Flow Chart Generator - With Mermaid.live | Start Chat
Tired of preparing presentations and slides? Automatically package your code or idea into a flowchart, sequence diagram, Gantt chart or other diagrams with this Prompt.
Based on online editor of Mermaid.live (https://mermaid.live/)
The generated results from ChatGPT will be input to Mermaid.live flowchart generator, which outputs nice plot and looks like the format below:
participant env as Environment
participant main
participant rb as ReplayBuffer
participant agent as DDPG Agent
main->>agent: Initialize DDPG Agent
main->>rb: Initialize ReplayBuffer
loop Episode 1 to 100
main->>env: Reset environment
loop Time step 1 to 200
main->>agent: Select action
main->>env: Perform action
env-->>main: next_state, reward, done
main->>rb: Add experience to ReplayBuffer
opt Training
main->>agent: Train
agent->>rb: Sample from ReplayBuffer
rb-->>agent: state, action, reward, next_state, done
agent->>agent: Compute critic_loss and actor_loss
agent->>agent: Update critic and actor weights
agent->>agent: Update target networks
main->>main: Update state and episode_reward
opt Episode ends
main->>main: Break
main->>main: Record episode reward
Help me to write the logic in the following program in into mermaid.live input to generate sequenceDiagram:
{ code:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import gym
# Hyperparameters
GAMMA = 0.99
TAU = 0.005
BUFFER_SIZE = 1000000
ACTOR_LR = 0.001
CRITIC_LR = 0.002
class ReplayBuffer:
def __init__(self, buffer_size):
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.buffer = []
self.position = 0
def add(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
transition = (state, action, reward, next_state, done)
if len(self.buffer) < self.buffer_size:
self.buffer[self.position] = transition
self.position = (self.position + 1) % self.buffer_size
def sample(self, batch_size):
indices = np.random.choice(len(self.buffer), size=batch_size)
return [self.buffer[i] for i in indices]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.buffer)
class DDPG:
def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim, max_action):
self.actor = self.create_actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action)
self.actor_target = self.create_actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action)
self.critic = self.create_critic(state_dim, action_dim)
self.critic_target = self.create_critic(state_dim, action_dim)
self.actor_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=ACTOR_LR)
self.critic_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=CRITIC_LR)
def create_actor(self, state_dim, action_dim, max_action):
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(state_dim,))
x = layers.Dense(400, activation='relu')(inputs)
x = layers.Dense(300, activation='relu')(x)
x = layers.Dense(action_dim, activation='tanh')(x)
outputs = max_action * x
return tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
def create_critic(self, state_dim, action_dim):
state_inputs = layers.Input(shape=(state_dim,))
action_inputs = layers.Input(shape=(action_dim,))
x = layers.Concatenate()([state_inputs, action_inputs])
x = layers.Dense(400, activation='relu')(x)
x = layers.Dense(300, activation='relu')(x)
outputs = layers.Dense(1)(x)
return tf.keras.Model(inputs=[state_inputs, action_inputs], outputs=outputs)
def train(self, replay_buffer):
sample = replay_buffer.sample(BATCH_SIZE)
state, action, reward, next_state, done = list(map(np.array, zip(*sample)))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
target_actions = self.actor_target(next_state)
target_q_values = self.critic_target([next_state, target_actions])
target_values = reward + GAMMA * target_q_values * (1 - done)
q_values = self.critic([state, action])
critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean((q_values - target_values) ** 2)
critic_grads = tape.gradient(critic_loss, self.critic.trainable_variables)
self.critic_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(critic_grads, self.critic.trainable_variables))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
actions = self.actor(state)
actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(self.critic([state, actions]))
actor_grads = tape.gradient(actor_loss, self.actor.trainable_variables)
self.actor_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(actor_grads, self.actor.trainable_variables))
# Update target networks
def update_target_networks(self):
actor_weights = self.actor.get_weights()
