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Releases: FirelyTeam/firely-net-sdk

1.9.0 for R4 (released 20200723)

23 Jul 16:28
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Every Thursday we have bugfixing Thursday, where we solve the open issues for 1.x. All the other weekdays we are working on the new features for version 2.0.
This release is the result of several bugfixing Thursdays.

New Functionality

  • #1418 Add expansion parameters to ValueSet $expand
  • #1415 Implement $index in FHIRPath


Active development of DSTU2 has stopped, the included DSTU2 1.9.0 update is there to retain binary compatibility with the newer shared assemblies but has none of the new features.

1.9.0 for R5 (release 20200523)

23 Jul 17:28
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This is the beta release for FHIR Release R5: Preview 2 (

Resource Citation is left out of this release, because it caused too much compile errors.

⚠️ Please take care of using this release, because it is still a beta release and not to be used for production.

New Functionality

  • #1418 Add expansion parameters to ValueSet $expand
  • #1415 Implement $index in FHIRPath


Active development of DSTU2 has stopped, the included DSTU2 1.9.0 update is there to retain binary compatibility with the newer shared assemblies but has none of the new features.

2.0.0-beta1 for STU3 (released 20200716)

23 Jul 14:43
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bumped version to 2.0.0-beta1

2.0.0-beta1 for R4 (released 20200716)

23 Jul 14:44
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bumped version to 2.0.0-beta1

1.8.0 for R5 (release 20200703)

03 Jul 06:45
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This is the beta release for FHIR Release R5: Preview 2 (

Resource Citation is left out of this release, because it caused too much compile errors.

⚠️ Please take care of using this release, because it is still a beta release and not to be used for production.

1.8.0 for STU3 (release 20200702)

02 Jul 17:20
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Every Thursday we have bugfixing Thursday, where we solve the open issues for 1.x. All the other weekdays we are working on the new features for version 2.0.
This release is the result of several bugfixing Thursdays.


  • #1298 Removed EpisodeOfCare as target from multiple encounter searchparameters in STU3
  • #1295 [SnapshotGenerator] Added slices in a derived profile inherit fixed values of its sibling.

New Functionality

  • #1334 Add "join" FHIRPath function
  • #1391 Questionnaire implements now IVersionableConformanceResource, thanks to @Bulgrak
  • #1335 fhir-net-api uses now C# 8.0


During this sprint the following issues are researched and closed. No extra coding was needed:

  • #1399 Instant.Now - serialises to ticks but should be mSec?
  • #1396 FHIRPath compiler throws exception for escaped whitespace check
  • #1397 Incorrect exception message for resourceType passed as empty in FhirJsonParser
  • #1227 [snapshot generator] Diff validates, snapshot does not. Why?
  • #1389 Invariant(fhirpath expression) doesn't evaluate properly
  • #618 Fix SimpleQuantity datatype definition, remove invalid sliceName on root element
  • #538 Extensions incorrectly reported as mandatory when constrained out of profile


Active development of DSTU2 has stopped, the included DSTU2 1.8.0 update is there to retain binary compatibility with the newer shared assemblies but has none of the new features.

1.8.0 for R4 (release 20200702)

02 Jul 17:21
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Every Thursday we have bugfixing Thursday, where we solve the open issues for 1.x. All the other weekdays we are working on the new features for version 2.0.
This release is the result of several bugfixing Thursdays.


  • #1298 Removed EpisodeOfCare as target from multiple encounter searchparameters in R4

New Functionality

  • #1334 Add "join" FHIRPath function
  • #1391 Questionnaire implements now IVersionableConformanceResource, thanks to @Bulgrak
  • #1335 fhir-net-api uses now C# 8.0


During this sprint the following issues are researched and closed. No extra coding was needed:

  • #1399 Instant.Now - serialises to ticks but should be mSec?
  • #1396 FHIRPath compiler throws exception for escaped whitespace check
  • #1397 Incorrect exception message for resourceType passed as empty in FhirJsonParser
  • #1227 [snapshot generator] Diff validates, snapshot does not. Why?
  • #1389 Invariant(fhirpath expression) doesn't evaluate properly
  • #618 Fix SimpleQuantity datatype definition, remove invalid sliceName on root element
  • #538 Extensions incorrectly reported as mandatory when constrained out of profile


Active development of DSTU2 has stopped, the included DSTU2 1.8.0 update is there to retain binary compatibility with the newer shared assemblies but has none of the new features.

