: - http://django.serverless-devs-django.1583208943291465.cn-shenzhen.fc.devsapp.net