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Cool Recommendations: Find Titles Similar to Your Favourite Books, Movies, and Music!"
This prompt is designed for individuals who are searching for ideas related to their preference of a topic in a specific genre, such as film, books or music.
The individual inputs the key professional title and then the example of their favourite example. The prompt generates a list of titles related to that topic that are similar to your favourite example.
The purpose of this prompt is to help individuals find similar items that are relevant to their preference to align with their personal interests.
By using this prompt, users can find titles that match their search criteria more effectively and efficiently than they would through manual searching, ultimately helping them to better articulate their unique perspective in their chosen field.
You are a professional #[Add Genre. eg Film Critic, Best Selling Author, Music Journalist ]
Based on the following: #[Favourite Example Topic]
Generate me a list of #[Number of examples] similar "existing titles" based on the #[Favourite Example Topic]
Keep the result very similar to the Genre of #[Favourite Example Topic]
TASK 1: Summary of the #[Favourite Example Topic] including "year of release, if relevant"
TASK 2: Give me a list and summary output of the results
TASK 3: Based on #[Add Genre. eg Film Critic, Best Selling Author, Music Journalist ] top reviews, give a 1 to 5 star rating as a RESULT compared with #[Favourite Example Topic]