1.7.0 for R5 (release 20200507)

07 May 19:05
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This is the beta release for FHIR Release R5: Preview 2 (

Resource Citation is left out of this release, because it caused too much compile errors.

⚠️ Please take care of using this release, because it is still a beta release and not to be used for production.

1.7.0 for STU3 (release 20200506)

06 May 17:44
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Every Thursday we have bugfixing Thursday, where we solve the open issues for 1.x. All the other weekdays we are working on the new features for version 2.0.
This release is the result of several bugfixing Thursdays.


  • #1325 SnapshotGenerator: Expand copies referenced data type extensions to elementDef
  • #1316 Raise an explicit error when a snapshot is required
  • #1315 StructureDefinitionWalker expects the Resolver to provide snapshots
  • #1309 DSTU3 client not backwards compatible within same version
  • #1306 Validation: Operationoutcome with the same text but different location is filtered out
  • #1304 Incorrect exception message for resourceType passed as empty in FhirJsonParser
  • #1303 Use of profiled datatypes within a SD results in invalid snapshot
  • #1302 FHIRPath parsing failure while validating the StructureDefinition of StructureDefinition
  • #1298 Model info: wrong target for STU3 DiagnosticReport.encounter parameter
  • #1285 Release notes link should lead to the current release notes in
  • #1272 [Validator] Rename nameReference to contentReference
  • #1246 When element has multiple discriminators including a pattern validator fails on elements without pattern
  • #1220 When namespace xmlns="" is not present, the error is still unclear
  • #1185 [Validator] should check for fixed, pattern or binding values when discriminator type is 'value' or 'pattern'
  • #1140 [Validator] Error on validating STU3 profile that extends a string/code/markdown type
  • #984 StructureDefinitionSummaryProvider does not handle all magic primitives
  • #874 Validator incorrectly triggers eld-13

New Functionality

  • #1334 Add "split" FHIRPath function


Active development of DSTU2 has stopped, the included DSTU2 1.7.0 update is there to retain binary compatibility with the newer shared assemblies but has none of the new features.

1.7.0 for R4 (20200506)

06 May 17:45
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Every Thursday we have bugfixing Thursday, where we solve the open issues for 1.x. All the other weekdays we are working on the new features for version 2.0.
This release is the result of several bugfixing Thursdays.


  • #1325 SnapshotGenerator: Expand copies referenced data type extensions to elementDef
  • #1316 Raise an explicit error when a snapshot is required
  • #1315 StructureDefinitionWalker expects the Resolver to provide snapshots
  • #1309 DSTU3 client not backwards compatible within same version
  • #1306 Validation: Operationoutcome with the same text but different location is filtered out
  • #1304 Incorrect exception message for resourceType passed as empty in FhirJsonParser
  • #1303 Use of profiled datatypes within a SD results in invalid snapshot
  • #1302 FHIRPath parsing failure while validating the StructureDefinition of StructureDefinition
  • #1298 Model info: wrong target for STU3 DiagnosticReport.encounter parameter
  • #1285 Release notes link should lead to the current release notes in
  • #1272 [Validator] Rename nameReference to contentReference
  • #1246 When element has multiple discriminators including a pattern validator fails on elements without pattern
  • #1220 When namespace xmlns="" is not present, the error is still unclear
  • #1185 [Validator] should check for fixed, pattern or binding values when discriminator type is 'value' or 'pattern'
  • #1140 [Validator] Error on validating STU3 profile that extends a string/code/markdown type
  • #984 StructureDefinitionSummaryProvider does not handle all magic primitives
  • #874 Validator incorrectly triggers eld-13

New Functionality

  • #1334 Add "split" FHIRPath function


Active development of DSTU2 has stopped, the included DSTU2 1.7.0 update is there to retain binary compatibility with the newer shared assemblies but has none of the new features.