actor_target_weights = self.actor_target.get_weights()
critic_weights = self.critic.get_weights()
critic_target_weights = self.critic_target.get_weights()
for i in range(len(actor_weights)):
actor_target_weights[i] = TAU * actor_weights[i] + (1 - TAU) * actor_target_weights[i]
for i in range(len(critic_weights)):
critic_target_weights[i] = TAU * critic_weights[i] + (1 - TAU) * critic_target_weights[i]
def select_action(self, state):
state = np.expand_dims(state, axis=0)
return self.actor(state).numpy().flatten()
agent = DDPG(state_dim, action_dim, max_action)
replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(BUFFER_SIZE)
episode_rewards = []
for episode in range(1, 101):
state = env.reset()
episode_reward = 0
for t in range(1, 201):
action = agent.select_action(state)
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
replay_buffer.add(state, action, reward, next_state, done)
if len(replay_buffer) >= BATCH_SIZE:
state = next_state
episode_reward += reward
if done:
Here is the mermaid code for the sequence diagram of the given program:
participant main_program
participant ReplayBuffer
participant DDPG
participant gym
participant tf.GradientTape
participant actor_optimizer
participant critic_optimizer
main_program->>+ReplayBuffer: Add to buffer
main_program->>+DDPG: Select action
DDPG->>+gym: Get next state, reward
DDPG->>-ReplayBuffer: Sample from buffer
DDPG->>tf.GradientTape: Compute critic loss
tf.GradientTape->>-DDPG: Update critic weights
DDPG->>tf.GradientTape: Compute actor loss
tf.GradientTape->>-DDPG: Update actor weights
DDPG->>actor_optimizer: Apply actor gradients
actor_optimizer->>-DDPG: Update actor weights
DDPG->>critic_optimizer: Apply critic gradients
critic_optimizer->>-DDPG: Update critic weights
DDPG->>+DDPG: Update target networks
DDPG-->>-main_program: Episode reward
The above diagram represents the flow of control between different objects/classes in the program. It starts with the main program sending the state, action, reward, and next_state to the ReplayBuffer object. Then, the DDPG object selects an action based on the current state and sends it to the gym environment to get the next state and reward.
Next, the DDPG object samples a batch of transitions from the ReplayBuffer object and uses them to compute the critic loss and actor loss using GradientTape. The GradientTape object computes the gradients of the loss functions with respect to the trainable variables of the critic and actor models.
After that, the actor_optimizer and critic_optimizer objects apply the gradients to update the actor and critic models' weights. Finally, the DDPG object updates the target networks using a soft update strategy.
In the end, the episode reward is sent back to the main program.
ASSISTANT: Here is the mermaid code for the sequence diagram of the given program:
participant main_program
participant ReplayBuffer
participant DDPG
participant gym
participant tf.GradientTape
participant actor_optimizer
participant critic_optimizer
main_program->>+ReplayBuffer: Add to buffer
main_program->>+DDPG: Select action
DDPG->>+gym: Get next state, reward
DDPG->>-ReplayBuffer: Sample from buffer
DDPG->>tf.GradientTape: Compute critic loss
tf.GradientTape->>-DDPG: Update critic weights
DDPG->>tf.GradientTape: Compute actor loss
tf.GradientTape->>-DDPG: Update actor weights
DDPG->>actor_optimizer: Apply actor gradients
actor_optimizer->>-DDPG: Update actor weights
DDPG->>critic_optimizer: Apply critic gradients
critic_optimizer->>-DDPG: Update critic weights
DDPG->>+DDPG: Update target networks
DDPG-->>-main_program: Episode reward
The above diagram represents the flow of control between different objects/classes in the program. It starts with the main program sending the state, action, reward, and next_state to the ReplayBuffer object. Then, the DDPG object selects an action based on the current state and sends it to the gym environment to get the next state and reward.
Next, the DDPG object samples a batch of transitions from the ReplayBuffer object and uses them to compute the critic loss and actor loss using GradientTape. The GradientTape object computes the gradients of the loss functions with respect to the trainable variables of the critic and actor models.
After that, the actor_optimizer and critic_optimizer objects apply the gradients to update the actor and critic models' weights. Finally, the DDPG object updates the target networks using a soft update strategy.
In the end, the episode reward is sent back to the main program.